Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1229: Start

"Miss Xiao, thank you very much. Literary fans...

If it weren't for you to sign up for me in the name of the Prime Minister's Mansion, I'm afraid I would not be eligible to participate in this year's martial arts competition in Vietnam. "

After hearing the old eunuch's words, Lin Fei turned to look at Xiao Yinyue, and said sincerely.

According to the old eunuch, you must be a young warrior from the Yue country, or a young warrior recommended by the sect or family of the Yue country, in order to participate.

"Hehe, you saved me, don't be polite with me for this little thing."

Xiao Yinyue replied, with a smile on her face.

At this moment, the old eunuch, who was suspended in the sky above the competition venue, continued to say: "In this martial arts competition, the top 30 young players can directly join the six martial arts in Vietnam. .

Young players who enter the top fifteen will have the opportunity to join the first-class big sect in the Eastern Region and become disciples of the big sect.

The young players who have won the top three will have the opportunity to join the three holy places among the representatives sent by the three holy places to watch the game!

Of course, according to the past practice, the young athletes who won the first place will be rewarded with a large amount of training resources, including spars, pills, magic weapons, and even martial arts secrets. "

The voice of the old eunuch, like a rolling thunder, sounded clearly in every corner of the playing field.

He said that all the young players who were about to participate in the competition were full of enthusiasm.

Especially, those who have won the top three have the opportunity to join the three holy sites!

Being able to join the three holy places and become a disciple of the three holy places is even more what most young warriors in the Eastern Region dream of.

"Well, stop talking nonsense.

The game officially begins below.

Each contestant will get a jade slip, and just follow the jade slip to participate in the competition. "

After the old **** finished speaking, his sleeves flicked.


Huh hoo hoo hoo...

A lot of milky white streamers flew out of the sleeves of the old eunuchs and shot out in all directions, like locusts crossing the border.

Each stream of light is a piece of jade slip.

Every piece of jade slip flew to a contestant in the end without error.

The old eunuch's skill was revealed, and it immediately caused many people to secretly praise.

In front of Lin Fei, there was also a jade slip lasing, floating in front of him.

Lin Fei reached out and took the jade slip in his hand.

"Dear players, because of the number of players, the order of the games will be in order.

The jade slips in your hands will tell you when and which ring to enter for the competition.

Well, the game starts now! "

After the old **** said the last sentence, he moved and disappeared directly above the playing field.

Then, the jade slips in the hands of many young warriors who participated in the competition began to burst out with brilliant crystal light, and a digital number emerged.

"Going to play!"

The young warriors who had the jade Jianliang in their hands and the digital numbers appeared could not help but whisper, both nervous and expectant.

"I'm ring number eighty."

Suddenly, Xiao Yinyue's delicate hand covered her cherry lips, and whispered in a low voice, a number emerged from the jade slip in her hand, which was the number eighty.

This means that she is now going to the 80th ring to compete.

"good luck."

The jade Jane in Lin Fei's hand did not shine, obviously it was not yet his turn to play.

In addition to Xiao Yinyue, the Xiao family also had four or five jade Jianliang in the hands of participating children, and numbers emerged.

"Thank you, wait for my good news."

Xiao Yinyue smiled at Lin Fei, her snow-like skin looked delicate and moving, and then her body with a fiery curve moved towards one of the competition arenas in the middle of the arena.

In the wide open space in the middle of the entire competition field, more than two hundred special arenas have been built for competitions.

Therefore, more than two hundred games can be played at the same time.

"Is Ms. Xiao beautiful?"

Lin Fei's gaze at this time was exactly looking at Xiao Yinyue's back, but Qing Luo next to him suddenly asked Lin Fei.

"Hehe, I don't care if I don't look at it."

Lin Fei smiled.

"I'm not that boring.

I mean, Miss Xiao is actually very good, if she is fancy, she should start as soon as possible. "

Qingluo's beautiful eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth twitched. There was a bit of cunning in his eyes.


Qing Luo, when did you become so gossip, you weren't like this before.

Where is the dignified and steady queen in my mind. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but twitched his mouth, turned his head, and looked at Qing Luo's delicate and smooth face.

"Too lazy to care about you!"

Qing Luo flushed, stared at Lin Fei, and quickly turned his head.

However, soon the eyes of the two of them were attracted by the games in the middle of the arena.

The young martial artist participating in this competition, the minimum requirement is to have the strength above the Holy Realm.

The warriors above the holy realm can already cause great damage once they fight.

Therefore, on each arena, there are many defensive formations arranged to protect the entire arena.

In this way, contestants can let go of various powerful martial arts without worrying about destroying the arena.

At this time, in the center of the competition venue, there were more than two hundred arenas. On each of the arenas, there were two contestants who were fighting each other.

On each arena, there are loud winds, heavy fist shadows, sword flashes, sword qi tumbling, and various other vitality martial arts, which are displayed, and the scene is extremely lively.

Many of those audience members in the audience are cheering for their doormen, younger generations, friends, or relatives.

Lin Fei's gaze fell on the 80th arena, because Xiao Yinyue was on the 80th arena at the moment.

Lin Feixian, Xiao Yinyue's weapon was a gleaming silver whip, which turned out to be a medium-grade Hong-level magic weapon, one level higher than his own ancient dragon sword.

Because the ancient dragon sword is just a low-grade Hong-level magic weapon.

Xiao Yinyue's opponent was a senior young man who had entered the Holy Land.

And Xiao Yinyue itself is the elementary strength of the holy realm. With every attack, the gleaming silver whip is accompanied by a powerful force of strength, like a storm, full of whip shadows, Full of momentum, above the realm of vitality, he has already suppressed the opponent firmly.

Therefore, there is basically no suspense in this battle.

After about three or four moves by the two sides, the young man who entered the Holy Realm was pressured by Xiao Yinyue's long whip, and forced to the extreme edge of the ring.

The high-ranking young man entering the Holy Realm knew that he could not be Xiao Yinyue's opponent. Although he was not reconciled, he had to bow his head and admit defeat.

After Xiao Yinyue passed the barrier easily, she returned to the rest area and sat back in her original seat.


Lin Fei praised openly.

"It's just the first round."

Xiao Yinyue smiled.

In some other arenas, the game is still going on.

"How is this going!"


Xiao Yinyue's gaze suddenly fell on one of the arena, her pretty face that was smiling and groaning instantly became cold, and even the temperature in the space around her delicate body suddenly dropped.

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