Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1294: Lovers get together again

Lin Fei heard that he was very anxious to enter the cultivation cave in front of him, so holding the identity jade token in his hand, he walked towards the stone gate of the cave.

Sure enough, as soon as he approached, Lin Fei discovered that outside the entrance of this cave mansion, there was a formation forbidden to guard the stone gate of the cave mansion.

However, as soon as he approached, the identity jade card in Lin Fei's hand immediately radiated a soft light, and immediately, the originally closed stone gate of the cave opened slowly and automatically.

A burst of ancient and Cangsang aura diffused out of the cave. Obviously, this cave had not been opened for too long.

Lin Fei walked into the cave, Ren Shanshan also followed Lin Fei.

Inside the cave, there are stone tables and chairs, as well as many beautiful ornaments, which are very delicate. At a glance, you can know that it is the cultivation cave of female warriors.

As soon as he walked into the cave, Lin Fei saw that a large piece of futon was placed on the ground in the middle of the cave, and a skeleton was sitting cross-legged on Pu Tuan.

This skeletal skeleton is relatively slender and slender, and it is known at first glance that it is a female skeleton.

"Rong'er! You really are dead!"

Suddenly, on Lin Fei's left shoulder, the man inside the milky white bead rushed out and appeared on the bone.

"Rong'er, I came to see you, Rong'er...

Unexpectedly, after 50,000 or 60,000 years, I will see you again..."

The man's emotions were both excited and sad, and he couldn't control it at all.

"Senior, if you leave the Soul Cultivation Orb, the energy of the soul will be lost very quickly. Senior, it is very dangerous for you to do this..."

Seeing the man's figure, Lin Fei seemed to be getting darker and darker. He couldn't help but feel anxious, and said quickly.

"Rong'er..., I know, you must be able to feel me, I'm coming to see you."

However, the man turned a deaf ear to his ears and ignored Lin Fei. Instead, he gently stroked the skeleton on the Pu Tuan, showing infinite tenderness, muttering to himself and calling Rong'er constantly.

It can be seen that this man loves Rong'er, the owner of this skeleton very much.

So much so that now she is extremely affectionate towards Rong'er's bones.

This situation and situation moved Lin Fei and Ren Shanshan, but also embarrassed.

What moved is the depth of the love between this man and Rong'er. What is sad is that when the lovers met again tens of thousands of years later, it was a remnant soul and a dead bone.

After a long time.

The figure of the man became more and more illusory.

"Senior, you should go back to the Soul Cultivation Orb. You are very dangerous like this."

Lin Fei was shocked.

The man leaned on the dry bone and turned around slowly.

"It's okay, my remnant soul is in the soul-cultivating bead, and it has been lingering for such a long time, so that this day can come.

Now, I finally returned to Rong'er's side.

My wish is gone, I have no nostalgia for this world.

Moreover, my remnant soul is already in a state of exhausted oil and lamp, even if I continue to return to the soul-cultivating pearl, it will not take long before it will be gone.

Young man, thank you so much for letting me go back to Rong'er.

After my soul is gone, please bury my bones and Rong'er's bones together under the ground of this cave. "

The man said to Lin Fei, his tone was very flat, even with a trace of satisfaction, his mentality seemed very calm.

"Senior, I understand, I will definitely do as Senior's orders."

Lin Fei had no choice but to nod. This man seemed to be determined. Lin Fei knew that it would be useless to persuade him.

"As for this soul-raising pearl, you can raise it to your friend in the sea of ​​knowledge, or he will need it.

Also, let me give Rong'er's medicine ring to you. It is a gift for Rong'er to thank you for letting us two finally come together. "

The man said, pointing to a ring on a stone table beside Rong'er's skeleton, and motioned to Lin Fei to pick it up.


Lin Fei picked up the ring, and immediately felt that this ring seemed a little different from ordinary spatial rings.

"This ring is a special spatial ring of our Qingdan Valley, called a medicine ring.

The medicine ring has an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, which is much wider than the general space ring.

Moreover, the medicinal ring has a characteristic, that is, within the medicinal ring, a variety of herbs and treasures can be planted.

Because the medicine ring can automatically absorb the aura in the surrounding heaven and earth, within the medicine ring, the aura is very sufficient, very suitable for the longevity of herbal plants.

Therefore, a medicine ring is equivalent to a mobile medicine field carried with you. "

Said the man.

It turned out that Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed. He didn't expect such a wonderful medicine ring in the world.

With this medicinal ring, you can plant any herbs you will get in the future, take it with you, and use it at any time.

"Thank you Senior and Senior Rong'er!"

Lin Fei took the medicine away and said respectfully.

"Also, in this valley in the middle of the valley, all the herbs, and the treasures of heaven and earth, are planted in the medicinal field. You can go directly to the medicinal field to pick it later.

Also, this valley in the valley, in addition to a large number of precious herbs and natural treasures.

There is another place that plays a very important role in the cultivation of martial artists' vitality, and that is the empowerment platform.

As long as you can climb one hundred ladders, you can get a chance for vitality empowerment.

The vitality empowerment can help the martial artist to break through the vitality realm in the body. Of course, the effect varies from person to person.

Some people, gaining vitality empowerment, may not make a breakthrough in realm, but only increase the amount and quality of vitality in the body, and consolidate the foundation of vitality.

And some people, once they get the opportunity to instill their vitality, they might even break through several levels in succession.

Young man, your vitality level is too low. I suggest you go to the empowerment platform to try your luck and see if you can quickly improve your vitality level.

In addition, there are many cultivation caves in this valley. The masters of these cultivation caves were my teacher, or senior brother, senior sister and sister.

I hope you two will not explore those cultivation caves and harass them. "

Said the man.

Empowerment platform?

After Lin Fei heard the man's words, he couldn't help but move. If there is such a magical place, he should really try it.

"Okay, thank you senior for your advice, I will definitely go to the empowerment platform to try it.

Also, seniors don't worry, I will never explore the cultivation cave in this valley. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Okay, young man, my soul body will soon disperse. Before I die, I will give you something more. That is our old Qingdan Valley alchemy secret book, the essence of the alchemy.

The essence of this alchemy was written by a supreme elder with the most brilliant alchemy techniques in our Blue Pill Valley. If you are interested, you can study it. "

The man said, with a wave of his hand, a streamer flashed into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Suddenly, in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, there was an additional ancient book whose name was the essence of alchemy.

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