Valkyrie Destruction System

Chapter 1253: Catch God Family

After slapped the Yuyi girl, the curly pole's face was full of pleasure, and the pride was bursting!

After all, the other party is a god. As a mortal, he slapped the god, and it was impossible to say unhappy in his heart.

However, after being proud, the facial expression suddenly became extremely gloomy. He turned to look at Huayang standing aside, and said solemnly, "Huayang, I didn’t expect you to be a descendant of the god-catching family. Unexpectedly!"

Qu Gan's remark not only expressed his aspirations, but also expressed the aspirations of everyone present.

Indeed, too unexpected!

The god-catching family is a family that has been destroyed by gods as early as ancient times.

However, it is this family that has been annihilated in the long river of history that once had a very glorious past.

The history of the family of catching gods goes back to before the battle of the gods.

At that time, it was still a period of coexistence with God.

There are interconnected portals between the human world and the **** world, making it extremely convenient to communicate.

Gods can develop their own believers in the lower realm at any time, and humans can enter the realm of God to worship the gods at any time.

It is also in that special situation that the relationship between man and God has become extremely close.

So at that time, people and gods fell in love from time to time.

Precisely because of this, the descendants born from the union of man and **** have also begun to emerge in the human world.

Because they carry the blood of the gods, these people have extremely high cultivation potential that ordinary humans do not have.

As the descendants of the gods, they are undoubtedly the darlings of God's favor.

Soon, many of them became the overlords of the human world, spreading the grace of God to every corner of the three thousand worlds.

At that time, all sentient beings in the world called this type of people collectively as kings of people!

However, there are no absolutes in all things in the world.

People's hearts are ever-changing, and some people believe in gods, so there will definitely be people who hate gods.

As the descendants of gods and humans, the human king also carries various human habits.

Therefore, as the years passed, many discordant voices began to appear in the families of people and kings.

At that time, the human king family was also divided into four levels, corresponding to the levels of the gods, from top to bottom.

Needless to say, the highest nature is the human royal family with the blood of the main **** in the body.

There has only been one such human royal family from ancient times to the present, and that is the Celestial Clan, one of the ten holy places on the Soul Heaven Continent today!

The Celestial Clan is the descendant of the Lord God of Destiny. Before the start of the God Realm War, the Celestial Clan had a very glorious period, dominating almost one-half of the territory of the three thousand worlds.

Below the main god-level human king family is the heavenly god-level human king family.

The aforementioned family of catching gods happened to be the family of god-level human kings.

At that time, the family of catching gods did not call them by this name. Because of their ancestors' surnames, they were called the family of flowers.

The ancestors of the Hua family once fell in love with a goddess who sat down with the main **** of the God Realm war, and later they gave birth to children in the world.

Because the goddess is brave and fierce by nature, the people of the Hua family have also inherited the combative style of the goddess, and almost all of them are not afraid to cause trouble.

Coupled with their sturdy fighting power, so the clansmen of the lords and royal families are all talking about them.

However, there is a saying that is good, you have to pay it back when you come out.

Perhaps even God couldn't understand what the Hua family did, so things changed dramatically one day!

That day, the cultivators of the Hua family received a secret letter from the God Realm. At first they thought it was their grandmother and daughter gods who had made some divine decree.

But they didn't want to. After opening the secret letter, they realized that the goddess was actually executed by the war lord god!

The reason is that the goddess led the troops to attack a certain kingdom of gods and failed, which led to the collapse of the whole line, and the main **** of war cut the head of the goddess in a rage!

The death of the goddess is undoubtedly bad news.

After that, the entire Hua family collapsed immediately, and all the forces that had enough grudges against the Hua family came to take revenge.

The Hua family has worked hard for many years and naturally accumulated countless wealth, but without the protection of the goddess, these wealth has become a reminder of the Hua family!

A large number of the Hua family members were jointly killed by many forces while fleeing. At first, they were able to fight against all forces by virtue of their bloodline advantages.

However, as other Celestial-level human king families joined the battle one by one in the later period, this slight advantage was quickly overturned.

Since then, the Hua family has been removed from the world.

However, the Hua family members who fled incognito were unwilling to fail.

In the long years that followed, they gathered all the surviving Hua family again.

In the end, a brand new force was created, that is, the family of catching gods!

As soon as the god-catching family appeared in people's vision, they directly declared the slogan of being an enemy of gods.

This kind of slogan caused an uproar in an era when man and God lived together!

Because, although many people have had a lot of dissatisfaction with the gods in private, no one put this kind of thing on the table.

And the declaration of the god-catching family to the world also made the situation at that time become turbulent.

Suddenly, countless people with various purposes were looking for a family of catching gods everywhere.

However, because the people of the Hua family suffered a loss, they never walked around at will, and only used a specific contact method to release news to the outside.

Many people among human beings pursue freshness. When the freshness of certain things passes, these people will not pay too much attention to those things.

And the appearance of the god-catching family was like a breeze in this world, and it felt extremely cool when it blew on people's faces at first.

But with the passage of time, when the wind slowly dissipated, people began to gradually forget the matter of capturing the gods.

However, that era was destined to be the stage for the family to catch the gods, and it also showed the world that it was not a breeze, but a storm that stirred the chaos of the world!

Three months after declaring that they were enemies of the gods, the clansmen of the family of catching gods mobilized on a large scale.

They use a kind of strange metal that can imprison the gods and divine powers, turn it into various weapons, and start frantically hunting down low-level gods who are alone in the world!

With thousands of gods being killed continuously in just ten days, this feat of catching the gods suddenly caused panic among all the gods still in the world!

A large number of gods were killed, and the location of the incident was still within the human world.

This emergency situation immediately attracted the attention of the major gods of the God Realm!

"End of this chapter"

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