Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3731: He has only cultivated for 30 years

Flurry of demons!

Although it is a bit exaggerated, in the Three Realms at this moment, powerful demonic cultivation and evil cultivation can be seen almost everywhere.

Those who do not pay attention to others are enough, and some of them are the demon heads who have killed countless people and slaughtered the city at every turn. Once they appeared, countless sects were moved.

Some are great demons that have disappeared for thousands of years, and they can slaughter the city for thousands of miles, with blood flowing into rivers. How many clan families are terrified of this!

For fear that these demon masters would be unhappy, there would be a massacre.

This is not a joke. Some of them are even more recognized. The blood in your hands is enough to drown thousands of miles of earth. The blood debts on your body are more than ten million?

Under the Nine Realms, the demons danced wildly, and the demons were rampant!

Even the magic sect burst into the mountains, and countless believers covered the sky!

In the Upper Three Realms, the Sixteen Kingdoms of Xizhou, several Demon Dao sects exulted!

Among them, the ancestor of Moxiu was born, how terrifying his breath is, it is clearly a holy emperor Moxiu!

"Hahaha! My magic way is finally born of the strong!"

For countless thousands of years, although many great emperors have been born, the magic way has always been despised by the world, and has been repeatedly encircled and suppressed by major forces.

There are not many who can survive, most of them are second and third sects, and their strength is not strong.

There are so few holy emperor demon repairs, even today's demon masters.

Not to mention the saints and emperors.

At this moment, countless demon masters everywhere in the Three Realms are rejoicing, the heaven and earth visions appear, resonating with the power of cultivation in their bodies!

It is clear that a strong man who has practiced the magic way was born!

Even some cultivators who did not practice the magic way, but also practiced several Nine Nether Paths of Death, benefited a lot.

Suddenly, the entire Three Realms were turbulent following the occurrence of the heaven and earth vision.

Faintly there is a tendency for the magic way to rise again.


In the depths of the void, a figure seemed to transform into a devil, with a frightening atmosphere all over his body.

A piece of Nine Netherworlds appeared behind that, the black sky was like a bottomless abyss, ordinary people would be swallowed up by their souls even if they just glanced at it.

Even if there is a strong person approaching, they will be surprised to find that the surrounding world is full of death will, and any creature who dares to take a step will be instantly shrouded in death and cut off from vitality.

There is also a black shadow above ten thousand feet, like the legendary **** of death, looking high above the earth.

Even a look will bring death and make people lose all vitality in an instant.

Li Ye didn't know what was happening outside, he was immersed in the sea of ​​death at this moment!

The Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms and Nine Realms is incomplete and cannot truly prove Dao!

Then he naturally won't waste this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"Only in this nascent world can there be a glimmer of opportunity to prove success!"

Even the heaven and earth of this world is a defective product, it can even be said to be a semi-finished product!

The strong man who opened up the entire Kunlun world also failed to create a brand new way of heaven. But even so, it is more perfect than the incomplete Heavenly Way of the Three Realms and Nine Regions today.

That is a kind of intuition that cannot be described in words. Although the heaven is invisible, Li Ye can feel that if he is allowed to usher in the emperor in the Three Realms, he will stop in the emperor realm for the rest of his life!

More importantly, once he proves the Dao in the Three Realms, he will successfully overcome the catastrophe! Will inevitably face the bombardment of Heaven!

You must know that he is taking another cultivation path that is against the heavens, and the world's triumph is to endure the stronger power bestowed by the heavens.

And once he crosses the catastrophe, he is almost faced with the immortal situation of heaven!

On the contrary, in this valley, the semi-finished Heavenly Dao created by the mysterious Lord of Kunlun has not yet truly evolved into shape, and naturally it is impossible to have the will to completely kill him, a person who is against the sky!

He even suspects that the Lord of Kunlun himself is also a madman like him, who does not put the real heaven in his eyes, and even wants to replace it!

Otherwise, how would you think of creating a new way of heaven and opening up a whole new world?

All kinds of evidence and traces can prove this.

"Fairy fate! No matter what the fairy fate that has been passed down by the world for millions of years is, to me, this world, this valley, and this new way of heaven that is a failed product can be regarded as my true Fairy fate!"

He did not leave after the initial triumph was successful.

Putting Yuelianye and Aotian in the valley, after he crossed the catastrophe, he could vaguely control some of the laws of this world, although it was not complete, it was enough for him to do many things.

Now, the two of them began to practice in the valley.

Ao Tian turned into the main body of the dragon, and directly encircled the entire valley. The signs of the dragon became more and more obvious, and there was another sign of the dragon!

Not to mention Yuelianye, her blood originated from Li Ye, and the deeper Li Yexiu became, she also benefited a lot! The body's breath has increased several times.

More importantly, as Li Ye crossed the catastrophe time and time again, some power flowed into her body.

Behind her, an incarnation of the law emerged. Upon closer inspection, it was somewhat similar to Li Ye's Wheel of Law, but it was much smaller and not so cohesive.

Neither of them dared to disturb Li Ye at the moment.

They saw that Li Ye is now at a critical moment, and if he can successfully overcome the catastrophe, he will surely enter another terrifying situation!

"This kid is the most unreasonable monster I have ever seen in the world."

Ao Tian asked himself in the ancient times, he had seen countless demon gods of various races, some of which were far from comparable to the sentient beings of the Three Realms, whether it was innate savvy or root of blood.

"This kid, it's okay to be weak at first, and the blood is not pure, and the cultivation technique is even more unsightly. I didn't expect that in less than 30 years, he would have cultivated to such a level."

Ao Tian made a tut, how old is Li Ye now?

In the entire Three Realms, those so-called peerless geniuses, invincible Tianjiao, which one has not cultivated for hundreds or even three to five hundred years?

Some powerhouses have spent thousands of years at every turn, and a retreat is more than just Li Yehuo's years!

But in such a short period of time, Li Ye has almost always improved with leaping growth.

Ao Tian was particularly curious, "This kid, I really don't know how far he can grow."

"I said, girl, you have the breath of that kid in your body, but you are lucky. As long as this kid can keep growing, you can practice smoothly along the way. There are almost no bottlenecks. It is just that you can't get out of this kid's clutches in this life. ."

Ao Tian looked at Yuelianye, shook his head slightly, and sighed.

But the latter didn't realize it, and there was no sign of regret in the depths of the pair of phoenix eyes.

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