Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1281: True Dragon Xuanquan

Bottom of the lake.

In the city, Lin Fei appeared in a certain street.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives the outside of the city, and he also perceives the situation of those Tianyuan sect disciples by the lake clearly.

"It seems that these Tianyuan Sect disciples are planning to pursue me in this area with all their strength.

They have more than a dozen emperor realm masters. I rushed out at this time. Once I was rounded up by those emperor realm masters, it would be more troublesome. No matter what, I should avoid the limelight first, and wait until the disciples of the Tianyuan faction disperse. Right. "

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

So, with a wave of his hand, he took out a bunch of herbs, Lin Fei's harvest today.

Then Lin Fei took out four space rings, which were exactly those of the four Tianyuan Sect disciples who had just beheaded.

Lin Fei took out all the things in the four space rings.

"Yes, pretty rich."

Lin Fei said with satisfaction that among the four spatial rings, there were a lot of elixir, and there were also some first-grade drugs, and even first-grade drugs with soil attributes.

In addition, there are a large amount of holy crystals, various medicines, and some magic weapons. Of course, the levels of these medicines and magic weapons are not very high. After all, the four people's cultivation base is not high, and their status in the Tianyuan Sect is also Not very important.

Lin Fei collected all the holy crystals, medicine pills, magic weapons, and herbs that were not soil attributes.

Only those herbs with soil properties are left.

Then, began to cultivate the earth domineering body.

After successfully cultivating the first layer of the Earth Overlord's body, Lin Fei's current physical strength reached 20 million jin.

The physical strength of 20 million catties can crush the warriors below the holy realm, but it may not be able to defeat the masters above the half-emperor's strength.

Therefore, Lin Fei wanted to quickly cultivate the second layer of the earth domineering body successfully.

The cultivation of the second level of the Earth Overlord's body requires much higher quantity and level of herbs than the first level.

Lin Fei calmed down for a while, and then began to eat the earthy herbs placed in front of him.

Lin Fei's strains of earth-based elixir and Taoist medicine were all chewed on grass by Lin Fei, swallowing his stomach, and the huge medicinal power began to spread vigorously in his body.

Especially when that second-class Taoist medicine, Geocentric inflammation marrow grass, is in the stomach.


A huge and terrifying medicinal power instantly screamed in Lin Fei's body like a tsunami, squeezing Lin Fei's skin red and swinging his body straight.

After eating all the earth-based herbs, Lin Fei began to practice.

After about three hours, finally, all the medicine in the body was absorbed by refining.

Physical strength gains again.

However, the second layer of the Earth Overlord's body has not been successfully cultivated yet, and it seems that more earth-attribute elixir and Dao medicine are needed.

Lin Fei slowly opened his eyes.

Lin Fei released the power of divine consciousness outside the city, sensing the situation outside.

Around the lake, there are still several figures flying by from time to time.

Obviously, the people of Tianyuan faction have not left this area yet.

"Damn, it seems that it's not a good time to leave."

Lin Fei said helplessly. After thinking about it, he had to stay in the city for a little longer, and then leave when the right time was right.

Lin Fei thought for a while, and took out a piece of jade slip from the space ring.

"Then, next, first practice the vitality martial art of True Dragon Profound Fist."

Lin Fei chose three martial arts in the library at Cangyan Holy Land.

They are the Glory Three Swords, the True Dragon Xuanquan, and the Earth Domination Body.

Cangyan Holy Land, although the current strength can be regarded as relatively weak.

But after all, more than a thousand years ago, it used to be one of the four sacred places in the Eastern Region and had some hole cards.

The martial arts in the collection of books are all those that have been passed down for a long time and are more powerful. At least they are much better than those of the general third- and fourth-rate sects, or even the second-rate sects.

Lin Fei perceives the power of divine consciousness into the jade slip that records the True Dragon Xuanquan. After reading the training methods of the True Dragon Xuanquan in detail, after reading it four or five times, Lin Fei has already memorized it by heart.

Next, Lin Fei cultivated this true dragon profound fist.

At the same time, the true dragon xuanquan is a martial art of vitality. Its core is to refine one's own vitality into a series of dragon-shaped innocence. When it is displayed, it will be blasted out with a single punch. Going out will produce various changes, and the power cannot be underestimated.

To practice the True Dragon Profound Fist, first of all, it is necessary to condense the dragon-shaped zhenqi. This is the foundation. The more dragon-shaped zhenqi cultivated, the stronger the power when performing the fist.

"Okay, let's refine the dragon-shaped innocent energy first, this is the foundation of the true dragon profound fist!"

Lin Fei murmured, expectant in his eyes.

Lin Fei stood on the ground, closed his eyes, dropped his arms, and concentrated on it.

Soon, in Lin Fei's body, a light golden vitality began to gather.

Lin Fei began to follow the method recorded in the Killing Jade Slips to control the distribution of every vitality force in the body, and control these vital powers to slowly walk in the body, converge, and condense into a dragon-shaped vitality.

While controlling the concentration and condensation of the elemental power, it is also necessary to visualize the shape of the dragon and feel the charm of the dragon.

This is a very complicated process and requires a lot of patience.

After half a day, Lin Fei's face was joyful, and suddenly his eyes opened, and he punched out.


At the fist, the violent vitality screamed.

A giant dragon condensed by vitality instantly smashed out of his fist, stirring the air around the space so that the wind was surging, and the wind roared.

Finally successfully condensed a dragon-shaped infurience.

Lin Fei let out a breath.

Moreover, Lin Fei also felt that condensing dragon-shaped infuriating energy was indeed a great consumption of the martial artist's vitality.

However, fortunately, Lin Fei had Yun Yuan Stone, and he used his mind to communicate with Yun Yuan Stone. All the vitality lost in his body was replenished instantly.

"Well, try to condense two dragon-shaped infurience."

Lin Fei murmured.

So Lin Fei was immersed in the practice again.

With the experience of condensing the first dragon-shaped true energy just now, Lin Fei's speed was much faster this time.

Two or three hours later, Lin Fei suddenly blasted out a punch.


This time, from Lin Fei's fist, two vitality dragons rushed out directly!

"Well, you can condense two dragon-shaped infurience at once."

Lin Fei is quite satisfied.

However, of course Lin Fei was not satisfied, because the more dragon-shaped zhenqi he exploded when he cast this true dragon profound fist, the stronger his might.

Next, Lin Fei practiced again, continuing to condense the dragon-shaped infuriating energy.

One day later, Lin Fei condensed a total of ten dragon-shaped infuriating energy, blasted out with a punch, ten dragons flew out of his fist, and each dragon tore through the void, full of power.

"Well, one day has passed, the people from the Tianyuan faction outside should have left too."

Lin Fei stopped practicing True Dragon Profound Fist. After all, time is precious. In this forbidden valley, the most important thing is to seize the time to gather medicine.

As a result, Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed it and felt it around the lake.

For the time being, no figure was found.

"No matter, go out."

Lin Fei's thoughts were already teleported from the city.

Appear in the bottom of the lake, and then put away the city.

When Lin Fei just wanted to wash up above the lake.

Suddenly, at the corner of Lin Fei's eyes, there was some dazzling white light.

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a move in his heart, and quickly turned his head to look, couldn't help being taken aback.

It turned out that a dead bone of a human body was exposed in the mud at the bottom of the lake. Half of the dead bone was buried in the mud and half exposed.

At the same time, there was a milky white bead embedded in the dead bone.

Just now, the white light that Lin Fei saw was exactly what was emitted by that milky white bead.

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