Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1241: Roll down

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let me do it, you two just need to cooperate with me next to you, to deal with this kid, I'm actually enough. Literature fan. Ω."

The handsome young man said to the other two that the black-clothed young man and the stout young man with the shawl nodded at the same time, spreading from left to right, faintly surrounding Lin Fei.

"What? Look, the three of them actually joined forces to deal with the player named Lin Fei."

All the spectators around, seeing this scene, suddenly started talking.

"Smart players who can enter the semifinals are really smart.

That Lin Fei was the weakest and the easiest to deal with.

The three of them unite to blast Lin Fei out of the ring. It can be said that it is easy and effortless.

In this way, the three of them will securely enter the top three and get the opportunity to become disciples of the three holy places. "

"Well, yes, this is a tactical use. To expel the weakest, the three of them are guaranteed to enter the top three, and there is no worries. Then, you can use a relaxed mentality and slowly Just play."

In the competition arena, one after another voices of discussion.

"Damn it, it's so despicable!"

On Xiao Yinyue's pretty face was densely covered with frost, and a pair of pink fists were clenched tightly, wishing to rush to the ring to help Lin Fei.

"Miss Xiao, don't worry, he still has a hole card and should be able to handle it."

Qing Luo said to Xiao Yinyue, her beautiful eyes stared at the situation on the ring, but above her delicate face, there was a hint of worry quietly showing.

To the east of the playing field, above the luxurious grandstand high in the sky.

"Hehe, unexpectedly, these little guys would actually play this trick.

It seems that the player named Lin Fei should have no chance. "

Among the representatives of the three holy places in the middle of the grandstand, a middle-aged man smiled and said that he was the representative of the heavenly holy places.

"Well, that's okay. According to my observation, the player named Lin Fei actually relies on a slightly more advanced swordsmanship and a strange martial arts skill.

However, his vitality realm was a junior sub-sacred realm, very rubbish, unsightly.

To put it bluntly, it means relying on martial arts to win, rather than relying on real strength to win. This is actually a kind of opportunism, and it is temporary.

A warrior, in the final analysis, the most fundamental thing is the realm of cultivation. This is the most important thing.

And the so-called brilliant martial skills, for our three holy places, the most indispensable is a large number of various brilliant and mysterious martial skills.

Therefore, I think that when recruiting disciples, we still need to pay more attention to the realm of cultivation and the understanding of martial arts.

Instead of relying on one or two more powerful martial arts to win temporarily like this player named Lin Fei. "

The representatives of Taizhen Holy Land also expressed their opinions.

"Yes, the two make sense. Whether Lin Fei is out, the remaining three players are the talents that our three holy sites need."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the representatives of the spectators also nodded and agreed with the views of the representatives of the other two holy places.

As a result, the representatives of the three holy places actually had a negative view of Lin Fei.

If at this time, this scene is known by Lin Fei who is currently in the game, with Lin Fei's character, it is estimated that he will immediately strike out.

At this time, above the first ring.

"Hey, kid, don't blame us for being ruthless, persimmons have to be soft, I think you understand this."

The handsome young man looked at Lin Fei with a playful look. Then, suddenly, he lifted his right fist, just a lift, and a terrifying aura of tearing the mountain and the ground enveloped the entire ring.

In all directions, illusory dragon shadows suddenly appeared, and the sound of dragons roared endlessly.

"Try my Long Xiao Huangquan!"

When the handsome young man moved, a long dragon rushed out of his body in an instant, circling and flying above his head, full of power.


The handsome young man suddenly blasted a punch, and the entire space on the ring shook abruptly. The power of this punch was like a mountain torrent, like a storm, like a volcano, and exploding fiercely.

His type of Long Xiaohuang Fist contains the powerful vitality of a senior half emperor. It seems to be overwhelming, like a mad dragon tearing, breaking the sky and the earth, and directly punching out a ten-meter-long vacuum trace.

At the same time that the handsome young man punched, the black-clothed young man and the stout young man with a shawl were also left and right, blocking Lin Fei's retreat.

"Do you want to deceive more and less, well, in this case, I have nothing to keep."

Lin Fei's eyes were cold, his thoughts moved, and with a squeak, there was a monstrous strong magic energy on the entire arena, and it burst out continuously. In an instant, the light in the entire arena dimmed a lot.

Then, a five or six-meter tall and hideous figure appeared, which was Lin Fei's demon clone.

In the previous game, Lin Fei never released the demon clone.

On the one hand, it was because Lin Fei was still able to cope, and there was no need to release the demon clone to help.

On the other hand, Lin Fei somewhat has the intention to reserve some hole cards for himself.

In addition, there is another reason, that is, Lin Fei doesn't know whether it is a foul to use the demon body clone to participate in the game.

After all, once the demon body clone is released, it is equivalent to two people working together.

However, Lin Fei also asked Xiao Yinyue this question several times during the gap between games.

According to Xiao Yinyue's guess, it should not be considered a foul, because in the rules of the game, there is no rule prohibiting the use of clones to fight.

Moreover, according to Xiao Yinyue, in the previous performance of the Yue State Martial Arts Competition, there were young warriors who used puppets to participate in the competition and achieved good results.

Since puppets are also possible, then of course the clones of warriors are also possible.

Therefore, under the current situation, Lin Fei did not hesitate to directly release the demon clone.

Because, none of these three people is weak.

To be able to reach the last among the 3,000 contestants and become the top four, it can be said that each of them is a genius of enchanting style and possesses powerful combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Lin Fei is now one enemy three, but he dare not entrust it.

At this moment, in the entire competition venue, all the audience's eyes are staring at the situation above this arena.

It seemed that in front of Lin Fei, there was suddenly a tall Demon Race, and suddenly there were shocks.

"This is a clone of Lin Fei!"

Some viewers realized this.

"This clone is made from the body of the Demon Race, and it even possesses the magic power of the Demon Emperor.

"Awesome, young enough to be able to refine his own clone, this player named Lin Fei does have his own uniqueness."

Many viewers exclaimed. After all, under normal circumstances, only some real masters with terrifying and powerful strength can make a clone. Now it is really surprising that a junior boy with such a weak strength has a clone. Things.

Above the ring.


As soon as Lin Fei's demon body clone appeared, he quickly displayed all kinds of demon supernatural powers and bombarded the handsome young man.

"Damn, you actually have a clone of the Devil Emperor!"

The handsome boy's face was very ugly, and he was fighting with Lin Fei's demon clone.

The entire arena rumbling and rumbling, it seems that the mountains are shaking.

"Then, you three, roll me off the ring now."

Lin Fei's gaze scanned the three players in front of him one by one, and a sneerful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The Domineering Sword of Divine Sense, the small cauldron of Divine Sense, coupled with the demon body clone, combined, it should be easy for these three players to blast off the ring.

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