Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3401: Dazzled

The various different fires in the Three Realms have been treasures that countless cultivators dream of since ancient times.

Especially the alchemists and some strong people who practice the power of fire spirits are most valued!

At this moment, the two sides of the pill fight showed their own innate fires at the same time, and suddenly this pill fight, which everyone seemed to have no suspense, had an uncertain change.

"Youlan Bingyan, Jiujue Mountain must have opened that place back then, otherwise it would not have appeared."

"Yes, it was rumored that the old man Jiujue discovered that place, but because of many restrictions, many forces had to give up in the end. But it seems that the old man Jiujue succeeded in the end."

Several strong men who have lived for so many years all squinted their eyes.

The self-born innate flame between heaven and earth is called a different fire! It was named after an incomparably ancient era, an existence in charge of the heavens and worlds.

And that person's existence is also because of this kind of innate flame finally proving the Dao, almost becoming the first person under the heavenly path.

Of course, those ancient legends have long since become history, and even the world is not sure whether those legendary eras actually existed in this world.

But it is undeniable that these innate flames, the different fires of heaven and earth, are indeed precious treasures.

"The rise of Jiujue Mountain is not unreasonable. It's just that I didn't expect the old man Jiujue to spend such a price."

Another strong man frowned. For many of them, they might be worried about by sects, families, etc., and could not truly travel the world without any concern.

But more, it is for oneself to seek longevity, and everything else is just a cloud in front of longevity.

"The old man of Jiu Jue didn't swallow the Youlan Ice Flame by himself, but passed it to his disciple. It seems that he also knows that it is harder to take a step up from that position than to reach the sky."

Many strong people sighed, indeed, the old man of Jiu Jue had already stood at the pinnacle of this world.

But it doesn't mean that you have already obtained longevity. The emperor will die of old age. Even if the emperor has all means, he will never live forever.

Especially, over the past tens of thousands of years, as the Danzu of the ancient family has begun to retreat, he has been trying to survive the death catastrophe, and it has shown the world that even if he becomes a Dandi, he cannot escape the restrictions of the reincarnation of the heavens.


Xiao Danjun's face has returned to his usual calmness.

Bai Wuhua's possession of the Abnormal Fire really surprised him, but it was far from discouraging him.

Now the two people are just standing on the same starting line, and the final outcome depends on the real ability of both parties in pill.

"Whether it is the innate fire or the pill cauldron, it is all with the help of external forces. Our alchemy masters decide whether the final pill is good or bad, it is still their own precipitation and attainments of the pill!"

A pill king whispered to himself, the alchemist was extremely noble within the Three Realms.

Moreover, only humans can have alchemists. This is the envy of countless powerful races in the universe!

Human beings without any inherent advantages can gradually become the master of this world for millions of years because of the terrible potential for learning and innovation.

Several pill kings all nodded subconsciously. In this pill fight, although Li Ye hadn't taken a shot yet, he had to say that the level of tension definitely did not disappoint many people who came from thousands of miles away.

"Back then, Hundred Wuhua was one of the best among the Nine Duan Pill Kings, but I don't know how much he still has when he hasn't shot for ten thousand years."

"Ten thousand years is enough to make a peak sink into a trough. And there have been rumors that the reason why Bai Wuhua disappeared was not because he was indifferent to fame and fortune, but because he offended someone."

"Hey, this matter was indeed rumored back then. The Hundred and Unsuccessful People in those days were considered young and vigorous. He became the King of Nine Duan Pills at less than two thousand years old. It is also considered to be outstandingly talented. It is even more so that countless emperors and great families want to recruit. Unfortunately, it is not a wise choice to offend the other side for the sake of one person."

Someone who knew the inside story back then sneered.

But when they think of that place, they are silent.

Li Ye naturally heard clearly, but frowned.

He did not ask in detail what happened before Bai Wuhua met him. All he knew was that the erysipelas broke out in his body, and he was barely suppressed and even the lamp had run out.

It seems that things are not that simple now.

"The outbreak of erysipelas, although it is a calamity that every alchemist will encounter, is like the heart demon of a cultivator. However, with the skills of King Nine Duan Pills, an ordinary erysipelas outbreak cannot make it fall into such a tragedy, unless it is someone... "

Thinking of this, Li Ye frowned.

Regardless of whether there was any terrible enemy in Bai Wuhua, now that he has followed him, if the other party has not let go, he does not mind if he appears again.

Even if the opponent has a great background, he has never been afraid of challenges since he stepped into the Upper Three Realms.

"What's the origin? It can make a Nine Duan Pill King struggle in life and death for almost ten thousand years, without daring revenge at all."

In the entire Upper Three Realms, apart from the Nether Realm and the Demon Realm, which had no way to connect to the sky for a long time, there were only a handful of the pure Shen Shengzhou realms that could have such a method.

There was an extra heart in his heart, and Li Ye knew that unless Bai Wuhua had nothing to do with him in the future, the enemy who had let Bai Wuhua fall to that level would inevitably show up again.

At this time, both sides of the pill fight had already begun.

I saw that no matter it was Hundred Wucha or Xiao Danjun, there was hardly any movement, but the elixir and the fairy grass disappeared quickly in front of them.

The two of them didn't even use the pill cauldron, they just used their own pill fire to quickly refine those immortal herbs.

"This is the alchemy that exists at the Pill King level?"

Many alchemists of the younger generation have wide-eyed, envious and admired faces.

You know, many alchemists, the first step is to select the elixir and immortal grass, and then it takes countless efforts to refine the essence pill! It even takes dozens to hundreds of days at every turn.

Where is there such a magical method in front of me, it is like magic.

"Those are at least prefecture-level elixir, but the magazine was removed in the blink of an eye and turned into the purest pill!"

"More than earth-level elixir, even if it is a heaven-level medicinal material, in the hands of these two, they can be completely refined without a breath. Both of them have already reached a height beyond our reach."

As the two got faster and faster, some people could no longer see the process clearly. Even the alchemists, that is, those pill kings can still see the way, most people, at this moment, can only smile and wait for the final result.

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