Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3124: Just because others can't do it doesn't mean he can't do it!

Weiwei sold a pass, but seeing Empress Jinghong's expression getting worse and worse, Li Ye put away his smile.

"Three realms and nine realms, you have cultivated to a realm like yours, and there are very few elixir and miraculous medicines that can improve your longevity."

This is not his nonsense. Why is it that for millions of years, the stronger the cultivation base, the harder it is to find the pill of life and the immortal grass that promotes life?

It's not that they can't find it, but that it's useless to them.

"The emperor is the son of heaven and the darling of fate, but he has paid a great price. The price is that there is almost no life pill or immortal grass that can help the emperor continue his life."

The Jinghong Empress did not say anything, but it was actually regarded as acquiescence.

"Back then, with your strength, there were few places in the world that could stop you, but why did you choose Death Valley and fall asleep in that cold palace?"

Li Ye Kan talked freely, but it was obvious that the Empress Jinghong lacked patience.

"Give you one last word, say!"

"I said why you are so anxious, I'm not... okay, I don't want to sell it, just say it. I have something here that can let you live another life!"

Live another life!

A terrible light burst into the eyes of the Empress Jinghong!

These four words are enough to cause an uproar in today's Three Realms and Nine Realms!

What does it mean to live again?

It's not as simple as simply renewing your life! It can even be said to be a change of fate! Is completely reborn! Like reincarnation! Have a new life!

And this will not lose any memory! Any power! No need to start over!

"Hey, isn't it very exciting, this is me... eh? Why are you leaving?"

Li Yegang was triumphant, but saw that the Empress Jinghong turned around and was about to flash people, suddenly all the pride collapsed and he could only smile wryly.

"The water of life you gave to Saint Demon Gate Xuzu is no longer useful to me."

"you know?"

Li Ye was a little surprised, after all, as soon as he came back, he found that the Empress Jinghong had left. I also wondered if it was a missed opportunity, but now it seemed that I suddenly knew that the Empress Jinghong was still in the dark.

"Only the water of life among the three realms that can produce the essence of life can do it."

Empress Jinghong didn't say a word. Although she didn't remember what happened at the end of Death Valley, she also guessed some. From her own changes, it is not difficult to know that she can obtain hundreds of years of life, which is related to the legendary water of life.

And this kind of heaven and earth treasure can be used once, but it is absolutely impossible to enjoy the gift endlessly.

Unexpectedly, he saw Li Ye smile mysteriously.

"Why are you laughing?"

"The water of life is indeed a treasure against the sky, but among these three realms, not only the water of life can change life against the sky."

"There is no better life-sustaining thing than the water of life."

The Empress Jinghong shook her head. For millions of years, the water of life has been the only great opportunity for countless powers in the Three Realms to feel that they can change their lives against the sky and even live another life.

Even she has looked for it.

Unfortunately, now she has given up her heart.

After all, she had already endured the water of life once, although it was indeed magical, but she couldn't let people live again.

"No, no, no, although the water of life is a kind of fairy brew that is born between heaven and earth, it does not mean that there is nothing better than it."

"What is it?"

Li Ye didn't answer, just spread his hands.

In the palm of his hand, only a golden plant was slowly emitting a gentle and jade-like aura, as if it did not exist in this world, something outside of the sky.

Even the Empress Jinghong was surprised at this moment, or that she didn't know where this thing came from.

Seeing her like this, Li Ye smiled, but he knew that he could not be too much. The aunt in front of him was not an ordinary person. Although the complicated relationship between the two seemed to be special, it was really inevitable that someone would get angry. how is it.

He didn't want to be the next Sun Yao.

"Golden Fairy!"

"Golden Fairy?!"

The Jinghong Empress was shocked! Obviously heard of the name of the Golden Fairy!

More importantly, she even knows what the golden fairy is!

"Where did you get it?" She couldn't believe it, after all, the water of life was already a miracle between heaven and earth! And this golden fairy, even the legend is rarely passed down! If it weren't for an adventure, she wouldn't even know what Golden Fairy was.

"The Immortal City!"

Immortal City! Li Ye sighed secretly, this time the Ming Demon Ancient Realm strayed into the Undead City, which was a mixed blessing. Although I got a lot, but also paid a heavy price!

His primordial spirit is always facing the risk of the source of chaos erupting and annihilating.

Of course, these things are even more certain in his heart, and perhaps it is also a test for him.

Once he successfully suppressed the source of chaos, he even swallowed it the other way around! No one can imagine what will happen in the end.

The destruction of the Undead City allowed him to see the process of creating and destroying such terrifying things as the source of chaos, but in that piece of heaven and earth, he always felt that something most important was missing!

It is precisely because of the lack of a certain vital factor that the world that the Undead City has turned into is completely destroyed.

Regarding the Immortal City, the Empress Jinghong had also heard of it, but she did not ask how Li Ye got out of trouble.

Because her attention was on the golden fairy grass in Li Ye's palm.

"How? I didn't lie to you. If there really is a life-renewing **** in this world that is better than the water of life, it must be this golden fairy!"

The water of life and the tree of life can be produced continuously, even if it takes 10,000 years to condense a drop! But for millions of years, he can at least fill him with a few bottles and jars.

But the golden fairy! Even only exists in the legend!

If it hadn't been seen in the courtyard of the Undead City, he had even wondered whether everything was a kind of non-existent fetish that had been imagined by those powerful men who wanted to live forever for millions of years.

Only five in total! He was kicked!

Even Xuzu, Gushi, Qingming, he never revealed that he just gave each of them a drop of life water!

"Even if it is the Golden Fairy, it is impossible for people to live another life."

Empress Jinghong took a faint look, but the reaction was beyond Li Ye's expectation.

"It is true that although the Golden Fairy is more magical than the water of life, if only this is the case, it is impossible to change one's fate against the sky, avoid the reincarnation of the heavens, and directly let people live another life. But..."

Li Ye finally showed a smug smile, "If others can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it!"

From the moment he saw Golden Fairy, he had already made a decision!

The only pill that Emperor Danwu never succeeded!


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