Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1284: Goodbye Ren Shanshan

Unexpectedly, the black-robed and pointed-faced young man had no intention of even the slightest defensive heart for a sub-sacred realm to be able to violently activate his hands under the pressure of his own Yuan Li.


In horror, he only had time to spit out this word, and then his body exploded to pieces, flesh and bones, flying away.


This sudden scene stunned everyone in an instant.

Those disciples in Cangyan Holy Land were better, after all, they had already seen Lin Fei kill the half emperor in seconds, and the disciples of the Bayang Gang were shocked.

"Damn, die!"

Senior Brother Cao of the Bayang gang was finally mad. He was an intermediate-level imperial realm. With a move, his powerful and terrifying vitality rushed out like a raging wave, instantly condensing into a ten-meter-long vitality combat power, wrapped in it. The terrible fighting spirit slashed towards Lin Fei.

Suddenly, the entire space was filled with domineering power of Yuan Li, like the energy between the heavens and the earth, following the sword, crushing towards Lin Fei.

The power of the imperial realm master is really not trivial.

Lin Fei only felt that the mighty Yuan Li was pressing against her body violently, pressing herself down.

Lin Fei was indeed somewhat reluctant to deal with the strength of the Yuan Li attack displayed by the master of the Emperor Realm.

"Huh, bullying the small with the big, your opponent is me."

When Luo Hui saw this, he snorted, his figure moved, his palm blasted out, and the bright vitality condensed in his palm. His entire palm seemed to be transformed into a terrifying black rock, revealing a terrifying and heavy feeling. The periphery is still wrapped in blazing flames, blocking the war knife of Senior Brother Cao.


The palm of the hand and Yuanli's combat power collided.

The violent Yuanli fluctuations, spreading instantly, flying sand and rocks, surging in the wind, gusts of appalling Yuanli gusts, blades generally rushed out in all directions.

Some disciples of the Bayang Gang who stood close screamed and escaped.

The disciples of Cangyan Holy Land also retreated one after another.

The two imperial realm masters are really different.


Senior Brother Cao of the Bayang gang retreated a few steps before standing still, looking at Luo Hui's eyes, suddenly became jealous.

Because he felt that Luo Hui's actual combat power was much stronger than him.

"Damn, come on, give me all of them, kill all these bastards!"

This Senior Brother Cao went mad, roared and waved.

Suddenly, more than 300 disciples of the Bayang Gang were about to swarm up.

at this time.

In the distant sky, there was a whizzing sound of breaking through the air.

A large group of warriors are approaching here!

All of them paused their movements, looking at the warriors who were flying over.

Lin Fei also followed prestige.

Soon, almost two or three hundred warriors came into the air and landed one after another.

After the warriors landed, they also looked at everyone, but the warriors who had just arrived, all of them were arrogant, not very worthy of others, and seemed to have a lot of background.

"Brother Cao, they are from Luohai Commercial Bank."

Immediately, next to Senior Brother Cao of the Bayang Clan, a disciple said in a low voice, with a hint of fear in his tone.


A beautiful shadow landed slowly, and a distinguished and beautiful woman stood out from the crowd.

Lin Fei could see that the hundreds of warriors who had just arrived were surrounded by a woman under the stars.

She is wearing a simple plain gown, her eyebrows are light and plain, and amidst the nobility, there is some coldness, and the fluctuation of vitality is very pure. At this moment, there is something deeply dormant in the eyebrows, which is not easy. Perceived humiliation and sorrow, his expression showed some coldness that strangers would not enter.

"Damn... it turned out to be her... her poison was completely relieved... but it seems, how is it like a resentful woman..."

When Lin Fei saw this woman, she couldn't calm down immediately, and she became a little flustered.

Because Lin Fei suddenly recognized that this woman was Ren Shanshan who he had rescued from Xing Zhan on that day, and Miss Ren from Luohai Commercial Bank.

Moreover, at that time, Ren Shanshan had been in touch with herself, had close contact, and almost accomplished something good...

Unexpectedly, now we meet again!

"She was very poisoned that day, hallucinated, and lost her sanity. She probably didn't remember my appearance, um..., absolutely can't remember me..."

Lin Fei unexpectedly gave birth to some anxiety, and subconsciously lowered his head slightly, not looking at that Ren Shanshan.

"Hello, Miss Ren."

At this time, Bayang helped Senior Brother Cao, jogging to meet him, respectfully, and bent over to say hello to Ren Shanshan.

"Well, I ask you to help search for the whereabouts of the thieves of the Cangxiao faction, and have you found anything."

Ren Shanshan said coldly.

Luohai Commercial Bank is extremely powerful and belongs to a first-class power organization. The Bayang Gang is just a second-rate sect. In front of the people of Luohai Commercial Bank, it naturally appears inferior. The world of warriors is like this. According to strength, the hierarchy is strict. Extremely.

"Miss Ren, my Bayang Gang has already sent people, but after searching for two days, there is no whereabouts yet.

I guess that the Cangxiao gang, Miss Ren, may have been hiding. "

Senior Brother Cao said respectfully.

"Hmph, I think you Bayang Gang, in fact, didn't search hard, just perfunct me.

Very good, Cao Tian, ​​you are fine. "

Angrily appeared on Ren Shanshan's face.

"Miss Ren, you misunderstood, I did send some people to look for it.

Or, wait a minute, I will send more staff to find the whereabouts of the Cangxiao faction. "

Senior Brother Cao said.

"Cao Tian, ​​remember, our Luohai Commercial Bank provides you with a lot of financial support for the Bayang Gang every year. It is not given to you in vain. When our Luohai Commercial Bank needs it, your Bayang Gang must contribute. ."

Ren Shanshan said indifferently.

"Miss Ren, I understand that the elders in the gang once told us that if we meet Miss Ren outside, we must obey Miss Ren's dispatch."

After listening to Lin Fei, he faintly understood that there are still many connections between the Luohai Firm and the Bayang Gang. It seems that the disciples of the Bayang Gang must obey the orders of this eldest lady.

"By the way, who are these people?"

It seemed that Ren Shanshan had not noticed these disciples in Cangyan Holy Land until now.

"Miss Ren, these are just a bunch of trash with no eyesight. They dare to break into our Bayang Gang's medicinal collection area and kill our people. I am preparing to kill all these trash."

Senior Brother Cao looked fiercely at these disciples in the Cangyan Holy Land, and finally fell on Lin Fei. He was thinking about using some cruel methods to deal with Lin Fei.

"Well, in that case, let's go first. Remember to hurry up and search for the whereabouts of the dog thieves of the Cangxiao faction."

That Ren Shanshan didn't seem interested in these disciples in Cangyan Holy Land, her expression was very light, but her eyes were slightly swept away.

"Miss Ren, go slowly."

Senior Brother Cao of the Bayang Gang said respectfully.

However, just as Ren Shanshan was about to leave, the corner of her eyes suddenly scanned Lin Fei's body.

Then, her delicate body suddenly stopped, her cold as frost eyes, but there was a trace of light, and she slowly turned around and looked at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's heart sighed!

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