Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3158: Sommelier

The world's top spirit wine!

Almost no longer under the value of any elixir! It is also because of the countless cultivators in the Three Realms and Nine Regions, because of the relationship between their physique and cultivation level, the ordinary wine in the world is tasteless to them, and it is impossible to even get drunk, so they are so addicted to spirit wine!


Li Ye didn't expect that he would meet a sommelier here!

You know, the Spirit Wine Master is a branch of the alchemist, but it is far from the many inheritances of the alchemist, and has been lost for many years.

"You are wrong."

In the courtyard, the drunk man hiccuped, his drunken eyes were dim, he just looked at Li Ye, turned over, and snored again.

While standing on the side, it was obviously the little Dantong of this big man's disciple with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Master, Master, Brother Yutian brought the distinguished guests to the door, why can't you get up yet."

It can be seen that this little Dantong also has a headache for himself as a master. After all, no one wants to face a drunk man who takes him as a whole, let alone learning art, just like a servant.

Crucially, Li Ye looked at the small courtyard around it. It was in disrepair for a long time, and spider webs could be seen everywhere. Obviously, this pair of masters and disciples was not very welcome in Qingming Tiangong, the Qingdan courtyard.

Seeing Li Ye's expression, Yu Tian smiled bitterly, "Brother Li, Master Yan has a weird temperament, I hope Brother Li will not mind."

Obviously, Yutian is also familiar with this pair of masters and disciples. Hearing him say this, the little Dantong looked grateful, "Brother Yutian, why are you here? Didn’t I heard that you went down the mountain to experience ten years ago, and it will take a hundred years. Will time be back?"

The entire Qingming Temple knew why Yutian came back, but apparently here, the news was still relatively closed, or that the pair of master and disciple was completely isolated, so they didn't know what had happened recently.

"The emperor has returned to his place, I will naturally come back."

"Is the emperor returned?" Xiao Dantong's expression was shocked, and then he was overjoyed. "It's great. After so many years, everyone has said that the emperor has disappeared. Shut up!"

Even the drunk opened his eyes as if he was a little moved.

"Master Yan, haven't seen it for a long time."

This drunk in the Qingdanyuan should belong to a very lonely and unwelcome person, but as the proud son of the Qingming Temple, Yutian seemed to know him very well.

"Your kid wants to come to my spirit wine again?"

The drunk looked wary, like a drunkard, someone trying to steal his treasure.

But these words made Yu Tian Weiwei a little embarrassed, and did not refute it, so Li Ye looked at it and shook his head slightly.

In the Three Realms and Nine Regions, the sole purpose of a cultivator is to seek the heavenly way, which is as eternal as the sun, moon and stars. But some mortals in the world have seven emotions and six desires, but they will not stop there.

Just say that this female **** and fine wine are obviously one of the preferences of many cultivators.

"Master Yan, last time I exchanged three elixir, how can I say that it was wrong?"

"Three elixir? Huh! What kind of elixir are those three weeds? You can change half a pot here at most, but you took a jar of it last time! If you don't tell me, I can't remember, come here Come on, come here today, shouldn’t you settle the account you owed last time?"

Li Ye was slightly surprised, but the little Dantong on one side looked embarrassed and ashamed. Seeing Li Ye's strange expression, he couldn't help but smile, "This son, my master has a weird temper, but he is not bad."

Li Ye doesn't know whether people are bad or not, but when he stepped into this small broken courtyard, he noticed that there was a powerful man hidden here.

After several observations, he was finally convinced that the strong man was the drunken, sloppy man in front of him.

"Interesting, with the supreme holy emperor, but willing to eat and wait for death in such places, the predecessor's preferences are really better than ordinary people."

Throughout the courtyard, wine jars can be seen everywhere, filled with a strong aroma of wine.

But these words made Yu Tian and the drunk both look back.

Yu Tian showed a trace of it. "Brother Li can see it?"

Obviously, he knew the drunkard, who was the master of speech in his mouth.

"Although he hid it deeply, there are still omissions."

"Huh, kid, you can talk about it, what's the omission?"

This is nothing more than acquiescing to Li Ye's judgment. This man who looks sloppy and without the image of a master is actually a supreme holy emperor!

You know, even if the Qingming Tiangong is an emperor's Taoism, this level of cultivation is enough to rank among the top seats in the Tiangong, and it is easy to open a holy palace and enjoy the incense of the entire Tiangong.

However, he lives in this small courtyard.

Where is the omission?

Li Ye smiled slightly and glanced at the wine altar in the hands of the drunk. "A thousand drunk overnight, even if the Emperor Wu takes a sip, he will be drunk for at least ten days and ten nights! Senior drunk a whole altar, but only half drunk. Half-awake, even if this level of cultivation is not as strong as the emperor's, it is enough to disregard the trio of heroes."

For more, he need not go on.

Yu Tian smiled on one side and did not speak.

It was the drunkard who snorted coldly, "You kid has concluded that this is a thousand drunken nights?"

"What do the predecessors think?" Li Ye did not admit or deny it after hearing the words, but said, "It is rumored that even the Great Emperor Hengtian was almost planted on it, so he was hailed as the first drunk in the ages. This rumor is somewhat exaggerated..."

"Fart! Which **** dare to say that it is an exaggeration? Lao Tzu's wine, even if Emperor Hengtian is still alive, it is absolutely impossible not to be drunk!"

Li Ye smiled, and the drunkard reacted at once. It was clear that this kid Li Ye was agitating him!

"Senior is now considered admitted?"

I was drunk, but I didn’t continue to deny it, "Even if it’s a thousand drunk all night, do you want to beg for wine? I’ll say it first, it’s not difficult to get wine, three heavenly elixir for a small bottle, if so You have Emperor Medicine, but you can change half of it."

Only one vial of three heavenly elixir? Did Teiyaku only change half of the altar?

If it were not for the preciousness of a thousand drunken nights, Li Ye would definitely curse.

But at this moment, he nodded slightly, "Senior, this wine is rare in the world, but this time, I didn't come for this spirit wine."

"Then what is your kid here for?"

Yu Tian on one side quickly said, "Master Yan, didn't you want to help Yan Yang find a master alchemy to teach him alchemy?"

That little Dantong was Yan Yang, and he was even more excited at this moment.

On the contrary, it was the master of Yan. He frowned when he heard the words. He was not at all polite, "Fart, Yutian, the people you found several times were a bunch of rubbish, you still believe that you can't succeed when you are an old man!"

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