Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3140: I want to go, no one can stop

As the strange fragrance in the air gradually became stronger, Miss Yu Jia's expression began to change a little.

Li Ye sighed secretly, stepped forward, and grabbed Miss Yu Jia's wrist.

"You, what do you want to do?"

This action made Miss Yu Jia, who had already begun to be a little fascinated, wake up slightly, suddenly lose her color, and even struggle.

"Let go! If you continue to be rude, you can no longer blame this lady for ignoring her previous favors and being rude to you!"

It's a pity that Li Ye didn't let go. He just pointed directly at the struggling Miss Yu Jia's chest. It seemed that her actions were very ambiguous, and it made Miss Yu Jia even more embarrassed.

And Miss Yu Jia was frozen in place, unable to move.

Li Ye frowned slightly, "Although this bliss incense is useless to me, it is a little troublesome to relieve it."

He has several methods to detoxify, but he just doesn't have time to refine alchemy directly. It can only invade the opponent's body with a pure force, temporarily helping her to suppress the time of the bliss incense in her body.

As for what happens next, it is beyond his control.

"Don't move if you don't want to die."

"You, what do you want to do! This is the Gu family, you think you can go out alive after doing this to this lady!"

Li Ye glanced at her faintly, and then frivolly reached out and touched her slippery face. This frightened Miss Yu Jia and almost didn't scream.

But Li Ye changed his expression afterwards, "I'm sorry, I have a higher taste for women, miss you still can't get my eyes."

If Li Ye's frivolous molesting just now made Miss Yu Jia feel ashamed, then these words almost made her faint!

Especially for a woman who has always been confident about her appearance and figure, Li Ye's remarks are as deep as the hatred of killing her father.

"You! You are shameless!"

"It's shameless, it's more decent than some people's behind the scenes. Of course, I am not a decent gentleman."

Li Ye let go, with a trace of his strength suppressed, Miss Yu Jia's expression improved slightly, but it was only temporarily, especially the blissful fragrance in the air was still getting stronger and stronger.


"Stupid woman, I didn't even know it was moved."

"What do you mean by this?"

Miss Yu Jia is actually not stupid. Although she has been well-dressed since she was a child, she has seen wind and rain to some extent. After hearing the words, her pretty face changed.

In fact, she had already noticed the physical problems just now. After calming down at this moment, she suddenly thought of something!

"Essence of Bliss!"

Obviously, the name of bliss incense has been heard by children from Wu Huang to three years old.

Knowing what bliss incense is, Miss Yu Jia's face turned pale, and she glared at Li Ye, "You are shameless and indecent!"

Li Ye was taken aback for a moment, and at this moment, a strong wind hit suddenly.

"Bold thief, dare to run wild in my Gu's house!"

With loud shouts, they saw that the fourth youngest of Gu family didn't know when they rushed over, and at the moment they looked worried and angry.

When he saw Li Ye, he was even more taken aback, "Brother Li?"

Then he saw Miss Yu Jia's slightly messy clothes, and his body was shocked.

"Cousin, you guys?"


After the Fourth Young Master of Gu's family, Uncle Fu also rushed, with a worried look on his face.

The two looked completely from the bottom of their hearts, but Li Ye showed a strange look.

"Cousin! He wants to treat me wrongly!"

Miss Yu Jia took a bite back at once, and Li Ye shook his head helplessly. He had no shame in what he should or shouldn't do.

Uncle Fu looked surprised, "Young Master Li, what are you?"

The Fourth Young Master Gu's face changed slightly, but his expression quickly became cold, "Brother Li, can you give me an explanation?"

"What explanation does Gu Sishao want?"

Li Ye smiled slightly. In fact, seeing Fu Bo and the Fourth Young Master Gu, he guessed that the matter must be what they called. The Fourth Young Master of the Gu family could still understand, but Fu Bo, Li Ye could only smile slightly.

"Although you are the savior of your cousin, my Gu family will never treat you badly. Why do you use such a trick! Just as my Gu family is no one?"


Li Ye's smile was even more weird.

The Fourth Young Master Gu gave a cold snort, frowning at the same time, "This smell... bliss!"

Li Ye smiled and didn't say a word, while the fourth master of Gu's face was cold, and at the same time, she looked to the side of Miss Yu, who was already reddened once again, and she hurriedly stepped forward to help, "Cousin, you're all right."

The strong masculine breath made Miss Yu Jia even more fascinated, and the whole person had groaned faintly, enough to make any man unable to hold it.

The fourth young master of the Gu family was a lustful and erotic, he almost did not lose his attitude, but he calmed down immediately.

"Brother Li, what else do you have to explain?"

"Watch, cousin, kill him!"

And Miss Yu Jia even groaned her mouth, her whole person like a water snake, completely falling into the arms of the fourth young Master Gu, like that, it seemed even more like a half-pushing trend.

The fourth youngest brother of the Gu family was overjoyed and snorted coldly at the same time, "I believe Brother Li is a man, come here, go and take a look at Brother Li!"

Suddenly, someone from the Gu family took the order, and Li Ye never refuted it from beginning to end.

Soon, a servant of the Gu family hurried over, and in his hand, there was an extra white jade bottle.

"this is!"

Fubo hurriedly stepped forward to open it, his face changed drastically, and he was furious, "This is bliss!"

The clothes were seamless, and Li Ye smiled even more.

Perhaps the only thing that Gu's people didn't expect was that he didn't fall into the way of bliss, but obviously it didn't affect their plan.

"Brother Li, what else do you have to explain."

Li Ye finally spoke, just glanced at the Miss Yu Jia who was almost sensible by the bliss of bliss, and looked at him with contempt and contempt.

Secretly sighed, good people are really hard to do.

Around this moment, many guards from Gu's family have appeared.

Each of these guards bulged their temples high, showing cold light in their eyes.

After all, they belonged to the aristocratic family of Qingtian City, and each of these guards had a superior cultivation base.

"Want to stop me?"

"Brother Li, my son originally thought you were a friend to make, but he didn't expect you to be so shameless. Today, I must seek justice for my cousin! If you do it, it will be for the sake of saving your cousin. , Maybe I can spare your life, otherwise!"

"Otherwise? I want to go, no one can stop."

Since he was a good person for nothing, Li Ye was not interested in staying at Gu's house to watch them perform such a low-level good show.

It's just that he wants to leave, but the Gu family is not willing.

"Take it!"

The Fourth Young Master of the Gu family gave an order, and the guards of the Gu family suddenly smiled and shot at Li Ye.

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