Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3120: The careful thinking of the elders of the Saint Demon Gate

Emperor explosion!

No one would have thought that Li Ye would hit an emperor explosion without saying a word!

And it is still directly played with the emperor soldiers!

Gu Tian was even stupid.

What is Emperor Boom! Of course he knows!

Even before he was recognized by Feiyu Sword, he had imagined that he would one day be invincible!

Now, he finally saw it! The brilliant light that can destroy the world.

"If you want to challenge me, you can hold on to the emperor explosion before you die."

Playing the emperor explosion once, even the holy emperor will be a half-life!

However, to Li Ye now, it is nothing at all.

If it wasn't for the Primordial Spirit to be trapped by the source of chaos, he could even hit four or five emperor explosions one after another without prostration!

Without any accident, Gu Tian's roar was directly overwhelmed by the emperor explosion.

Everyone looked at each other. Although many people had known that Gu Tian challenged Li Ye's perverted behavior and was seeking death, they still couldn't hide their horror when they saw this scene.

"This kid is more perverted than before!"

"Playing the Emperor Bomb is so casual, I really don't know, who else in this world can compete with him."

Peerless genius? A descendant of the Emperor's Taoism? Or the supreme emperor?

Everyone was speechless.

Playing the emperor explosion at will, is this what the emperor can do? Not to mention that Li Ye is almost as invincible as the emperor now?

Only Emperor Gushi, Emperor Qingming was not surprised.

In Immortal City, they had seen Li Ye's more exaggerated side. As for playing the emperor explosion, it was not particularly surprised in their eyes.

"Li Ye, if Gu Tian died at the Saint Demon Gate..."

After all, he is the descendant of Feiyuyuan, if he died here, even if the Saint Demon Gate was not afraid of Master Feiyuyuan's questioning, it would be a troublesome matter.

"Don't worry, he can't die."

Li Ye shook his head, and sure enough, a terrifying figure suddenly appeared, it was the incarnation of Feiyu Great's will in Feiyu Sword!

In his hands, it was Gu Tian, ​​who was seriously injured, whose life and death were unknown. The invincible incarnation glanced at Li Ye indifferently, releasing his terrifying will madly!

But who hasn't Li Ye seen?

"A mere trace of the will of the emperor also wants to suppress me?"

With a cold snort, Li Ye's eyes turned into terrifying sharp edges, and the Great Emperor's will in the Feiyu Sword suddenly felt bad, and he directly carried Gu Tian and disappeared into the void.

"It's going fast."

Seeing Feiyu Sword running away with Gu Tian in a coma, Li Ye licked his lips. If he hadn't had the Seven Star Sword, he would really take the Feiyu Sword!

Dare not do it? He even dared to seize the soul refining lamp of the Helan family! What's more, there is no Feiyuyuan where Emperor Feiyu sits?

As soon as Gu Tian fled, everyone else immediately felt embarrassed.

Fortunately, Li Ye was not interested in calculating old accounts with them, so everyone wiped away their cold sweat and left.

Indestructible did not stay long, since Li Ye came back, he naturally knew that he had no chance.

Now, Qing Cangmen obviously wants to change the relationship between the situation and the fire and water in the past with the Saint Demon Clan, and take the initiative to show favor. And the Saint Demon Gate is naturally not stupid! The Saint Demon Gate that seems to be powerful today is not as powerful as the world has seen.

Yubao Yaozun and others are even more aware that it is not them, but Li Ye that really makes the many schools of Southern Xinjiang jealous!

Everyone's fear of the Saint Demon Gate comes more from the connection between the Saint Demon Gate and Li Ye. In other words, many sects of the Demon Race are so low-pitched because of the relationship between Princess Saint Demon Gate and Li Yenai as a Taoist companion.

It's just that another problem now makes the Saint Demon gate a headache.

That is the Great Emperor Gu Shi and the Great Qing Ming.

It is okay for Emperor Qingming, why Qingming Tiangong is still there, naturally it is impossible to stay in southern Xinjiang. But Emperor Gu Shi is different! He is one of the oldest demon emperors of the Demon Race, and even the closest to being the Lord of the Demon Race in the eyes of everyone.

Now such an ancient demon emperor appeared in their Saint Demon Gate.


Some old guys in the Saint Demon Gate can't sit still!

"Your mind is clear to the emperor, but the emperor cannot see through the decision of the emperor Gushi, everything depends on the choice of emperor Gushi."

Where did Emperor Bing Yi not know the careful thoughts of the ancestors and ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate!

If Emperor Gu Shi stayed at the Saint Demon Gate, the supreme status of the Saint Demon Gate in Southern Xinjiang would be hard to shake!

It is no longer necessary to rely on Li Ye, an outsider, to consolidate their position.

Several holy ancestors still wanted to fight, but they were directly waved by the Great Bing Yi and appeared directly outside the hall.

"Hey, it seems that the emperor doesn't want to come out in person."

"This is not surprising. The emperor didn't like to intervene in his own affairs for some time. If he hadn't been entrusted by others back then, he wouldn't even be able to stay in his own.

The ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate were all grinning, and now the Saint Demon Gate continues to want a powerful figure to sit in.

One Bingyi Great Emperor is obviously not enough! At least it is not enough for the Saint Demon Gate to maintain the throne of the first emperor of Southern Xinjiang.

"Emperor Gushi and Qingming both came with Li Ye, so maybe we can start from this aspect."

Suddenly an ancestor couldn't help but speak.

But the other ancestors all shook their heads, especially those who are more familiar with Li Ye, who shook their heads and smiled bitterly, "That kid is a little fox, he doesn't see rabbits or eagles! It's not a small price to ask him to help. !"

"Yes, it is because of the princess's face that can maintain a good relationship with him now. If you want him to come forward, you can imagine the difficulty."

Just when a group of ancestors at the Saint Demon Gate racked their brains, how to seduce the Great Gu Shi to stay at the Saint Demon Gate.

On the other side, Li Ye was alone in the empty hall.

The Empress Jinghong was no longer there, or in other words, she had left after Li Ye returned!

In these three realms, it is almost impossible for anyone to detect the presence of the Empress Jinghong.

Only Li Ye has a question in his heart.

Why is Empress Jinghong so special to him? He doesn't believe that he is so handsome, so that a peerless figure like Empress Jinghong will fall in love with him.

Behind him, there was the sound of footsteps.

Few people around him can be approached so easily now.

"It was those old guys who made you a lobbyist."

Li Ye turned around, not surprised at all. Because he had already guessed what the ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate would make.

Princess Saint Demon Gate nodded, but said, "Although several ancestors do have this meaning, if you don't want to, just ignore it."

If the ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate heard these words here, they would definitely vomit three liters of blood! Is this still the heir that they cultivated hard? This girl is a bit more outgoing too!

However, Li Ye smiled.

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