how is this possible!

Many people froze for a while, and quickly rubbed their eyes.

As a result, after rubbing their eyes, they looked at it again, and their eyes widened!

It turned out that Su Fan was already on the Hundred Stairs in just such a blink of an eye!

"My God, what a freak is this, not only is the strength strong, but the physical strength is also terrifying!"

"Climb the Hundred Stairs in one breath. If I were to be replaced by me, I'm afraid I would be tired and paralyzed!"

The shocked mouths of everyone couldn't close.

At this moment, a monk who was struggling on a dozen steps of stairs suddenly shouted: "I can't hold it!"

Then, as soon as he loosened his body and leaned to the side, the whole person fell directly from the air.

This monk originally thought that he could be liberated as long as he gave up.

But he didn't want to, because he had spent too much energy on climbing the stairs, he fell completely out of control.

And just below the stairs, there is another huge piece of extremely hot magma!


A pungent burnt smell floated, and everyone's pupils shrank, and they saw the man who fell was submerged in magma.

Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but step back a few steps.

Because they have not realized the danger of this test until now.

That is, once you lose your energy on the stairs and cannot move in a large area, the final result will only be to fall into the magma and die.

At this moment, the monks who were still struggling on the stairs also saw the fate of that person just now.

As a result, they retreat in their hearts one after another, wanting to take advantage of the strength to withdraw this ladder first.

"No, I can't go down!"

At this time, a person tried to walk down, but he did not expect that as soon as his leg stretched out halfway, a force was generated from the ladder below, and his leg bounced back.

"What should I do? I can't go down either!"

"Oops, are we all trapped on this?"

The other people who climbed the ladder all looked horrified, because they also found that they couldn't get down.

Here, it turns out that you can only move forward, not backward!

For a while, they were caught in a dilemma.

If you move forward, you will eventually die in the lava due to exhaustion.

If you retreat, the back road is also cut off by the stairs.

So the best choice for them right now is to stand still.

Therefore, these people are smart and stopped climbing the ladder.

However, the test is a test after all, and it will naturally set up difficult questions for their choices.

A minute later, these people instantly felt the gravity under their feet increased sharply, almost double the current ladder.

One of them was overwhelmed due to lack of physical strength, just when he wanted to get up...


In the magma below the stairs, a lava fire column suddenly erupted.

I don't know if it was intentional, but the direction of the fire column happened to be directed at the overwhelmed person.

"Hurry up!"

Several other people on the stairs showed horrified expressions when they saw this, and shouted to the person.

It was a pity that it was useless. Not only did that person exhaust his physical strength, but he was also extremely tired mentally, and he could no longer make any dodge or defense actions.

As a result, he was sprayed directly by the lava fire pillar, and his body melted directly in the fire pillar without leaving any bones and scum!

"Oh my god, that's a soul saint!"

When everyone saw that man was burned alive, they suddenly felt their hair horrified. The high temperature of the fire couldn't even stand the saint's drive, so who else could pass this test?

As soon as they thought of this, they all looked up at Su Fan who was still climbing back and forth, wondering in their hearts where the limits of this young man would be?

The people below didn't know that Su Fan had already encountered a great test at this moment.

After a hundred steps, although the gravity on the stairs did not change, Su Fan heard a rustling sound, as if there were some invisible life hovering everywhere above.

"Master, you have to be careful, after a hundred steps is the real first level, from here to the fifth thousand steps, there are very tiny carrion bugs everywhere!"

"This kind of worm is as thin as hair and can easily penetrate into the body of living creatures. They feed on flesh and blood and can instantly gnaw a beast into white bones. Even the holy gong of the saint has no effect on them!"

After all, Silver Rabbit had been to a trial place, and had a good understanding of the situation of each test level.


Su Fan frowned, and he couldn't even stop Sheng Gang. This was indeed a problem.

He pondered for a while, and finally decided to try out the universe yin and yang map.

Just do it when he thinks it, Su Fan shakes his wrist and directly sacrifices the good fortune map.

Driven by Su Fan, the Good Fortune Map was instantly activated and hung in the air.


The isolated small world came down, enshrouding Su Fan and Silver Rabbit.

"It's another high-level artifact, still auxiliary!"

A deep and shocking light shot from the eyes of the silver rabbit.

Although it has accepted the fact that Su Fan is a god, when it saw that Su Fan actually possessed more than one high-level artifact, it still couldn't believe it!

Because in general terms, high-level artifacts are often very rare.

After all, this place still belongs to the human world, even if there are advanced artifacts, it is still difficult to obtain with the power of mortals.

Among the big forces like the Four Great Alliances, there are only some relatively low-level virtual artifacts.

In Yintu's mind before, it only felt that it was only strong and talented.

But now, when it saw that Su Fan took out another high-level artifact, it suddenly realized that the facts did not seem to be as simple as they thought.

Obviously, the young man in front of him is extremely lucky!

If not, how could the opponent possess two high-level artifacts?

"Huh? I can move around freely!"

In the isolated small world package, Su Fan discovered that the gravity blessed on him had suddenly disappeared!

"Isolating the small world can isolate all space, power and objects outside. Is it because of this that I can move freely?"

Su Fan tried to jump, but he stepped over a ladder of more than two hundred knots.


As a result, his jump directly scared everyone watching below.

"Has this guy never used his true strength just now?"

"Monster, this is simply a monster!"

"Fortunately, I hesitated just now and didn't choose to be an enemy!"

"It's no wonder that the Holy Land sends so many masters to chase and kill him, and this ability alone is enough to be proud of the world!"

Everyone had an unbelievable expression, and one of them even covered his chest, for fear that his liver was really frightened!

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