Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1267: Brother Lin did a good job

"Damn, little bitch, I didn't expect you to fight so fiercely. Literature fan. Ω.

I don't know if you are so fierce when you are in bed.

If I will catch you later, you will be overjoyed by this little bitch! "

Suddenly, a wretched voice attracted Lin Fei's attention.

It turned out that there were three Blood Moon Sect disciples with a half-emperor's strength. At this time, they had already jumped onto the huge rock, surrounded Lin Wan'er in the middle, uttering foul language while besieging.

Lin Wan'er's weapon is a long sword, and she displays a very beautiful sword technique. With fluttering skirts and light body, she realizes the five-point sword domain, and countless swords are intertwined into a sword net with great power.

However, among the three Blood Moon Sect disciples who attacked her, one was a high-level half-emperor, and two were intermediate-level half-emperors, all of which were hideous and fierce in combat.

Lin Wan'er gradually became unable to support it.

With a movement of Lin Fei's figure, he already jumped onto the huge rock.

"Junior Brother, go away, you are not their opponent!"

Lin Wan'er naturally recognized Lin Fei. After all, the disciples of the Cangyan Holy Land who entered the Forbidden Valley together were just over fifty people, and they all knew each other.

Seeing Lin Fei leaping up the rock, she was obviously here to help her, and she couldn't help but be grateful and impatient, and shouted to Lin Fei.

call out!

As soon as Lin Wan'er's words fell, a misty sword light had already appeared, instantly killing and shaking, and shot at an intermediate half emperor of the Blood Moon Sect.

That intermediate half emperor, how could he think of it, a sub-holy realm intermediate kid who would be able to slay such a terrifying sword light, he did not take Lin Fei into his heart, and he did not have the slightest defense against Lin Fei.


The body of that intermediate half-emperor exploded in an instant, and the speed of the Domineering Divine Sense Sword was too fast. When he reacted, there was no time to resist.

what? !

The remaining two half emperors of the Blood Moon Sect were suddenly dumbfounded, and an intermediate half emperor was suddenly killed by a sub-holy realm.

At this moment, Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the small divine sense cauldron rushed out from within the Hongmeng Ding in the dantian, and instantly appeared in front of the head of the senior half emperor, and rushed towards his sea storm.

The senior half emperor couldn't help being horrified, and hurriedly mobilized almost all of his divine consciousness to resist the small cauldron.


With a tyrannical attitude, Xiaoding savagely broke through all resistance, and directly broke into the sea of ​​consciousness of the senior half emperor, and violently slammed into his soul body.

According to Emperor Yan, Lin Fei's small tripod of divine consciousness, even if it is a high-level emperor, may not be able to resist it, let alone a high-level half emperor.


How could that high-ranking half emperor of Blood Moon Sect think of it, a sub-holy realm middle-rank kid who was able to perform such a terrifying divine consciousness attack, fell into great fear for a while.

call out!

Lin Fei took this opportunity to display the Domineering God Sword, the misty sword light shot from the senior half emperor, his body burst into a cloud of blood.

The remaining intermediate half emperor of the Blood Moon Sect saw Lin Fei kill his two companions with incredible speed, and couldn't help shaking his whole body like chaff, like seeing a ghost, dare to stay wherever he was, a strange cry, Turned madly and wanted to escape.

call out!

A misty sword light shot past, and his body exploded in an instant.

From Lin Feiyue up to this huge rock, to Lin Fei's display of sword light to kill the three and a half emperors of Blood Moon Sect, it was actually completed in a very short time, and it took less than two breaths before and after.

Lin Wan'er hadn't even realized what happened, Lin Fei had already finished the killing.

At this time, Lin Wan'er stared at Lin Fei with a completely unbelievable look. Her eyes were almost bursting, and her thoughts couldn't respond completely.

"Ahem..., Senior Sister Lin, let's go and help other senior brothers and sisters."

Lin Fei smiled at Lin Wan'er friendly, still a little bit sunny, a little bit of the big boy next door, and the kind of decisiveness and cruelty he had just killed, like two different people.

These two completely different feelings fell in Lin Wan'er's eyes, causing her to lose her mind for a while, and her eyes glowed with splendor.

Lin Fei moved away from the rock and rushed towards the other Blood Moon Sect disciples.

Lin Fei released the small cauldron of Divine Sense and cooperated with the Sword of Absolute Divine Sense to rush towards the **** moon sect masters below the half-emperor level.

It has to be said that the small tripod of Divine Sense combined with the Baju Divine Sense Sword is very powerful, and no half-emperor can resist it. Whether it is a junior, intermediate or advanced half-emperor, it will be killed in a flash!

As long as Lin Fei met those disciples of the sub-sacred realm and the blood moon sect of the holy realm, they would be displayed with a sword of light, directly beheading two or three people.

Coupled with Demon Dun's body technique, Lin Fei's body technique is very fast, and it is impossible to see with the naked eye. Only the divine consciousness can vaguely perceive a faint shadow.

In a moment, the number of disciples of the Blood Moon Sect who died in Lin Fei's hands was already over 60 or 70!

Among them, there are twenty or thirty half emperors, and forty or fifty are below the strength of the holy realm.

There were more than two hundred people in the Blood Moon Sect, and sixty to seventy people died all at once, almost one-third of them were missing.

Suddenly, everyone in the field, including the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land, was completely shocked.

Is this really something a sub-holy realm intermediate kid can do? !

Bang bang bang...

Lin Fei's figure was still at an extreme degree, flashing in a teleportation, wherever he went, the body of the Blood Moon Sect disciple continued to explode.

Within a few breathing hours, more than a dozen Blood Moon Sect disciples were beheaded.

"damn it!

No, stop him quickly. If this continues, our blood moon sect disciples will be killed! "

The leading disciple of the Blood Moon Sect, the young man with the beautiful beard finally started to panic. There were about two hundred people in the Blood Moon Sect. At this time, Lin Fei had already killed more than 80 people by himself.

Moreover, he could see that with Lin Fei's terrible murder rate, he was afraid that within a short time, all the disciples below the strength of the Half Emperor of the Blood Moon Sect would be killed.

"Boy, how dare you kill our disciple of the Blood Moon Sect, die!"

Blood Moon Sect was the primary emperor realm closest to Lin Fei, his eyes were about to split, and his figure moved towards Lin Fei.

"Haha, your opponent is me!"

A junior half-emperor disciple in Cangyan Holy Land also stood in front of Lin Fei in an instant, fighting fiercely with the junior half-emperor of Blood Moon Sect.

"Junior Brother Lin, good job!"

The junior half emperor of Cangyan Holy Land did not forget to praise Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled and nodded.

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