Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1209: Ancient temple in the volcano

Along the way, there are a large number of monsters and monsters, running everywhere, the ground shakes the mountains, and the growing forests are destroyed and chaotic. Wen   Xue Fan. ㄟ.

From time to time, masters with extremely powerful auras turned into rainbows passing through the sky, flashing across the sky like lightning, rushing towards the position where the muffled sound was heard.

There were some figures with particularly terrifying aura that made Lin Fei feel a little surprised.

In the Yuan Wu realm, Lin Fei's combat power was almost unmatched.

Unexpectedly, after coming to the Sovereign Master 6, but all of a sudden, I met so many terrifying masters.

Lin Fei and the queen flew cautiously, flashing aside wittily whenever the existing masters with terrifying aura passed by.

Finally, the forest gradually became scarce, the temperature got higher and higher, and there was a billowing heat wave in front of him. Looking into the distance, there was a fire rising into the sky.

Finally, when Lin Fei and the queen climbed over a tall mountain, a volcano appeared in front of them.

The whole volcano was burning with raging fire. Inside the crater, there was boiling magma. Although it did not flow out, it was very scary and burned half of the sky red.

What surprised Lin Fei and the queen was that within the crater, there was an ancient and magnificent palace, which floated up and down in the magma, rising and falling, and exuding bursts of mysterious light.

In this palace, there is a breath of time flowing, and at the same time there are sacred clouds flowing around.

And the muffled sound that Lin Fei and the queen heard before, obviously came from the palace inside the crater.

Lin Fei and the queen stopped far apart.

Because, at this moment, there are more than a dozen figures surrounding the crater, and each one has an amazing aura.

There are not only humans but also many masters of other races.

A big humanoid man with a height of four meters, his arms are covered with scales, shining brilliantly under the magma.

A charming and **** woman with a delicate face and a fiery figure, but her lower body was a thick golden snake body.

A fierce beast that resembles a bull, bears a lion's head, and is covered with blue scales, is more than ten meters high, like a hill.

There is a lovely girl with wings on her back.

In the sky, there is a 50-meter-long divine bird, with golden light shining all over, and arcs lingering around it.

These dozen figures surrounded the crater from all directions.

The astonishing coercion that radiated completely blocked the range of several kilometers around the crater.

All the other people couldn't get close, nor dared to get close, they could only look at it from a distance.

"Lin Fei, you must not come close. These are the masters of the Divine Bridge Realm. I am afraid that just one thought can kill you."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Emperor Yan's voice trembled a little.

At this moment, Lin Fei showed Xiao Yinyue, standing on a mountain, beside her, there were a large group of people, these people should be from the Xiao family.

At this time, all people were staring at the ancient temple in the lava of the volcano.

The magma there is boiling, and the shimmering ancient temple is ups and downs, as if the power of time is circulating, making people feel a breath of ancient times.


Suddenly, a muffled sound came out of the ancient hall, causing everyone's hearts to faintly beat the rhythm of this muffled sound.

Those with weaker cultivation bases trembled involuntarily, and their faces turned pale.

After a series of muffled noises.

The magma in the crater suddenly began to surging, and blazing rays of light rushed into the sky, like fireworks.

At this moment, the magma began to flow out of the crater, and the ancient temple in the magma began to directly float up.

Suddenly, the dozens of powerful figures that were tightly surrounding the crater began to slowly move forward, and everyone wanted to approach the ancient temple.

Several human powerhouses, with dazzling Yuan Li Guanghua blooming all over their bodies, rushed to the ancient palace with the momentum of crushing everything.

And the masters of those other races were unwilling to lag behind, and at the same time stepped forward, without fear of the hot magma.

Among them, the big man with his arms covered with scales suddenly shouted at several human experts: "Humans, you are too much.

This is the territory of our demons and monsters. Now that you come to our territory to compete for opportunities, do you want to stir up disputes? "

Not far away, the fierce beast that resembles a bull, bears a lion head, and is covered with cyan scales is also talking: "Yes, all humans, get out of the black wind beast realm immediately, otherwise, just go to war ."

"Hmph, most of these cave mansions left over from ancient times are the residences of our predecessors of human warriors. When will they become your territory.

We are just coming to the cave house left by human ancestors to look for opportunities. It is reasonable and reasonable. What's wrong? "

A human powerhouse shrouded in a soaring purple aura, said coldly, revealing a terrifying aura.

"According to the legend, the Black Wind Beast Realm was the imperial capital in the heyday of the monster clan in ancient times. Everything here has nothing to do with the human martial artist. How could there be human martial artist's cave mansion?

The cave mansion in front of us must have been left over from the ancient power of our monster race. "

In the sky, the fifty-meter-long divine bird, with golden light shining all over, also spoke in a loud voice, piercing the golden cracked stone.

"It can't be left behind by the power of the Yaozu. Judging from the architectural style of the palace in front of you, it is clearly the style of the human race. What does it have to do with the Yaozu."

A human who is as short as a three or four-year-old child, but with a head as big as a fight, said in a loud voice, his voice is also milky and childish.

The human powerhouse, and those monster race powerhouses, both sides can't dispute, all for the ancient temple in the magma.

At this moment, in the crater, boiling magma, red and unusually coquettish, constantly gushing outwards, like bright red blood, the ancient temple is slowly rising higher and higher.

In the end, the ancient temple finally escaped completely from the crater and hovered directly above the crater.

The whole ancient temple is crystal clear, revealing a breathtaking and majestic breath, and the colorful gods are lingering, which is very extraordinary.

At the same time, all around the ancient temple, in the void, suddenly there are many ancient characters, constantly appearing, around the ancient temple, flying back and forth, and rotating, some are shaped like dragons and phoenixes, and some resemble mysterious turtles and unicorns. .

"Ancient Demon Race text, look!

This is the ancient characters of Yaozu! "

Suddenly, several Yaozu masters screamed, almost dancing with excitement.

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