Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1263: Into Valley

Above the platform, the dragon-shaped warship, the ancient chariot, and the brutal beasts are divided into three camps, suspended in the air, showing the majesty of the three holy places. Literature "" fans. .

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, a faint but majestic voice sounded in the air.

"It is said that this time, Cangyan Holy Land will most likely also send disciples to this Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley to participate in the collection of medicines. I don't know if they have arrived yet."

In the camp of Tianliang Holy Land, in one of the carriages, a man slowly walked out. He was about thirty-five years old. He had a strange golden length. The whole person was like a round of scorching sun. Pressure, breathtaking, like a god.

Behind the golden man, there were more than two hundred disciples, all of whom were young talents, domineering, and seemingly superior.

"Oh? Brother Shao said it seriously. If the disciples from Cangyan Holy Land really come, then this time forbidden valley to gather herbs, I am afraid it will be much more exciting."

In the camp of Taizhen Holy Land, a man in white robe also walked out, his body was flowing with a faint glow, his temperament was dusty, and his body was full of vigor, as if he could divide yin and yang and cut everything, especially Those eyes are like cold stars.

Behind the white-robed man, followed by two to three hundred young disciples from Taizhen Holy Land, one by one, their bodies were straight and neatly arranged. Looking at their breath, each of them was obviously of extraordinary aptitude and outstanding strength.


Those tortoise sons of Cangyan Holy Land, if they really dare to get out, hehe, our disciples from Too True Holy Land, will greet them well!

However, I don't believe that the sick old man is willing to let the disciples of the Cangyan Holy Land take risks. "

In the camp of the Holy Land at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, a tall and strong man stepped forward, with thick eyebrows and leopard eyes, brutal and bloodthirsty in his eyes, his physique was unmatched, and there was a terrifying breath on his body.

Behind this brawny man, there are also two or three hundred disciples from the sacred place in the early Yuan Dynasty. Naturally, each one is extraordinary.

"Oh, disciples from Cangyan Holy Land, will you also come to participate in this time forbidden valley medicine collection?

No way! "

"It is said that in the past ten years, several elders of Cangyan Holy Land have reappeared and started to rebuild the Cangyan Holy Land. Many disciples have been recruited from all over the Eastern Region and trained secretly. It seems to be true."

"Cangyan Holy Land has been perished for more than a thousand years. Unexpectedly, its inheritance has not been cut off, it has been secretly passed down."

On the platform, the disciples of big and small sects also lowered their voices one after another, and began to discuss quietly.

After all, as a sacred place that has disappeared for more than a thousand years, it suddenly reappears in the Eastern Region. This is indeed something that makes everyone curious and concerned.

But at this time, the more than fifty disciples of the Cangyan Holy Land mixed on the platform, all of them were very angry.

Lin Fei also smiled bitterly.

It seemed that the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land were not welcome in the Eastern Region, and their position was very embarrassing.

Moreover, it is even more suppressed and excluded by the three holy sites and some major sects.

Even for those four-rate and five-rate sects, the disciples under the sect walked around, but they dared to be generous without hiding their heads and showing their tails.

As for the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land, when they came out, they needed to hide their identities. This alone could tell.

"Look at it, the entry channel of the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley seems to be about to open!"

Suddenly, in the crowd, someone shouted in surprise.

Suddenly, all eyes were looking at the front of the platform, in the dense fog that covered the sky.

Amidst the fog, a very vague entrance to the valley was faintly visible.

At this moment, the time is after noon.

The thick fog that was tumbling in front of the platform began to fade away, and the surging air flow continued to roll out to both sides.

A channel into the valley seems to be slowly opening.

All people stared at this scene nervously.

After about a stick of incense, in the thick fog that was originally layer upon layer, it really opened up a blank area and a passage into the valley, and it suddenly appeared in front of everyone.


The opening period of the Forbidden Valley of Wild Medicine once every thirty years has finally begun.

Let me all go in. Remember, you only have one month. After one month, you must get out of this passage, otherwise you will be trapped in it. You can't come out again until the next thirty years. "

The tall and strong man in the sacred place in the early Yuan Dynasty waved his hand, and the two or three hundred disciples from the sacred land in the early Yuan Dynasty immediately unfolded their body skills behind him and rushed towards the channel into the valley.

The disciples of Tianliang Holy Land and Taizhen Holy Land also rushed towards the valley passage almost at the same time.

After the disciples of the three holy places took the lead, on the platform, the rest of the disciples, large and small, also took action.

One by one, the bodies rushed out, like a locust crossing the border, overwhelming the sky, rushing towards the channel into the valley.

"Remember, after a month, you must come out.

Luo Hui, after entering the Forbidden Valley, you are responsible for leading the team and organizing everyone's actions.

Also, everyone should help each other, disciples who have the strength of the emperor realm, and protect those disciples who have not reached the strength of the emperor realm.

Also, don't reveal your identity as a disciple of the Cangyan Holy Land, everyone must learn to forbear. "

Among the more than fifty disciples of Cangyan Holy Land Zhihai, the three elders' instructions sounded again.

Then, these disciples of Cangyan Holy Land also mixed in the crowd, spreading their body skills, and flew towards the valley entrance passage.

Lin Fei remained unhurried, hanging behind everyone, not in a hurry.

Huh hoo hoo...

One after another, densely packed figures passed through the valley passageway, rushing into it.

When passing through Taniguchi, all people can feel that the location of Taniguchi has an air current barrier that is like undulating waves.

When the body passes through the airflow barrier, it will feel a little bit difficult, and there is a feeling of suddenly entering the water from the 6th place.

Everyone needs a little effort to pass through this layer of airflow barrier.

Lin Fei guessed that this layer of airflow barrier was probably the restraint placed by the ancient power.

Only warriors below the strength of the Emperor Realm can pass through this layer of airflow barrier and enter the forbidden valley.

Once a warrior with the strength of the bitter sea realm wants to force through this barrier, it will trigger the prohibition, and it is estimated that the Forbidden Medicine Valley will be closed immediately.

Before Lin Fei came to this layer of airflow barrier, he moved directly through the past.

Then, with a flower in front of him, Lin Fei stood still with both feet after a very short spin.

Looking up, he was slightly taken aback.

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