Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1286: Indeed me

Until the end, Ren Shanshan's medicinal properties dissipated. When she woke up, she confirmed with tears that her innocence was indeed saved, and she had not been stunned.

In an instant, she was also extremely grateful to the young man.

If it hadn't been for that young man, she would have been tainted by the disgusting and rude fellow Xing Zhan.

When she thought about this, she was nauseous and nauseated, and she was terrified. If this is the case, if her body is really affected by the vicious torture, she would rather die immediately...

For noble and beautiful people like Ren Shanshan, innocence is indeed more precious than life.

In her opinion, the young man did have the grace to recreate her.

However, when he recalled that boy, Ren Shanshan was also very bitter.

Although the young man didn't take possession of her body in the end, the two of them were almost skin-to-skin and intimate.

And the closest kiss I have ever had, and what is even more shameful is that she actually kissed on the initiative...

The joy of the kiss almost brought her to the highest level of happiness that she had never experienced before.

The kiss was in a trance, as if in a dream, but when she woke up, she recalled that it was hot all over her body and her heart was tingling.

From this, she had an indescribable affection for the boy.

Yes? Is it hate? Is it faint? Is it grateful?

She could not tell.

But she was able to recall some details...

That boy was the first man to see her ragged and barely clothed...

Also the first man to taste her kiss...

Also the first man to have skin-to-skin...

In the past few days, her expression was extremely dazed and she closed her eyes slightly. I just can’t help but think of that young man, he is simply unforgettable and lingering...

She wanted to find the boy.

Although she had a drug attack at the time, she couldn't remember what the boy looked like. But she believed that as long as she saw that boy again, she would definitely have a special feeling.

After all, that was the first man in his life to have a skin close to her!

But at this moment, after she saw Lin Fei, her heart jumped wildly, almost uncontrollably hot, and the tip of her heart was numb. If she didn't forcefully hold it back with her strength, then she could break it. , The flawless pretty face, must have been red!

"Is it really him?"

Ren Shanshan was completely excited, she stared at Lin Fei for an instant.

"Very young, although the cultivation base is too rubbish, but he can barely be regarded as a little handsome, if it is really him. It is a blessing in misfortune..."

After Ren Shanshan saw Lin Fei's appearance clearly, she suddenly had an inexplicable thought. Even if Xuan secretly scolded himself for being cheap.

"Where and what did you do three days ago."

Suddenly, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, he received Ren Shanshan's divine knowledge transmission.

At this time, in Ren Shanshan's heart, although her heart was in a state of confusion and her emotions were uncontrollable, she still tried her best to make her expression look cold, like Luoshen was out of water and icy.

"Miss Ren, since this time, I have been following my senior brothers and sisters, gathering medicine together.

I don't know what Ms. Ren meant when she asked me like this. I didn't seem to offend Ms. Ren. Why should Ms. Ren embarrass me. "

Lin Fei naturally refused to admit it, and continued to pretend to be dumb, and said vaguely.

"You stand closer."

That Ren Shanshan once again spread the voice.

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

Damn, stand a little closer, don't you have to stay close together.

"Miss Ren, you see, these men and women are not kissable. If I stand closer, I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Lin Fei shrugged and replied with divine sense voice transmission.

After hearing Lin Fei's words, that Ren Shanshan was also in a daze. She almost forgot about it on impulse just now.

She is already very close to Lin Fei's station now, and she really can't get closer.

Moreover, the incident a few days ago must not be questioned in public against the suspicious young man in front of him. In case it was promoted, his life’s innocence and reputation would be destroyed immediately, and since then, he has become a ridiculous "dang fu" .

Therefore, not only could she not behave close to Lin Fei, but instead she had to be a bit fierce in order to be more secure.

Immediately, Ren Shanshan's attitude became cold.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, now I suspect that you have something to do with a very important matter. I have to interrogate you, okay, you, now go to the woods with me immediately.

After Ren Shanshan finished speaking, she disappeared as soon as she moved her body and swept into a dense forest nearby.

"Damn, this little girl actually wants me to go drilling the grove with her!"

Lin Fei was rather helpless.

"Damn, I watched this kid early in the morning. He was wicked, not a good thing. I used to do anything to offend Miss Ren.

Now Miss Ren is going to interrogate him! "

"In fact, Miss Ren, why bother to interrogate this kid by herself? You can leave it to me. I'm the best at interrogating prisoners. All kinds of cruel punishments are repeated to ensure that this kid is clear."

Suddenly, Luohai Commercial Bank and those of the Bayang Gang began to discuss again.

"Shut up all of you, don't make noise.

And you, roll over immediately. "

Ren Shanshan's voice came from the jungle.

Suddenly, the people of Luohai Commercial Bank and Bayang Gang all shut up and dared not speak out again. Obviously, Ren Shanshan's identity was very important.

Then, all the members of the Luohai Commercial Bank and Bayang Gang stared at Lin Fei viciously, apparently telling him to roll over quickly and not to anger Ren Shanshan.

"Damn, okay, let's go."

Helpless, Lin Fei had no choice but to spread out her body skills and came to the dense forest.

Ren Shanshan waited in a clearing inside, and Lin Fei bit his head and came to Ren Shanshan's front.

"Hmph, don't think about pretending to be stupid anymore, I know, it must be you. Now, take your coat off, I want to see..."

At this time, Ren Shanshan had already determined almost ninety-nine percent of the boy in front of him. It was the man who took advantage of him that day!

Sometimes the eyes may see the wrong, the ears may hear the wrong. But I feel like I can't lie.

At the same time, she clearly remembered that on that day, under the control of the power of the aphrodisiac, she couldn't help but bit the man's left shoulder severely, causing him to be bloody.

"Even if he recovers from his injury, he must still have a clear tooth mark in the past few days... I just want him to hide!"

Ren Shanshan stared at Lin Fei with resentment, anger, and a little excitement in her eyes.

Lin Fei was shocked when he heard this.

Indeed, there are still two rows of fine teeth marks on his shoulders, which were what Ren Shanshan bit that day. Although his physical body is incomparable, Ren Shanshan is also a high-level vitality cultivation base in the emperor realm. Under a bite, two rows of tooth marks are left. Until now, it has not been completely healed.

In this way, it is equivalent to leaving evidence, even if you want to rely on it.

Lin Fei groaned, knowing that he couldn't hide it anymore.

"Cough cough cough, in this case, Miss Ren, I don't have to take off my clothes to show you, yes, it was indeed me who saved you that day."

Lin Fei confessed straightforwardly with his heart.

"Sure enough it is you!"

Ren Shanshan's beauty stared at Lin Fei, feeling extremely complicated.

Just now, she wanted to prove that the young man in front of her was the one who rescued herself a few days ago. Now once the other party confessed to her, Ren Shanshan herself was stunned for a while, and she was confused, and she didn't know what to say.

a long time.

"You refused to admit it just now, are you afraid that I will kill you and silence you?"

Suddenly, Ren Shanshan said in a loud voice, while staring sharply at Lin Fei with a smile.

Lin Fei suddenly became alert when he heard it. Damn, this chick wouldn't really want to do it.

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