Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3213: Ancient Family Seeking

"Brother Li, why are you blocking me?"

Lin Jia's aggressiveness had caused the Gu Jia to hold back a fire.

Now Lin Ziqing is even more disregarding the face of the ancient family, insinuating that the ancient family is already dying, and the so-called Dandao family is no longer worthy of its name.

"The Lin family is forcing your ancient family to do something. With the current situation of the ancient family, it does not benefit the Shang Lin family much."

Li Ye shook his head, and Gu Lie was not a fool. Although I was dizzy with anger just now, I calmed down and thought that it was true.

The strengths of the Gu family and the Lin family are similar, and it can even be said that the Lin family is slightly better.

"Damn, how dare they be so arrogant if my ancient family Danzu's life is not limited!"

In Dongzhou City, although the Danzu of the ancient family was not the emperor, its influence and deterrence were more terrifying than the emperor.

After all, the great emperor has every big family, but there are only three Dan Emperor in Dongzhou City!

Not to mention, when even the emperor begged the emperor, other people naturally wanted to give the emperor a bit of face.

Lin's family did not dare to move for so many years.

But today is different from the past, the ancient family's Danzu deadline has come, it is no longer a secret.

"Brother Gu, it's not wise to be an enemy of Lin's frontally."

"I know!" Gu Lie gritted his teeth and lowered his voice, "I just can't bear the face of Lin's family. Back then, the Zilan Great of Lin's family begged my ancient family. Now they are nothing!"

"At this moment and then, the ancient family does not have the capital to fight the Lin family head-on. Brother Gu should be the clearest in his heart."

These words made Gu Lie silent all of a sudden.

Although he was a dude on the surface, he was actually quite ambitious compared to Lin Yu's kind of dude who relied on his family background to dominate his blessing.

It's just that the two peerless geniuses of the ancient family have concealed his own edge.

Gu Sanmei glanced at Li Ye slightly strangely. Compared to Gu Lie, she was expressionless from beginning to end.

As if he was not a member of the ancient family now, how the ancient family would have nothing to do with her.

"But Brother Li, if the Lin family is allowed to continue to be so arrogant, my ancient family is in this Dongzhou City, but there will be no place to stand!"

Li Ye doesn't know how much the ancient family has. And Gu Lie's worries, in fact, he knew that one-third is true and seven-point is false.

Being able to stand in Dongzhou City for millions of years, but was not replaced by another ancient family, the ancient family naturally had an incomparable trump card in their hands.

However, this kind of hole card will naturally not be used if it is not a last resort.

The reason why a hole card is a hole card is that no one knows what it is! Once exposed, it loses the deterrence due to the hole cards.

Seeing that Gu Lie had not been provoked, Lin Ziqing's eyes flashed with cold light.

He knew that all this was done by Li Ye next to Gu Lie, frowning slightly.

"Where did this ancient family find this person."

He didn't think too much, the Gu family would not act rashly, although some of the Lin family's plans fell through. However, according to the current situation, Lin's family is bound to completely replace the ancient family's position in Dongzhou City's medicine.

By the time! Lin's family can naturally get what they want.

On the other side, Gu Lie returned to the ancient home from the Lin Family Medicine Pill Shop angrily.

"Grandpa, if this Lin family continues like this, don't our ancient family do nothing?"

Now, the Patriarch of the Gu family, several elders, and the second master of the Gu family are all here.

After all, it is related to the survival of the entire family, and even the few ancient pill kings who rarely show up appear together.

"Lie'er, the old man and your uncles have already talked about this."

"how is it?"

The gaze of the Patriarch of the Gu family fell on Li Ye, "The little friend mentioned before that there is a way to deal with the Lin family? I wonder if there is a plan now?"

Obviously, the Gu family currently has no good means.

Instead, he thought of Li Ye, an outsider, but from the eyes of the Patriarch of the Ancient Family, Li Ye saw a different taste.

"There are indeed some ideas."

"My little friend, please tell me, if this time can help my ancient family get through the difficulties, the favor of my ancient family, little friend, will naturally be unforgettable."

"The Patriarch is serious, in fact, the younger generation has considered it before." Li Ye finished speaking, showing a confident smile, "Lin's biggest confidence now is the Dan King who doesn't know any source of life, although he doesn't know who it is. , But judging from the few pills taken out by the Lin family, this person's level on the alchemy path is at least that of the nine-duan alchemy king or even an expert close to the emperor."

As soon as this statement came out, several old men of the ancient family turned black. They are just the few remaining pill kings of the ancient family. Among them, the eldest one seemed to snorted, "Although there are many pill kings in this land of East Continent, the nine-duan pill kings are definitely one of the few. It won’t take long to find out who the Lin family has found!"

"Senior's words are reasonable, but even if they know it, what can be done. Now Lin's attitude is very simple, using the pill in his hands as the basis for challenging the ancients."

After Li Ye finished speaking, the elders of the ancient family were silent because they knew what Li Ye was referring to. Even before Li Ye came, the Patriarchs of the Gu family had already analyzed various possibilities, but only in the pill, the ancient family now can't fight the pill master behind the Lin family.

"In the opinion of a little friend, how is my ancient family going to save this situation now?"

The Patriarch of the Gu Family is also helpless now, otherwise it would be impossible to put the treasure in the hands of an outsider Li Ye.

Perhaps, there is still another thought. Of course, even the second master of the ancient family did not know this idea, because the news was only known to him for the time being.

"Yeah, what's your opinion?"

If it were normal, the elders of the ancient family were all arrogant people with eyes on top of their heads, so naturally they wouldn't talk to a junior in such a pleasant way or even in a low voice.

Even now, they are still a little dissatisfied, only because of the face of the Patriarch, they barely smile.

Li Ye knew what they thought and smiled.

"Brother Li, don't sell it."

Gu Lie waited eagerly, and finally couldn't bear it. It is Gu Sanmei, but thoughtful.

"I can't talk about it, it's just the thoughts of the younger generation."


Li Ye smiled, "The Lin family has now considered the plight of the ancient family. The ancient family has been based in Dongzhou City for hundreds of thousands of years with pill medicine. Among them, the Dacheng Pill is the most famous, and it is the largest that the predecessors of Danzu left to the ancient family. wealth."

"This is natural!"

"And this is the purpose of the Lin family. The ancient Dacheng Pill, because of the previous incident, the Dacheng Pill can be regarded as letting people stop. And now, the ancient family can still come up with the elixir and miraculous medicine that is better than the many immortals of the Lin family. ?"

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