Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3630: Conceited

"The prohibition has loosened!"

Seeing a crack in the gate of the fairy palace, although it was not completely broken, it also made the three of Wuxingu Shengzi extremely excited!

"This Ye Tiandao is really powerful. The three of us joined forces. Not to mention the cracks in the gate of the fairy palace, even the outer restrictions can't break through!"

The genius of the Qiankun Sect turned into repeated sword intent in his eyes. Obviously, his cultivation is definitely not as simple as his appearance before!

We must know that the founder of the Qiankun Gate was also a generation of powerful men a million years ago! He is also good at one-handed swordsmanship!

It is said to be one of the peerless swordsmanship that can be ranked in the top ten in this world.

Now, because of the appearance of the Qilian Sword Palace, the Qiankun Gate seems to be in decline, but it must not be underestimated!

The son of Wuxingu, the true genius of Sanqing Temple is a stunned heart!

"Damn, I was almost fooled by this kid! It turns out he has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!"

There was a little more vigilance in the two of them, and the genius of Qiankun Gate didn't think too much about it. He didn't know that the sword intent he revealed unintentionally made the alliance of the three people who had different intentions in danger.

On the other side, Ye Tiandao saw a crack in the gate of the fairy palace, but he was not as happy as the other three.

Instead, frowned.

"Unexpectedly, it can block the blow of the divine halberd by the law of my great road."

He raised his brows. As far as he was concerned, unless the emperor made the move, he would be respected in this world! The trivial fairy palace, even if it was an ancient and powerful place hundreds of millions of years ago, is not enough to stop him now.

"Can block my blow, I don't know if I can block this blow!"


From him, the second horrible will emerged!

It is also transformed by the law of the great road! Incarnate directly into a terrifying god!


The gods transformed by that law burst out a ray of light from his eyes, and the surrounding void seemed to be frozen in an instant! At the same time, only the **** general was left, and a divine light formed in his hands, directly blasting on the gate of the fairy palace.

In an instant, the ground was shaking for ten miles, like the end of a natural disaster.

The three people of Wuxingu Shengzi continued to prop up their true essence, turning them into shields, which was not so embarrassing.

This is the result of this world restricting everyone's cultivation. Otherwise, with the power of Ye Tiandao, the blow just now can even penetrate a piece of heaven and earth. Even the lower realm of the Three Realms and Nine Realms can instantly turn a continent and country into wasteland. Sink into the sea!

"Damn, his power is really the same as ours?"

Seeing Ye Tiandao's power, the three of them felt terrified.

In their eyes, the holy monarch is nothing more than that, even far worse!

Naturally, Ye Tiandao didn't take them seriously.

With his character, someone really needs to threaten him, and he will never tolerate that the other person can live on the sidelines and watch. It is precisely because in his eyes these three people are just like ants and can be crushed easily, so they let them go.

At this time, on the gate of the fairy palace, I looked carefully, but saw cracks spreading like spider webs.

Pieces of fragments are falling on the ancient stone gate that has witnessed the changes of heaven and earth for millions of years.

At the same time, the entire outer formation was restricted, completely shattered by the terrifying force just now!

In a radius of ten miles, almost all sank an inch.


Seeing that the restriction was broken, the true disciple of Qiankun Gate was the first to have his eyes brightened!

The whole person turned into a sword intent, and instantly wanted to enter the fairy palace.

Wuxingu Shengzi and the genius of Sanqing Temple did not react slowly, although the three said they would work together to deal with Ye Tiandao. But when the gate of the fairy palace was opened, how could they take care of the previous agreement!

"Xianyuan! It must be mine!"

Almost at the same time, all three of them burst into the minds of the fairy fate falling in their own hands, directly proving that they are emperor, and once soaring, the glorious scene of the Three Realms.

Instead, Ye Tiandao, who opened the gate of the Immortal Palace, had a calm expression on his face.

As if not rushing in at all.

Seeing him like this, Ben was still vigilant, for fear that Ye Tiandao would kill the three of them without any scruples!

"Xianyuan is mine!"

Wuxingu Shengzi insisted that he was a Shengzi, and directly snarled at the other two!

But the other two people just sneered, and at the same time a horrible sword intent flew out towards the genius of Wuxingu Shengzi and Sanqingdian!

"Go away!"

The three directly fight together!

Facing fairy fate, all agreements and alliances have become bullshit!

Before the three of them joined forces, they were surrounded by powerful enemies like Ye Tiandao and forced their heads down. But now, Ye Tiandao didn't even react, as if he didn't have much interest in the fairy palace.

All of a sudden, the ambitions of the three were exposed.

Everyone looks hideous!

Not to mention that the three are just verbal agreements, and they are still three sects. What about the same sect brothers, or even the real brothers, father and son?

In the fairy palace, but hope to get fairy fate! Allowing people to prove and proclaim the emperor will directly become an opportunity for the supreme ruler of the entire world!

For a time, the three of them did not let anyone else, their strength was among the same.

The sword repair genius of the Qiankun Gate was slightly better than the two, but perhaps because of his stronger strength, the other two had to join forces to take the lead in hitting him hard!

However, the two of them didn't make money, they were injured by the other's internal organs with a sword, Wuxingu Shengzi avoided the opportunity and was cut off!

But the genius of Sanqing Palace was directly split into two by a sword! A divine soul flew directly from the body, roaring in bursts!

At the same time, the sword repair genius of the Qiankun Gate spewed a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person turned and turned into a light, and entered the fairy palace.


Although Wuxingu Shengzi was not seriously injured, but his broken arm made him look ashen!

It was the disciple of the Sanqing Temple, there was only a ray of soul, and a ray of hesitation appeared on his face. Just about to nod his head, he suddenly felt an extremely terrifying power, directly crushing his entire soul!

"Ye Tiandao!"

Before dying, he only uttered a roar of unwillingness and despair.

Immediately, the smoke disappeared completely, and the body and spirit were gone.

But saw a figure, slowly pacing up.

Standing with holding hands, it's like this world is centered on him.

"Ye Tiandao! You..."

Wuxingu Shengzi saw that the Sanqing Hall disciples were crushed directly by the soul, and he felt a little regret at this time. Because of the loss of sanity just now, the three of them worked together to reluctantly protect themselves, but because of their selfishness, they fell into this end. .

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Tiandao just waved his hand, and the power of the avenue turned into a magic halberd, which instantly pierced his forehead and nailed him to the gate of the fairy palace.

Until his death, Shengzi Wuxingu couldn't believe it, he didn't even have the power to fight back.

A pair of eyes stared fiercely, obviously not stunned! Even the divine soul was directly penetrated under the divine halberd.

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