Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1202: Black Wind Beast World

"Damn, this guy is too strong." Omega Wen" school fan. ㄟ. Run away!"

Under the thrilling, Lin Fei roared.

Lin Fei and the queen tried their best to use their physical skills to the extreme and fled forward.

Boom boom boom...

The earth moved and the mountains shook, and the whole land was violently ups and downs, and the evil beast was chasing after him.

Lin Fei suddenly realized that although the body of the evil beast was huge, its speed was terrifyingly fast, and it was able to span a distance of 30,000 to 40,000 meters from the ground in one step.


A beam of demon power larger than a bucket of light suddenly ejected from the seven-eight-meter-long sharp unicorn above the beast's head, tearing the void in an instant, and appeared behind Lin Fei and the queen. .

This evil beast seemed to be determined to kill Lin Fei and the queen.

Lin Fei was astonished, and displayed the Sword of Absolute Ability.

A misty sword light blasted backwards to meet the thick beam of demon power.


The misty sword light was shattered by the beam of demon power and turned into nothingness.


Being implicated, Lin Fei only felt an unbelievably large force, crushing his body, Lin Fei's chest was stuffy, and five or six mouthfuls of blood were spurted out.

Lin Fei couldn't help being horrified, his own tyrannical divine sense sword, even a half-emperor master, could easily kill.

Unexpectedly, he was easily broken by this evil beast, and he seemed to be seriously injured.


After the thick beam of demon power behind him shattered the Tyrant Divine Sense Sword, it also seemed to have lost some energy, power and power, all of which were slightly reduced.

Lin Fei dragged the queen's jade hand, unfolding the magic escape, and instantly appeared in the sky five to six thousand meters away.

Then, Lin Fei performed the magic escape four or five times and escaped hundreds of thousands of meters away before relaxing.

The evil beast seemed to have finally not caught up.


Lin Fei and the queen exhaled at the same time, their nervous nerves relaxed.

Puff puff puff...

As soon as his body relaxed, Lin Fei immediately spewed several mouthfuls of blood.

"Are you OK!"

The queen was taken aback.

"Don't worry, you can't die!"

Lin Fei smiled bitterly. Just now he displayed the Absolute Sword of Divine Sense and blocked the beam of demon light sprayed by the evil beast. His internal organs were all injured, and even showed signs of being broken.

Lin Fei took out a bottle of Sea God Water and took it down.

Under the medicinal effect of Poseidon Water, the internal organs in Lin Fei's body were repaired quickly.

For a moment, Lin Fei felt that the injury in his body was no longer a serious problem.

"The terrifying guy just now is definitely the strength of the Emperor Realm."

Lin Fei is still a bit afraid now.

Because, Lin Fei could feel that if he and the queen were just overtaken by the evil beast, they would be torn to pieces in an instant.

"Yes, the monster that was just now is an eight-armed demon crocodile, at least the strength of a high-level emperor.

Fortunately, degree and body skills are the weakness of the Eight-armed Demon Crocodile, otherwise, the two of you would not be able to escape from its hands. "

Emperor Yan's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

Advanced Imperial Realm!

Lin Fei and the queen couldn't help but their hearts twitched fiercely at the same time.

"His sister, what the **** is this place? You can meet a monster of the emperor realm.

Or is it that all the demon beasts in Sovereign Master 6 are so powerful? "

Lin Fei asked.

"Forgot to tell you.

This vast area is called the Black Wind Beast Realm.

In the Black Wind Beast Realm, there are hundreds of thousands, even millions of undulating hills and ridges, where demons and monsters live.

At the same time, it is also a forbidden zone for mankind.

In the Black Wind Beast Realm, there are not only the monsters with the power of the Emperor Realm, but also many monsters of the Bitter Sea Realm. It is said that the deepest part of the Black Wind Beast Realm, even the monsters with the power of the Divine Bridge Realm.

So, kid, leave now.

With your current strength, in this Black Wind Beast Realm, it is very dangerous. "

Yandi said.

Bitter Sea State, God Bridge State?

Lin Fei's heart moved.

It turns out that above the Emperor Realm is the Bitter Sea Realm.

Above the Bitter Sea State is the Divine Bridge State.

Lin Fei used to be in the Yuan Wu realm and knew that the highest realm of vitality was the Emperor Realm.

It seems that after coming to the Supreme Master 6, Emperor Yan introduced this knowledge to Lin Fei intentionally or unintentionally.

"Your sister, Emperor Yan, why didn't you tell me earlier before sending it over, so that I would be prepared.

If it weren't for running faster, I would have already explained it here. "

Lin Fei complained.

"Cough cough cough..., I didn't think I was too excited to come back to the Holy Master VI again, so I forgot it all at once.

It's not about this now. Go east, hurry up. "

Emperor Yan was slightly embarrassed.

Lin Fei curled his mouth.

After spending some time with Emperor Yan, Lin Fei realized that sometimes this guy is not very reliable.

"Then let's leave this Black Wind Beast Realm as soon as possible. If we encounter another Demon Beast of the Emperor Realm, it will be miserable.

By the way, Emperor Yan, how long do you think it will take to get out of this Black Wind Beast Realm? "

Lin Fei and the queen began to head east, and asked casually.

"Ahem..., it will take about a month for the two of you.

I was a high-level emperor at the beginning. After being injured, I fled into the Black Wind Beast Realm. It took me more than 20 days to come here.

By coincidence, he accidentally broke into the cave just now, and the teleportation formation was discovered before it was teleported to the Yuanwu Realm. "

Yandi replied.

One month!

In this Black Wind Beast Realm, the monsters with the strength of the Emperor Realm, and even the monsters with the strength of the Bitter Sea Realm and the Divine Bridge Realm, are now going to travel in this extremely dangerous and terrifying place for a month!

Lin Fei couldn't help but stop after hearing what Yan Emperor said.

"Emperor Yan, you didn't deliberately deceived me to come to the Sovereign Sixth and die."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

"Boy, why did you talk like this, be careful, it is still possible to go out.

Well, stop arguing about these meaningless things, let's start quickly.

Moreover, this is the core area of ​​the Black Wind Beast Realm. As long as you leave this core area, the strength of the monsters you encounter will not be so powerful and terrifying. "

Emperor Yan seemed to be distressed and quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, you are cruel."

Lin Fei gritted his teeth.

Next, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and flew eastward with the queen. Of course, both of them were cautious, releasing their divine consciousness far away, sensing every movement around them.

Just now.


In the distant sky, the howling sound shook the sky, the wind was violent, and the energy of the entire sky seemed to burst instantly.

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