Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1289: Road into the temple

So that's the case.

Lin Fei looked at the gate of the palace, the gleaming golden gate, couldn't help but praise her.

Fortunately, I met the man in the milky white bead, otherwise, even before coming to this palace, it is estimated that he would not be able to enter.

Lin Fei's gaze scanned a little, and at this time the number of people gathered in the valley was at least 600.

Moreover, most of them are the strength of the emperor realm.

"It seems that the palace is the entrance to Mid Valley, but there are many terrible formation restrictions around the palace, revealing amazing murderous intent, and it is extremely difficult to approach, otherwise these people would have swarmed and entered the palace. Will wait here.

Let's not be reckless, let's just watch the changes. "

Ren Shanshan observed for a while, slowly spoke, and then led a group of people to stay on a steep **** nearby, looking at the palace in the middle of the valley.

I have to say that this Ren Shanshan is sober-minded, looks extremely accurate, and has the temperament of giving orders.

"Young man, you find a chance to approach the golden road, and then I will give you my identity card, you just press my instructions and just break in."

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the man in the beads said to Lin Fei, who nodded.

However, according to the current situation, people from all sects, including the disciples of the three holy places, are all staring at the golden road.

Obviously, everyone had guessed that the golden road may be the only way to enter the palace.

Now all the sects are temporarily holding back. Lin Fei wants to run by himself and enter the golden road, but it is not easy, so Lin Fei had to wait for the opportunity.

As time goes by, from time to time, there are more disciples of other sects, flying in from outside the valley, and all of them are cultivation bases of the emperor realm's strength.

"Damn, brat, you are hiding here!"

Suddenly, a furious voice sounded, and then, a young man in a white gown, flashing his figure, rushed towards Lin Fei angrily.

I saw a surging and tyrannical aura blooming from his body, containing terrible pressure.


Upon seeing this, Ren Shanshan moved her body to block Lin Fei. She stretched out her hand and waved, a clear and high-pitched phoenix sound rang, and a golden phoenix rushed out of her body, exuding a terrifying aura, and instantly turned towards that white The shirt youth ran over.


The young man in white shirt was shocked, waving his arms repeatedly, blasting out the ancient seals condensed by Yuan Li and blocking the golden phoenix. After a loud noise, all the ancient seals were blown to pieces. The young man's figure was shot upside down.

"You are Ren Shanshan from Luohai Commercial Bank!"

At the corner of the white shirt youth's mouth, there were traces of blood overflowing, and he stared at Ren Shanshan with fear.

"Yes, what kind of school do you belong to? People from Luohai Commercial Bank, you dare to provoke."

Ren Shanshan's tone was very cold.

"That kid, are you from the Luohai Firm?

Humph, he killed four disciples of our Tianyuan faction, how to calculate this account. "

It turned out that the young man in white shirt was Senior Brother Luo of the Tianyuan Sect, and was the lead disciple of the Tianyuan Sect's medicine gathering operation.

A few days ago, Lin Fei was by the lake and killed four disciples of the Tianyuan faction. This Senior Brother Luo had just entered the valley when he spotted Lin Fei. He was furious and wanted to rush to kill Lin Fei.

"Hmph, within the Forbidden Valley, there are countless sect disciples who have been killed. You Tianyuan Sect has killed four disciples. What's so great? If you don't know how to entangle it, I don't mind killing more of you Tianyuan Sect. ."

Ren Shanshan replied coldly, seeming infinitely domineering.

That day, Yuan Sect was only a second-rate sect. In terms of strength, it was a lower level than Luohai Commercial Bank. Naturally, Ren Shanshan would not give him face.

"You..., huh, okay, kid, I hope you won't be alone next time, otherwise, our Tianyuan faction won't let this bill go. I see if you can hide behind the woman forever."

Tianyuan sent Senior Brother Na Luo to know that under this situation, he couldn't do anything to Lin Fei.

Behind Ren Shanshan, followed by more than twenty emperor realm masters, all of them looked extraordinary. Luohai Commercial Bank was originally a first-class power in the Eastern Region. This time Ren Shanshan led the team into the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley. One is an elite among the elites, and among them, there are eleven of them in the high-level imperial realm alone.

In addition to Ren Shanshan, there are twelve high-level emperor realms among the group of masters in the emperor realm of Luohai Commercial Bank!

In contrast, the disciples of the Tianyuan faction led by Shige Luo behind the Tianyuan faction are much weaker. There are only 16 or 7 disciples of the emperor realm in total, and most of them are in the elementary imperial realm and those with advanced emperor realm strength. There are only four.

Before leaving, Senior Brother Luo gave Lin Fei a fierce look.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, disapproving. Since Liang Zi has already formed, it is useless to say anything, so he will continue.

"Look, the disciples of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty have begun to walk towards the golden road!"

In the valley, someone suddenly said softly.

Sure enough, there were several disciples in the camp of Yuandi Yuandi starting to walk towards the golden road in front of the palace.

At the same time, in the camp of Taizhen Holy Land and Tianliang Holy Land, there were also several disciples respectively, walking out and heading towards that golden road.

The disciples of the three holy places stopped before they came to the golden road, staring at the intricate patterns engraved on the stone pavement in the golden road.

It seems to be deducing something.

"These disciples in the three holy places all understand the formation technique and are calculating the formation restriction on the golden road!"

Someone lowered his voice and said softly.

The three sacred sites in the Eastern Region are super large sects with a long heritage and extremely strong strength.

Among the three holy sites, there are many masters and talents, not only martial arts masters, but also a lot of alchemy masters, refining masters and formation masters.

Therefore, among the three holy places, many disciples who are talented in alchemy, refining or formations will also be cultivated.

I saw the disciples of the three holy places, and after repeated calculations for a while, they began to carefully step onto the golden road.

All of them were very cautious, almost taking a step, stopping to calculate for a while, then taking another step, and then stopping to calculate.

In a moment, he moved more than ten meters.

"It seems that the people of the three holy places can break the formation and walk into that palace."

When disciples from other schools around saw this, they all sighed in a low voice.

"Let's try it too!"

Suddenly, the figures began to rush towards the golden road.

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