Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1205: Behead


Entering the sacred realm, dare to be rude in front of Master Liu!

You, something like rubbish, knelt down and apologized to Master Liu! "

That Xiao Shaocheng reacted first, pointing at Lin Fei and cursing, and then he moved in front of Lin Fei, leaning his hand to grab Lin Fei's chest. "Literature fans.ん.

Under the explosion of vitality, a little dazzling starlight shone from above his palm, the sky filled with starlight, cold light, very dazzling and psychedelic, and enveloped Lin Fei overwhelmingly.

Obviously, this is a very mysterious vitality martial art.

call out!

A sneer evoked at the corner of Lin Fei's mouth.

The misty sword light swept directly over Xiao Shaocheng's arms.


Xiao Shaocheng's right arm flew away from the body, carrying **** arrows.


Under the scream of Xiao Shaocheng, he was horrified and quickly backed away.

However, Lin Fei's speed was much faster than him, and when he moved his figure, he reached out to grab his collar.

Then, a sword light flashed directly into Xiao Shaocheng's Dantian.

"No! You..."

Xiao Shaocheng's eyes ranged from unbelievable, to horror, to despair.

Then, Lin Fei casually threw Xiao Shaocheng's body in front of Xiao Yinyue, intentionally or unconsciously.

"It's just a dead dog, and I dare to bark and bark here."

Lin Fei patted his hands, as if he was afraid of getting his hands dirty.

Lost in seconds!

And the speed was too fast, so fast that everyone didn't react at all.

"Ah! No..., you actually abolished my dantian..."

That Xiao Shaocheng was thrown by Lin Fei in front of Xiao Yinyue, howling heartbroken.

For a martial artist, his dantian was abolished, and his whole body cultivation was put into water, which is the cruelest thing for a martial artist.

"I'm looking for death, in front of this young master, I dare to hurt people!

Come on, scrap this kid for me! "

Then Young Master Liu reacted, his face turned blue with anger, and Lin Fei destroyed Xiao Shaocheng in front of him, which was undoubtedly slapped him in the face.

Immediately behind Young Master Liu, there were two middle-aged men, both of whom were senior in the Holy Realm. At the same time, they moved towards Lin Fei.

"Boy, dare to offend our Master Liu, you are dead."

Two middle-aged men, one on the left and the other, with cruel smiles on their faces.

Both of them are high-level in the holy realm, so naturally they would not put a kid in the holy realm in their eyes.

There was a strong vitality surging in his body, and at the same time he rushed towards Lin Feibao. He didn't use any profound vitality tricks. It turned out to be an absolute advantage in the vitality realm to force Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stared coldly, not evasive.


When the two Saint Realm seniors rushed in front of Lin Fei, two flashes of instant killing and shocking sword light shot on their bodies with terrifying degrees.

Lin Fei's Absolute Sword of Divine Sense can kill even a half emperor in a flash, not to mention being a person of high holy realm.

Unprepared, the two high-level holy realms had no chance to avoid them.

The bodies of the two Saint Realm seniors who rushed towards Lin Fei suddenly froze, and even maintained that kind of running posture.



Both bodies are divided into two and split into two halves from the middle of the body.

Two bodies, four corpses, fell to the ground.

It's a spike again.

"What, how is it possible!

How could an ant entering the Holy Land be so powerful! "

The Young Master Liu stared at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but stunned.

"Uncle Wu, kill him soon!"

In Young Master Liu's heart, he couldn't help but feel the chills, and Lin Fei's strength in combat made him feel a little frightened.

"Hmph, a holy ant who only learned a clever swordsmanship, actually killed the innocent in such a way, and took his life!"

The tall and thin middle-aged man who intercepted Xiao Yinyue just now, his face sinking like water, approached Lin Fei, he had the strength of a junior half emperor.

"You knelt and cried yourself, or I did it yourself."

The tall and thin middle-aged man came in front of Lin Fei, and the power of the half-emperor's Yuanli pressure came to Lin Fei endlessly.

Although, Lin Fei just showed terrible combat power.

However, he still didn't think Lin Fei was his opponent, because the two sides' vitality realm was too far apart.

"Snug your mom!"

Lin Fei suddenly yelled, and the demon body clone appeared in front of the tall and thin middle-aged man instantly, a punch was blasted out, the devilish energy rolled, and the entire space was plunged into darkness immediately, it was the dark demon fist.

"What, a clone of the Devil Emperor's strength, boy, unexpectedly, you have such a trump card!"

The tall thin middle-aged man yelled in horror.

Wanfeng Demon Poison!

The magic shadow transposition!

The sword of the devil!


In the darkness, the demon body clone displayed a magical power of the demon clan, constantly bombarding the past.

Finally, in the screams, the body of the tall and thin middle-aged man was shattered by a punch of the demon body clone.

Lin Fei couldn't help but secretly marveled that the fighting power of the martial artist in the Sovereign Master 6 was indeed very powerful.

Only a junior half-emperor, the demon body clone actually used six or seven demon clan supernatural powers to be able to kill.

"Boy, we from the Liu family, you dare to kill, you are dead!"

Then Young Master Liu couldn't think that his half-emperor master was killed instantly, and he couldn't help being shocked and angry.

"At this point, I dare to be so arrogant. I really convinced you."

Lin Fei smiled coldly, and while her figure flickered, she teleported to that Young Master Liu.

"Boy, dare you!

I am the young master of the Liu family, dare you to move me, don't you want to live! "

That Young Master Liu couldn't help but pale in shock.

"Stop it, Young Master Liu is from the Zhao family of Yue Kingdom, not something you can offend, kid, enough is enough."

The two high-level holy realms behind Liu Shaoye had no choice but to bite the bullet and stood up and stood in front of Liu Shaoye.


To answer them, there were only two flashes of trembling sword light, which shot past their bodies at a terrifying speed.


The bodies of the two high-level holy realms exploded directly.

Then, Lin Fei rushed directly in front of the Master Liu.

A sword light slashed over.

"Do not kill me!"

Then Young Master Liu yelled in horror. He couldn't think that Lin Fei really dared to kill him, completely disregarding his identity.

Suddenly, this Young Master Liu seemed to think of something, while the jade pendant flashed from his chest, bursting out a bright brilliance, forming a light curtain, enclosing his body.


Lin Fei's Absolute Sword of Divine Sense slashed on that light curtain, and instantly annihilated.

Lin Fei's eyes couldn't help but shrink.

The light curtain exploded by the jade pendant on that side was too powerful, equivalent to the defense of a master in the emperor realm, and Lin Fei's Domineering Sword of Divine Sense could not be broken.

"Hahahaha... rubbish, ridiculous rubbish, this jade pendant was specially made for me by my grandfather for self-defense.

It’s not that easy to kill me!

You rubbish, you dare to kill the people of our Liu family in Yue country. You are dead. Even if you go to heaven and earth, our Liu family will find you and kill you! "

When the Master Liu realized that Lin Fei's sword light couldn't hurt him, he couldn't help but laughed arrogantly all of a sudden, looking at Lin Fei's gaze, resentful.

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