Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1215: Terrible brutal cavalry

"Boy, I think, you should hurry up now. Wen   Δ learn Ω fan...

Now Tianliang Holy Land, and the people of the Sikong family are here.

The other two holy places, the people of two families, are expected to come soon.

Staying here again has no effect at all.

Did you get a magic weapon just now?

If you want to own it, the most correct thing to do now is to leave immediately.

Otherwise, it is estimated that those from the holy land and aristocratic families will soon come and confiscated them. "

Emperor Yan said to Lin Fei in the sea of ​​knowledge.

At this moment, Lin Fei's eyes were looking at the ancient temple above the crater from a distance.

This ancient temple is a cave house that can be left behind by the great transformation of the fairyland. Needless to say, there must be many unimaginable treasures and opportunities left in the ancient temple.

However, at this moment, his strength is too weak, he can only watch from a distance, and has no ability to get involved.

Lin Fei's heart was somewhat unwilling.

"We should leave soon."

Lin Fei nodded, knowing that Emperor Yan was right.

As a result, Lin Fei and the queen no longer lingered, and headed outside the Black Wind Beast Realm.

However, at this moment.

"Immediately block a one-thousand-mile radius, and everyone is not allowed to leave without authorization.

All the magic weapons that have been obtained just now can be handed over and checked before they can leave!

Otherwise, they will be killed on the spot! "

A loud bang was rumbling in the sky.

Then, in the Holy Land of Heaven and the Sagong Family, there were people rushing out in all directions to seal off the area of ​​thousands of miles.

Suddenly, the savage beast cavalry of the Holy Land of Heaven and the chariot team of the Sikong family once again rumbling across the sky, the beasts hissing and the roaring of the vehicles stirred the entire sky to boiling.


Lin Fei grabbed the queen, and instantly unfolded the magic escape. Under the escape, his figure was already five to six thousand meters away.

Lin Fei's current body style and degree are slightly better than the queen.

In desperation, he couldn't take care of that much, so he took the queen's hand and left.

The queen's jade hand, being pulled by Lin Fei, was ashamed and happy in her heart. At the same time, she was secretly thinking in her heart that this guy didn't mean it.

Just when Lin Fei and the queen's figure left.

Among the savage beast cavalry in the Holy Land of Heaven, there is a cavalryman who has hurriedly left Lin Fei and the queen.

"Hey, leaving in such a hurry, I must have obtained a magic weapon just now.

Some people dared to disobey the order of our celestial sage. I want to see what you can do. "

This is a mighty man with a dazzling figure and silver armor, with a sneer on his face.


The huge and majestic savage beast under his crotch made a long roar, loud and deafening.

After a loud roar, the body of this brutal beast cut through the sky, rolled out, and disappeared instantly.

Lin Fei and the queen were galloping out of the Black Wind Beast Realm.

Suddenly, there was a strong sense of crisis in Lin Fei's heart, as if something was staring at the two of them.

"No, someone is catching up!"

Lin Fei was taken aback and quickly said to the queen.

As soon as Lin Fei's voice fell, a faint beast roar came from behind, like thunderstorms, rolling in.

"It's a brutal cavalry in the Holy Land of Heaven!"

Lin Fei's face was a little pale, the cavalry in the Holy Land of Heavenly Quantity, the weakest in strength, was also the strength of the Emperor Realm.

Moreover, as a cavalry in the Holy Land, you don't need to ask, you must have a very profound and profound martial arts, and the combat experience and combat power are absolutely outstanding.

With Lin Fei and the queen's current strength, it is absolutely impossible to face the enemy.

The only way now is to escape!

Lin Fei took the queen's hand and urged the devilish escape to the extreme. With the devilish energy rolling, his figure continuously teleported forward and fled.

"Tsk tusk, I didn't expect that a human teenager could use the magical powers of the demons.

However, it's useless. You can't escape your degree in front of me.

You dare to disobey our orders from the Holy Land, stop and take the initiative to accept punishment. "

A voice rang from the rear, and a powerful sound shook the entire sky slightly trembling.

"No, this brutal cavalry is a high-level emperor realm, boy, your trouble is big."

Emperor Yan's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

The imperial realm is advanced!

Damn, the strength of this heavenly sacred place is too terrifying. Sending out a brute cavalry casually is actually the strength of the emperor realm. It is too abnormal.

You know, if it is in the Yuanwu realm, a high-level emperor can definitely kill the entire Yuanwu realm.

Lin Fei couldn't help groaning secretly, desperately using his magic escape, not daring to stay in the slightest.


At this moment, Lin Fei felt that the space behind began to vibrate violently.

Perceived by his divine consciousness, Lin Fei was surprised to realize that a brutal beast covered with cyan scales carrying a cavalry had already chased him a distance of about four to five kilometers behind him.

"Damn it, this savage beast is so terrifying that it has caught up to me so soon..."

Lin Feitong also shrank for a while, and his heart became cold. The terrible breath of the cavalry behind him was getting closer, oppressing Lin Fei's chest.

Fighting must have failed to beat others, and now they cannot escape, and the situation is very bad.

"Boy, look for a chance to enter your city.

Your city, I don't know what level of magic weapon it is, but an emperor realm master can never perceive it. "

At this time, Emperor Yan's voice sounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, reminding Lin Feidao.


Lin Fei nodded.

Thinking of the city on his body, Lin Fei's heart felt a little more settled.

"Well, I have no time to play with you two ants anymore.

Now, choose, hand over the magic weapon in your body, or die! "

Behind him, the voice of the brutal cavalry resounded again, deafening.

Then, I saw that the cavalry stretched out his left hand, and in his hand there was a blue longbow that was more than two meters high and thicker than an adult's big feet. The cold gleam was very strange.

Then the cavalry stretched out his right hand, with a cyan long arrow more than one meter long in his hand, which was placed on the cyan longbow and aimed at Lin Fei.

Suddenly, Lin Fei felt that a fierce force had already locked himself tightly, as if no matter which direction he fled, he would definitely be inevitable.

At this moment, Lin Fei was cold all over, feeling close to death.

"You only have three breaths, I count three times, one."

The voice of this savage cavalry was very cold, and seemed to have no human feelings.

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