Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1243: Royal Rewards

Lin Feiyue stepped off the ring and returned to the rest area, beside Qing Luo and Xiao Yinyue. 』ΩLiterature fan. %.

Vietnam's martial arts competition this year is finally over.

However, in the entire venue, the hearts of almost all spectators are still fluctuating.

Because the result of the game was so surprising, a player who was only a junior in the sub-sacred realm, went all the way to the end and won the first place in the game.

Soon, the old **** who presided over the game appeared in the midair of the competition venue.

He also glanced in the direction of Lin Fei with a complicated expression.

"Everyone, this year's martial arts competition in Vietnam has finally come to an end.

Everyone has seen the result of the game.

The top 30, the top fifteen, the top three, the first, and all the rankings have also been set.

According to the previously announced rules, the top 30 can directly join the six sects in our country.

Young players who enter the top fifteen will have the opportunity to join the first-class big sect in the Eastern Region and become disciples of the big sect.

The young players who have won the top three will have the opportunity to join the three holy places among the representatives sent by the three holy places to watch the game!

Moreover, according to the past practice, the young players who won the first place, our Yue Kingdom royal family will reward a large amount of training resources, including spars, pills, magic weapons, and even martial arts secrets.

Okay, next, let our noble emperor of the country personally present the prize of this competition to the first contestant, Lin Fei.

Then, the spectator representatives of each school will select the players they like and become disciples of the school. "

The old **** said loudly.

Then, in mid-air, an emperor with a dragon robe added to his body and a crown on his head slowly landed, hovering in the mid-air of the playing field, behind him closely following a dozen princes and ministers.

One of them was staring at Lin Fei with a bitter stare, and was staring at Lin Fei. It was the Grand Marshal of the Yue State, Liu Guangjue.

There is another kind-eyed old man with three long beards hanging down on his chest, looking at Lin Fei with a look of appreciation and a smile on his face. It is Xiao Yinyue's grandfather, Xiao Zhongnian, the prime minister of the Yue Kingdom.

"Please take the first place player, Lin Fei stepped forward to accept the royal prize personally presented by the emperor."

The old **** stood beside the emperor and shouted.

Lin Fei didn't hesitate, but just flew up and came to the front of the emperor.

The emperor naturally couldn't force him to say a lot of congratulations and encouragement to Lin Fei, and then gave Lin Fei a space ring.

During the whole process, Liu Guangjue stared at Lin Fei with a bitter look.

Thinking of Lin Fei killing his two grandsons in succession, Liu Guangjue wanted to step forward and slap Lin Fei to death.

However, in such a situation as [The Apex Novel], he can only endure it.

Lin Fei naturally noticed Liu Guangjue, but Lin Fei just smiled faintly and didn't care at all.

After this martial arts competition, if he can become a disciple of the three holy places, he will leave the country directly. This Liu Guangjue wants to make trouble for himself, which is very difficult.

Moreover, no one dared to openly trouble the disciples of the three holy places, the three holy places, in the entire Eastern Region, are definitely behemoths high above them.

"Well, this martial arts competition is officially over.

Next, it is time for the various martial arts to choose their disciples.

Please enter the top 30 players, all come forward. "

The old **** said loudly.

As the old eunuch's voice fell, in the competition, the top 30 players appeared one after another, neatly arranged in the midair of the competition venue.

Especially those players who entered the top 15 are extremely excited.

Because entering the top fifteen, it means that you can enter the first-class big sect in the Eastern Region and become a disciple.

Although the area of ​​Yue State is large, for the entire Eastern Region, Yue State is only a small country, equal to a drop in the ocean, and insignificant.

For these young warriors born in Vietnam, they can become disciples of the first-class big sect in the Eastern Region. From then on, the stage of their activities is no longer limited to the small country of Yue State, but to the entire East. The big stage of the domain.

It is equivalent to a carp leaping over the dragon gate, and since then the pheasant flies on the branch and becomes a phoenix.

Lin Fei and the young man in black, as well as the stout young man with shawls, were at the forefront of the line.

There is some excitement and expectation in the hearts of the three people.

Because the three of them will have the opportunity to become the disciples of the three holy places, which is a dream thing for almost all young warriors in the entire Eastern Region.

"Hello, my name is Lei Shi. Let's get to know you. Maybe we can become friends in the future."

The stout young man with a shawl suddenly cast a kind look at Lin Fei and introduced himself.

Lin Fei was taken aback, but still nodded.

"My name is Lin Fei."

Lin Feidao.

Lei Shi nodded.

However, the black-clothed young man was sitting on the sidelines with cold eyes. The whole person was like a piece of ten thousand years of profound ice, and it was basically an attitude of staying away from strangers.

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt a resentful look, staring at himself.

Lin Fei's heart moved and turned his head to look. It turned out that it was the handsome boy who was forced to withdraw from the ring and was forced to withdraw from the ring in the final final.

This handsome young man with high-level imperial realm strength, at this moment, hated Lin Fei.

Originally, with his strength, he was confident that he would certainly be able to occupy a place among the top three.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei was kicked out of the ring.

As a result, he lost the precious opportunity to become a disciple of the three holy places.

"I will repay this grudge!"

The handsome young man stared at Lin Fei bitterly.

Lin Fei glanced at the handsome young man, only smiled faintly, and ignored him.

At this time, on the east side of the playing field, above the luxurious grandstand in the sky.

"The result was a bit surprising. I didn't expect it. The player named Lin Fei was the one who won the first place."

The representative of the spectator of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty exclaimed.

"However, I still don't like him. This Lin Fei, only one thing is good, that is, he has realized the six-point sword domain, which proves that he may have some potential in kendo.

His vitality state is very rubbish, not worth mentioning.

Moreover, his combat effectiveness lies in cultivating a powerful sword technique, possessing a clone of the demon clan, and mastering a very strange martial art of God's consciousness.

In short, I feel that Lin Fei is not solid enough in character, and he refuses to work **** the realm of vitality.

Rather, he likes to be opportunistic, relying solely on powerful martial arts to win. With such a character and such a training method, his future martial arts achievements are definitely not as good as those players who are willing to be above the realm of vitality and honestly work hard. "

The spectator representative of the Holy Land of the Beginning shook his head, obviously not optimistic about Lin Fei.

"Okay, let's all go down. If there is a player we like, just pick one. Don't waste time here."

Said the spectator representative of the Holy Land of Measurement that day.

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