Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1259: Forbidden medicine

"Don't worry, I have already sent people to the main gates of the Eastern Territory and sent them for transmission.

If there is a school that dares to openly attack our disciples in Cangyan Holy Land, our Cangyan Holy Land will also send masters to hunt down their disciples.

Of course, as for the disciples of the sect to go out to practice and trespass, the interests of each other are competing for vendetta, but our sect's high-level leaders cannot be in touch.

Therefore, the subpoenas I sent to the Eastern Regions have been very clear.

Their high-level sects or masters cannot specifically target our disciples in the Cangyan Holy Land. As for the fighting between disciples under the sect, it is actually a kind of training, which cannot be prohibited.

Our Cangyan Holy Land, if we want to re-emerge in the Eastern Region, we must cultivate a group of elite disciples, and we must let the disciples endure various tests and experience.

And we must not just keep them in the base, and cultivate only the flowers in the greenhouse, which is not conducive to their growth, nor is it conducive to the rise of our Cangyan Holy Land in the future.

As for casualties, let me ask, which warrior does not need to experience the growth of it? "

The old man said slowly, as if he had made up his mind.

"Elder, you make sense.

I agree with the decision of the Great Elder. "

The middle-aged man nodded.

The other two also nodded at the same time.

"Since everyone agrees, now, immediately issue a notice, all the disciples below the emperor realm will be gathered together, and then based on the principle of voluntariness, sign up to go to the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley to carry out the medicine collection experience!"

The old man, the Great Elder, said in a loud voice.

Soon, the news came out.

Within the entire base of Cangyan Holy Land, all disciples with strength below the emperor realm had received concentrated news from the jade slips.

In the valley, in the innermost Qi Refining Hall.

Like a tsunami, the frantic whistling circling misty spiritual energy submerged Lin Fei's whole person. Looking with the naked eye, Lin Fei was completely invisible, only the dazzling golden light penetrated through the thick fog.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged in the thick mist of spiritual energy.

The golden ball of light above the head, at this time, had already increased in size to about ten meters in diameter, and the dazzling golden glow splashed out, making it impossible to look directly at it.

Among the meridians in Lin Fei's body, there was a raging and majestic Yuan Qi, which was surging endlessly, like the Yangtze River, even faintly rumbling noises.

Signs of breakthrough!

Lin Fei was surprised to feel that his vitality realm had reached the edge of breakthrough again.

However, Lin Fei had just broken through to the Intermediate Sub-Holy Realm not long ago.

Now, less than ten days later, there was another sign of breakthrough.

Such a degree is too exaggerated.

Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

However, just as Lin Fei was planning to make a big effort and plan to break through.

The messenger Yujian on her body suddenly vibrated slightly.

Lin Fei's heart moved, and the power of divine consciousness felt into the jade slip.

It turned out that the base summoned all the disciples below the emperor realm cultivation level to immediately concentrate.

Lin Fei had no choice but to withdraw from cultivation and leave the Qi Refining Hall.

After a while, I came to a large square.

At this time, in the empty square, a middle-aged man in his forties stood in the middle, surrounded by about two or three hundred disciples, and Lin Fei also walked over and squeezed into those disciples.

The disciples around him all called this middle-aged man Deacon Feng.

I saw this Deacon Feng, dressed in a golden robe, standing in the middle, as if swallowing all the surrounding light, and the invisible coercion radiating from it made my heart tremble.

The disciples all around felt a little suffocated, their scalp was numb, and their blood was blocked.

Lin Fei slightly guessed that Deacon Feng was at least a master of the Divine Bridge Realm, because the strength of the vitality radiated from him was similar to that of the prime minister of the Yue Kingdom, Xiao Zhongnian, and the general marshal Liu Guangju.

Soon, no disciples rushed to come again, obviously all disciples below the strength of the emperor realm have been concentrated.

Deacon Feng looked at hundreds of disciples and swept around. The scene was extremely quiet and no one spoke.


Deacon Feng nodded in satisfaction and smiled slightly: "This time, we will gather everyone together to announce a mission to everyone.

Of course, this task is not compulsory. You can sign up for it according to your wishes. "

All the disciples noticed when they heard it.

"This task is a task of collecting medicine, and the location is the Forbidden Valley of Wild Medicine."

Deacon Feng continued.

"The Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley is a forbidden place left over from ancient times. It is a valley in which a great variety of spiritual herbs grows, and there are many kinds of spiritual medicines that are not available in the outside world.

There are not only a large number of Nine-Rank and Ten-Rank Elixir, but also Dao Medicine.

However, it is said that this forbidden valley is left over from the ancient times. It has the power of the ancient times. There is a mysterious imprisonment outside the valley. The entire Eastern Region does not have any master powers that can break this. The imprisonment of the Forbidden Valley.

However, every 30 years, the imprisonment outside the Forbidden Valley will weaken for a month. At this time, a channel can be opened to enter the Linggu.

Moreover, within this forbidden medicine forbidden land, there are rules of its own, and there are some very strange restrictions on those who enter.

People whose vitality level is too high cannot enter.

Only warriors below the strength of the Emperor Realm can enter smoothly. If there is a master above the Bitter Sea Realm who wants to forcefully enter the Forbidden Valley, they will immediately touch the various imprisonments in the Valley and completely close it.

Therefore, every thirty years, when the Forbidden Valley of Wild Medicines is opened, all the major sects in the Eastern Region, including the three holy sites, will send their disciples into the Forbidden Valley to gather medicine.

First, it was to pick the rare herbs in the Forbidden Valley, and second, it was also a way of refining. "

Deacon Feng introduced the situation of the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley to the disciples in great detail.

The disciples also listened with gusto.

"Three days later, the opening month of the Forbidden Valley of Wild Medicine, once every thirty years, is here again.

This time, the Great Elder decided to send our disciples from the Cangyan Holy Land to go to the Forbidden Valley of Wild Medicine, and enter the forbidden valley to collect medicine.

The cruel thing about this mission is that during the process of collecting medicine, there will be competition. The disciples of all schools will definitely fight for some rare and precious herbs, and stage a scene of the weak and the strong.

The Eastern Territory, including the three holy sites, has a plethora of sects, large and small, many of which will send disciples into the Forbidden Valley. When the number is large, they will fight together and become extremely chaotic.

Moreover, in the Forbidden Valley, there are other unknowable dangers, such as some dangerous monsters lurking, and some terrible formation restrictions, and so on.

Judging from the previous situation, every time the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley opens, fierce battles will occur in the Forbidden Valley.

In the most tragic time, a total of about 10,000 people entered the Forbidden Valley. In the end, more than 7,000 people died in it, and only more than 3,000 people survived. The death rate reached 70%.

Therefore, this mission seemed to be collecting medicine on the surface, but in fact, it was a trial and a very **** and cruel trial. "

Deacon Feng said.


Hearing this, many disciples gasped.

The death rate of 70% is really terrible.

"Okay, now everyone will go back and think about it for a day. After a day, they will sign up according to their actual situation.

Of course, if the strength is too bad, I suggest not to go.

That is tantamount to death. "

Deacon Feng said, and then let the disciples disperse.

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