As soon as Mao Chao saw Luo He's expression, he immediately felt that there was a play, and continued to strike while the iron was hot and asked: "I don't know who is the name of the senior, maybe there is a connection with a senior in my common people alliance?"

"Ha ha……"

Luo He suddenly laughed, but his voice was even colder than before: "The old man does have a connection with the people of your four leagues. A few epochs ago, the Dongling Pavilion created by the old man was destroyed by your four alliances. That's it!"

"What? Dongling Pavilion!"

"You are Luo He, the God-level Array Master!"

All the cultivators turned into a panic when they heard that, even the joy on Mao Chao's face turned into panic instantly!

The masters of the remaining three major martial arts alliances and the masters of the Holy Land felt a little weird!

Luo He is one of the top line divisions since human history records.

The top here is not a general reference, but the existence that can truly be included in the top few.

Luo He's own martial arts talent is not strong, but his exquisite method of formation is enough to eclipse many genius formation masters.

In the era when Luo He lived, and for tens of thousands of years afterwards, various legends about him have been circulated widely in the human world.

It is a pity that Luo He encountered an unimaginable disaster at the most glorious moment in his life.

At that time, he had already established the Dongling Pavilion with the formation master as the main body in the secret area of ​​Fengdu.

Since the formation master was originally a very popular profession in the cultivation world, the reputation of Dongling Pavilion was the same for a while, even far surpassing the four major military alliances that ruled the secret realm of Fengdu at that time.

And because of the huge income of Dongling Pavilion every year, the leaders of the four major military alliances have visited Dongling Pavilion many times to extract substantial profits from Dongling Pavilion in the name of providing security protection.

Luo He definitely disagrees with such unreasonable demands. In addition, he is extremely confident of his own formation and cultivation. He even refuted the leaders of the four major military alliances on the spot, resulting in the emergence between the four major military alliances and Dongling Pavilion. Contradictions that cannot be reconciled.

Since then, the branches of Tanglin Pavilion in Fengdu have been frequently attacked by unknown persons.

Although in the beginning, the divisions also repelled the enemy many times by arranging attack formations, the masters who attacked afterwards became more and more powerful.

Until the final formation was broken, those masters broke into it without saying anything, it was a burst of looting.

After looting all the goods and money on sale, this group of talents left.

Such a blow was very serious for the Dongling Pavilion at that time, and it caused no one to dare to come to do business in the Dongling Pavilion in the next few decades.

Luo He was also a casual cultivator at the time. He came to the secret realm of Fengdu, but he also fancyed the extensive resources here, which could provide him with more cultivation resources.

However, after the business failed, Luo He had to close the branches of Dongling Pavilions in various places, leaving only the last main pavilion to operate independently.

However, although Tangling Pavilion's business was very bleak, the formation divisions did not abandon Luo He.

They all came from Luo He to learn the knowledge of formations. For such a senior who is also a teacher and friend, they worship from the heart.

That is to say, when the Dongling Fen Pavilion was forced to close, the people of the four major military alliances found Luo He again.

This time, their attitude towards Luo He was even more arrogant and even more irresistible than before.

They asked Luo He to divide all the Dongling Pavilion's industries, including the formation division, into four within half a month, and integrate them into their respective military alliances.

Moreover, they also directly threatened Luo He, saying that if Luo He didn't follow suit, it would be like dealing with the branches of Dongling Pavilion, and even Luo He's last industry would be uprooted.

Luo He, who knew the truth, was naturally extremely angry. He felt that his dignity as a god-level formation master had been trampled on.

Therefore, he angrily rejected all the conditions set by the four major military alliances!

Moreover, when Luo He drove away the people from the four major military alliances, he also issued a ruthless statement. If the four major military alliances dare to force the Dongling Pavilion, then he will set up a super killing array and let the four major military alliances come How much to die!

It is a pity that the people sent by the four major military alliances certainly would not believe his words.

After all, running the formation requires energy.

And Dongling Pavilion was surrounded by family members at the time, not to mention that it was running a large killing array, I am afraid that even a small holy rank killing array would be difficult to maintain for a while.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, even if Luo He is the top master of the formation, without enough materials for the formation, it is impossible to arrange a powerful killing formation.

The four major martial arts leagues in the ancient times are very different from today's. At that time, the top combat power of the four leagues was demigods, and all the demigods in the four leagues totaled nearly two thousand people.

Therefore, it can be said that in that era, the four major military alliances were also at an extremely peak period.

Therefore, when the managers of the four major military alliances heard Luo He's harsh words, they all regarded him as a joke.

However, when a joke is a joke, things must be done according to the original plan.

Since Luo He didn't give them face so much, then according to the strategy set before, he directly uprooted Dongling Pavilion!

The four big military alliances with rich wealth invested thousands of demigods in that battle.

They are not only doing this to deal with Luo He, but also to use Luo He to kill chickens and monkeys, so that those who can't understand them in the secret understand that resistance will not end well.

However, the four major military alliances still underestimated Luo He's determination to fight to the death.

He actually sacrificed the lives of all the formation masters of Dongling Pavilion, and deployed a large killing formation that could subvert everything-the Ten Thousand Blood Slaying Formation!

A whole number of life energy of the ten thousand formation division flowed into the formation, detonating this terrible formation that could change the color of the world!

On that day, the sky over millions of kilometers in Fengdu was stained with blood, and Qing'an City, where Dongling Pavilion was located, was directly turned into a ruin.

Moreover, this Qing'an City, in the following tens of thousands of years, has completely become a forbidden place for people to talk about it. It is said that all the monks who enter it for exploration will hardly come back alive.

That battle was the pinnacle of Luo He's fame since he became famous. With the power of one person, he set up a super-killing formation and killed thousands of semi-god masters, causing the vitality of the four major alliances to be greatly injured.

It's a pity that Luo He hasn't shown up since then, and after the four major military leagues experienced the fiasco of that war, they slowly recovered after hundreds of generations of recuperation.

During this period, as the four major military alliances gradually weakened their control over the secret realm of Fengdu, many casual cultivators were established one after another, and the days of casual cultivators became much easier as a result, and many famous geniuses emerged among them. .

At this time, many of the monks trapped on the ground were panicked. After learning Luo He's true identity, they all felt an unusually uneasy feeling.

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