Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1274: Are you a fool

Lin Fei didn't hide it, she walked out generously, and walked straight towards the two of them. ΩΔ. *.

"Haha, good two."

Lin Fei said hello.

Ren Shanshan, staring at Lin Fei closely with that Xing Zhan gaze.

It turned out to be a sub-sacred ant!

The heart of Xing Zhan seemed to be relieved all of a sudden.

After all, as a high-level emperor, he had never put a sub-sacred ant in his heart.

Usually, a warrior in the sub-sacred realm saw him, not cautiously, bowing to his knees, and even willing to lick the back of his shoes.

Now, even though he had been seriously injured, he still wouldn't put a sub-sacred ant in his heart. This was a sense of contempt from the bottom of his heart.

"Oh? You finally came out.

I thought you were going to hide forever. "

Xing Zhan glanced at Lin Fei, smiled slightly, and seemed confident.

"Very well, boy, you are lucky to meet me. To tell the truth, I am a criminal war of the Cangxiao faction, and my father is the law enforcement elder of the Cangxiao faction. I think you should have heard of my name. .

Now, as long as you are willing to obey my orders, you will be my tormenter from now on. As long as you follow me torment, I promise you will soar to the sky and your status will be greatly improved.

Boy, I now order you to immediately pour this bottle of Huanxi Hehe San into this little bitch. I want to see if her Qingxin Pill can withstand the power of the double Huanxi He He San.

Also, take off her space ring and give it to me! "

The Xing Zhan took out a small jade bottle, threw it under Lin Fei's feet, said to Lin Fei in a commanding tone, then looked at Ren Shanshan and smiled grimly.

Xing Zhan had a completely condescending attitude towards Lin Fei. He gave orders. He felt that as his own status and status, he only had to report his name and promised benefits. A small sub-holy ant, how dare you? If I don't follow it, I guess I will be overjoyed immediately, and I am grateful.


Lin Fei smiled playfully: "Are you ordering me?"

At this time, Xing Zhan, with a face like gold paper, sitting cross-legged, the vitality circulating on his body fluctuated extremely thinly, and he appeared to be seriously injured. The vitality in his body was already a bit unstable.

Under such circumstances, this Xing Zhan was still a superior attitude, speaking to himself, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

""Humph! "

Lin Fei's attitude made Xing Zhan look sullen, and his face trembled, as if he was about to do it, but forcibly tolerated it, looking at Lin Fei's eyes, a stern murderous intent flashed past.

"Boy, there are some things, I have to mention you.

In human life, sometimes, we must know how to seize the opportunity presented before us.

Otherwise, you might regret it for life.

Now, your opportunity is right in front of you. As long as you obey my orders, I promise to take care of you, and even let you join our Cangxiao Sect, become an inner disciple, or even a core disciple.

Hmph, my Cangxiao Sect is a first-class big sect in the Eastern Region. With your strength, if you can become an inner disciple of my Cangxiao Sect, wouldn't it be soaring from then on.

Well, do as I say, don't hesitate. "

That Xing Zhan said patiently.


Suddenly, Lin Fei couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"You? Are you crazy!"

Xing Zhan was furious.

"This Ren Shanshan is the eldest lady of the Luohai firm. If you give her aphrodisiac, you have to contaminate her.

I witnessed all this with my own eyes.

Afterwards, will you be so stupid to let me continue to live without killing me?

Do you really consider me a fool? "

Lin Fei said in a joking tone, meanwhile the murderous intent in his eyes was beyond containment, but his mouth was smiling.

"You keep saying that this is my machine encounter, why I feel as if it is my crisis."

Lin Fei said, step by step towards the criminal war.

Xing Zhan couldn't help being stunned, he couldn't think that Lin Fei had already understood his inner thoughts.

Indeed, he murdered the eldest lady of the Luohai Commercial Bank, which was no small matter.

If it spreads out, let Luohai Commercial Bank know that it will not give up easily, and it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, it was impossible for him to survive the sub-holy realm in front of him afterwards.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Xing Zhan looked at Lin Fei's murderous face and walked towards him, his eyes cold, and asked Senran.

"'s stupid. At this point, I can't tell. I want to kill you!"

Lin Fei smiled.

"I don't take advantage of your illness to take your life. Do you have to wait until you recover from the injury and come and kill me?"

"Ant! Do you dare!"

When Xing Zhan heard the words, he roared furiously, a sub-holy ant actually dared to speak wildly, saying that he was going to kill himself. How could Xing Zhan bear.

"If you dare not, I will kill you now!"

Lin Fei jumped with murderous intent in his eyes, and walked towards the position of Xing Zhan.



In that punishment battle, under his anger, he laughed suddenly, as if he had seen the most ridiculous thing in the world.

"Innocent! Childish! Die!"

Xing Zhan grinned wildly.

"Yes, I was really badly injured by that **** using Dao-level magic weapons.

However, even so, you are not a little ant that can kill...

An ant is an ant. It’s too stupid. A lean camel is bigger than a horse. Boy, you don’t know what it is, then go and die!

Also, after the incident, I will definitely investigate your identity and kill all your family members, friends, teachers, and root out! "

The voice just fell!

The **** and index finger of Xing Zhan's right hand were close together like a sword, and a dash of Qingze immediately covered his fingertips.

He was seriously injured, forcibly urging his vitality, and the green light on his fingertips swallowed as fast as lightning, killing people in the air in a single thought.

"call out"

Suddenly, a blue light from the sky shot out from his fingertips, and it seemed that it didn't need any time and space to spread. All of a sudden, it appeared directly in front of Lin Fei and assassinated him.

There was only a blue light in need, but Lin Fei immediately felt that a deep sense of crisis emerged from the bottom of his heart, and even a faint threat of death.

The high-level methods of the Emperor Realm really cannot be peeped at all. Even though it is seriously injured, the finger that comes out with it can still kill the ordinary sub-holy realm.

This refers to Qi is far from the strength of the heyday of criminal warfare, but it is formed by vitality, and its power is far beyond the range that ordinary sub-holy realm fighters can withstand, and even holy realm fighters are not necessarily able to resist it.

Unless it is a half-emperor's realm of strength, it is possible to barely resist this finger of blue light!

However, Xing Zhan was already seriously injured.

Now that he forcibly urges his life potential and provokes this gaping qi, his consumption is even greater.

Lin Fei raised the corner of his mouth, his mind moved, and the Domineering God Sword was already slashed out.

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