Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1207: Vietnam

For a long while. Literature "" fans. .

"This thief with the surname Liu is indeed damned!

You killed well!


Next, your trouble will be big.

Well, after all, you are dragged down by me.

Next, you follow me back to Xiao's house, and I will explain the whole thing to my father.

Our Xiao family will protect you.

Hmph, although Liu Guangjue is terrible, but our Xiao family might not be afraid of him. "

Xiao Yinyue seemed to have made up his mind and said to Lin Fei.

"I, follow you, back to Xiao's house?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

Although, Lin Fei killed the young master Liu, and smashed a ray of divine consciousness imprint of Liu Guangjue.

However, Lin Fei had never thought about going to Xiao's house with this Xiao Yinyue.

"Boy, follow her. That Liu Guangjue is a master of the Divine Bridge Realm. With you, even if you have a thousand, he is not an opponent.

I'm afraid he has already sent people to find you now.

Listening to this little girl's tone, her family shouldn't be simple. You may seek shelter for a while.

When the time comes, we can find the opportunity to leave the country secretly. "

Emperor Yan's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.


Finally, Lin Fei nodded.

"So, what about him?"

Lin Fei looked at Xiao Shaocheng, and there was an obvious murderous expression in his eyes.

For Xiao Shaocheng, his dantian was destroyed by Lin Fei's sword, and his cultivation was already lost.

He saw Lin Fei not only killing Master Liu, but also Liu Guangjue's imprint of spiritual consciousness was destroyed by Lin Fei.

At this time, he looked at Lin Fei's gaze, fearing like a snake and scorpion, with a kind of inner fear.

Because he found, this is simply a murderer.

"Sister Yinyue, spare my life and let me go.

I got it wrong, Sister Yinyue, because we are all members of the Xiao family, please let me go. "

Xiao Shaocheng listened to Lin Fei's words at this moment, and couldn't help but fly away.

He knew that the other party would definitely kill himself without hesitation.

Xiao Yinyue stared at Xiao Shaocheng indifferently, with an expression of extreme disgust on her face.

Today, it was this Xiao Shaocheng who used tricks and set up traps, almost ruining his innocence.

However, this Xiao Shaocheng, after all, belongs to his own Xiao family.

"Let's go, leave him alone."

Xiao Yinyue suddenly turned around and stopped looking at Xiao Shaocheng. He nodded lightly towards Lin Fei, and flew up with a movement.

Lin Fei and the queen also flew up immediately and followed behind.

That Xiao Shaocheng's cultivation was completely lost, and a waste person, and this place was the Black Wind Beast Realm, where many monsters lived.

At this time, only a demon beast came out casually, no matter what kind of strength it was, it could easily put Xiao Shaocheng to death.

Therefore, even though Xiao Yinyue didn't kill Xiao Shaocheng, he definitely couldn't escape the fate of death.

Lin Fei naturally knew this.

at the same time.

The capital of the country of Vietnam, in a certain underground chamber.

There is a rickety, disheveled old man sitting in it.

It is Liu Guangjue.

Of course, this is Liu Guangjue's ontology.


Above Liu Guangjue's wrinkled old face, his closed eyes suddenly opened, and a terrifying light burst out of his eyes.


In front of him, a large area of ​​space was fluctuated and collapsed one after another, and a series of black and faint spider-web-sized space cracks continued to spread out.

This is real space fragmentation!

At this moment, Liu Guangjue's old body conveyed a monstrous hatred.

When he waved his hand, a light curtain of spiritual power suddenly appeared in the secret room. On the light curtain, two clear figures slowly emerged.

One man and one woman.

It is Lin Fei and the queen.

"Okay, very good, in the Yue country, someone dared to kill my grandson of Liu Guangjue.

This grandson, although he is the least successful and useless of all my grandsons.

However, not everyone in the Liu family can kill. "

Liu Guangjue's emotions gradually subsided, and Lin Fei and the Queen were already on the list of Liu's must-killers in his heart.

"The planning of the big prince soon began.

It's time for me to leave the customs, otherwise, I will miss a lot of wonderful moments. "

Then, Liu Guangjue stood up slowly and stepped out slowly, and then his body disappeared into the secret room strangely.

Besides, Lin Fei and the queen followed Xiao Yinyue and flew for a while.

Xiao Yinyue slowed down a little, and moved forward side by side with Lin Fei and the queen.

"You are not from Vietnam, right."

Xiao Yinyue asked.

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"You don't even know Liu Guangjue, how can you be from Vietnam."

Xiao Yinyue seemed to see Lin Fei's doubts.

"Yes, we are indeed not from Vietnam."

Lin Fei said.

Of course, Lin Fei would not tell Xiao Yinyue that he had been transported from another world. After all, they weren't familiar with each other to the point where they could say everything.

"Let me tell you about the major forces in our country.

That way you know it.

Otherwise, based on your personality, maybe you provoke someone or a force that you can't provoke, and you will be in trouble. "

Xiao Yinyue said, apparently seeing Lin Fei's decisive style just now, and believing that Lin Fei is a restless and prone to trouble.

Lin Fei couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth.

His sister, I just provoke Liu Guangjue just to save you, okay?

Lin Fei cried secretly in his heart.

The queen was beside, seeing Lin Fei suffocating, she couldn't help but chuckle with her hand.

Then, Xiao Yinyue was Xiang Lin Fei, explaining the situation of Yue country, including the major forces in Yue country.

It turned out that the Kingdom of Yue is the Holy Master 6, a country in the Eastern Region.

And countries like Yue are just a drop in the ocean in the Eastern Region, and there are countless countries like this.

The Black Wind Beast Realm is a very famous place within the border of Yue Country, and it is the area where demons and monsters live.

Within the Yue Kingdom, there are three major sects, Lingxu Sect, Zhentian Sect, and Jintai Sect.

In addition to these three major sects, there is also a powerful force, the royal family of Yue Kingdom.

And the head of the Xiao family where Xiao Yinyue was in, turned out to be the prime minister of the Yue Kingdom.

And that Liu Guangjue was the Grand Marshal of Vietnam.

However, the head of the Xiao family, and Liu Guangjue, although they are officials in the same court, are in a competitive relationship.

The reason is that the head of the Xiao family belongs to the camp of the three princes.

And Liu Guangjue is the camp of the prince.

After listening to Xiao Yinyue's introduction, Lin Fei finally knew a lot about the situation in Yue.

Even the Xiao family and the Liu family have some understanding.

The Liu Guangjue who Lin Fei offended was the Grand Marshal of the Yue country.

"Then why did you appear in the Black Wind Beast Realm and were chased by Xiao Shaocheng and Liu Shaoye?

Lin Fei asked curiously.

This Xiao Yinyue was a young lady from the family of the Prime Minister of the Yue Kingdom, with golden branches and jade leaves, and a noble status, but she appeared in this poor mountain and evil ridge, in the black wind beast realm where demons and monsters live.

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