Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3176: The real Ye family

It can be seen that Gu Lie was very taboo about the rumored three kings, and he didn't even dare to talk more.

"Who are those six statues?"

"These six statues are not comparable to the Three Kings, but they are also the land of East Continent, a terrifying existence that claims to be in charge of heaven and earth. Any one of them is an object that even our ancient family dare not provoke."

"Oh? The ancient family is a double emperor, and even after the gods, can it still surpass the ancient family?"

A sect of two emperors, in this three realms, can be described as extremely powerful, and it is even more unattainable in the eyes of ordinary people.

But I saw Gu Lie with a wry smile, "What is my ancient family? Although to those outside Dongzhou City, my ancient family is a huge family, but in this Dongzhou City, my ancient family is only ranked in the top ten. Eight! Let alone those six, among the ten, at least seven of them are stronger than my ancient family."

Ten people ranked eighth!

Li Ye looked a little moved.

"These six statues are rumored to have existed in ancient times. It is no longer known how many years they have lived, and they rarely appear. It can be said that the three kings and six statues are the existence of Dongzhou City like gods, as long as these three kings and six statues are still Now, no matter who comes, you must weigh one or two."

Three kings and six statues! There is no doubt that the average person has no access at all.

But these ten great people are obviously the most invaluable existence in the eyes of the world.

"Although my ancient family ranks eighth among the top ten, it is far from the previous ones. Let me say that these ten people are known as the most powerful one. If Brother Li meets them, don't provoke them. , Otherwise, not only Brother Li, but also our ancient family will suffer."

"Oh? I don't know which family it is?"

"Ye Family!"


Li Ye was shocked!

Ye family!

"Dongzhou Ye Family?!"

"Brother Li seems to have also heard of the Ye Family's name, it is the Dongzhou Ye Family. You know, in this Dongzhou City, the Yue Family and Helan Family are still barely compared to the Ye Family. They are also the top three in the entire Dongzhou City."

Li Ye's expression changed again and again. He didn't expect that not only the Dongzhou Ye family, but even the Helan family, were actually among the ten!

But there is nothing strange about it, even the ancient family can be ranked eighth among the top ten! The Helan family is stronger than the ancient family, and naturally it cannot be worse than the ancient family.

"The top three?"

"Hey, in this Dongzhou City, even if it is among the ten people, there are high and low points. Just say that the Ye family, the well-deserved first family family, has occupied this position for at least three million years and no one can shake it. There is also the Yue family, which is even more closely behind. It can almost be said that there is anyone who can shake the status of the Ye family, that is now the Yue family of the ten people ranked second! As for the Helan family, it is better than this. The two families are slightly weaker, but they are not comparable to other families."

"One family and five emperors, Dongzhou Ye Family!"

Li Ye muttered to himself.

However, Gu Lie sneered, "One family and five emperors? Those are the opinions of those who don't know the Ye Family!"

"Oh? Is there any other saying?"

"If the Ye Family only has the capital of the Five Emperors, it is absolutely impossible to be the first of the ten families. It has been firmly occupied for three million years and no one can shake it! Although the Ye Family has never revealed it, the Ye Family’s The background is far more than that of the five emperors. As for what it is, perhaps only the people of the Yue family and the Helan family know. Anyway, our ancient family is too far behind, not on the same level."

One family of five emperors is shocking enough!

But now Li Ye was suddenly told that the place he had always wanted to find justice was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

"These upper three houses almost control most of Dongzhou City, but besides the upper three houses, there are middle three and lower four houses. Our ancient house can only be ranked among the lower four."

Upper three, middle three, lower four!

The ten ancient families that control the entire Dongzhou City today.

And what he was about to face was the two most powerful among these ten ancient families.

Suddenly, he somewhat felt that this was a joke made by God.

"My cheap daddy, what ambitious leopard courage I ate that caused such a big trouble."

He didn't dare to imagine how Li Kainian, who was an ordinary warrior in Wuzhou City, provoked such a behemoth as Shangdongzhou Ye Family.

"Anyway, Brother Li, you are in Dongzhou City. As long as you don't provoke these ten people, other ancient families can help you settle it!"

Gu Lie didn't know the purpose of Li Ye's visit to Dongzhou, so he clapped his hands at this moment, and immediately showed the demeanor of a wandering dude.

The two of them were in a restaurant in Dongzhou City, and one Yingying Yanyan danced slightly, and they placed spirit wine and delicacies in front of them. A casual sweep would be enough to make one of the most powerful sects of the Lower Nine Regions go bankrupt in an instant.

But here, it's just a dude like Gu Lie making ordinary fun.

While Li Ye was pondering, suddenly there was a quarrel and fight not far away, and even Gu Lie, who was immersed in pleasure-seeking, felt a little upset.

"Which one who doesn't have eyesight actually did it here?"

After all, the ancient family was one of the ten great families. As a member of the ancient family, Gu Lie's eyes condensed, and his entire popularity changed.

Then I saw someone rushing over. After seeing Gu Lie, his eyes flashed and he hurried forward, "The villain has seen Young Master Gu."

"What happened?"

"This is the young master of Lin's family who happened to be in the Xiaoren restaurant. A pair of masters and disciples who didn't have eyesight ran into the young master of Lin."

Lin's house?

Li Ye raised his head slightly after hearing this. This Lin family is also one of the ten great families, and it is still above the ancient family, ranking seventh! It can be regarded as the strongest family of the four from the top ten.

Sure enough, Gu Lie's expression became gloomy when he heard that he was from Lin's family.

Don't guess, the relationship between the two is not harmonious.

"The Lin family?"

He glanced at Li Ye, "Brother Li, I'll come as soon as I go."

Seeing his expression, Li Ye knew that he would definitely not just say hello. With a move in my heart, I just got up and said, "Lin's house, why don't I go and have a look with you."

Although he was surprised that Li Ye would take the initiative to contact people from Lin's family, Gu Lie didn't think too much, and nodded, "Also, Brother Li is in the line, even if the person from Lin's family is here, I There is no fear."

The one on the side was obviously the owner of this restaurant, he was sweating profusely after hearing it, his expression flashed with helplessness.

In this Dongzhou City, it is naturally impossible to say that there is no background. It is impossible for ordinary people to establish a foothold in Dongzhou City. But in front of him, one was the son of the ancient family and the other was the young master of the Lin family. The owner of the restaurant suddenly knew what was going wrong.

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