Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1298: Vitality

Lin Fei sat quietly for about a stick of incense.

Gradually, the terrifying general situation of the world seemed to become more clear. All the energy in the entire world seemed to be restricted by certain rules, so that a steady stream of Jedi gathered here and imposed on the warriors who climbed the ladder. Pressure, this is also the reason why there is terrible pressure on the stone ladder.

The forces of natural horror seem to penetrate together, forming a wonderful rhythm between the heaven and the earth, making this world so fierce.

Lin Fei closed his eyes and began to fall into this sentiment.

To touch, feel, and even try to understand a certain rule that exists between the heaven and the earth on this stone ladder.

At the beginning, Lin Fei still used his own power to resist the terrifying pressure exerted by the world.

However, afterwards, even if Lin Fei ignored it, his body would adapt and resist. Gradually, Lin Fei fell into a deeper level of understanding, and even forgot where he was.

After about a few sticks of incense time.

"Huhuhuhu, I'm exhausted!"

Ren Shanshan's figure finally appeared on the ninetieth stone ladder.

At this time, Ren Shanshan seemed to have just been fished out of the water.

There are clothes on his body that are completely soaked in fragrance and sweat. The clothes are all close to the body, slender and curvy, enough to make any man's exquisite and bumpy body, which is full of fire, especially the "shuang feng" on the chest, which stands out exaggeratedly. Extremely eye-catching.

Moreover, with Ren Shanshan's continuous breathing, her chest undulated violently, and the pair on her chest simply gave people the illusion that they were about to burst.

"What is this guy doing, sitting still here?"

Ren Shanshan adjusted her breathing while gently rubbing her slender waist, jade arms, and slender feet with her hands. At the same time, she looked at Lin Fei with beautiful eyes, feeling a little curious.

In contrast, at this moment, Lin Fei seemed to be doing the exercises with closed eyes. His complexion was calm and calm. Even his breathing was the same as usual, and seemed very relaxed.

"This guy is still a bit perverted. Not only does he climb the ladder much faster than me, he stays here on the ninetieth step of the stone ladder. He actually seems to be fine.

His potential is really not small..."

Looking at Lin Fei, who was extremely calm at this moment, Ren Shanshan's beautiful eyes couldn't help but slightly shine.

After a while.

Lin Fei suddenly woke up from the state of sentiment and found Ren Shanshan next to him, so he smiled lightly at Ren Shanshan.

Then, Lin Fei couldn't look away.

Because, at this time, Ren Shanshan's clothes are tightly attached to her body, and her body that makes people breathe fire is unobstructed. It is so clear and alluring. It is estimated that all the men in the world are looking at this scene. , Are unable to calm down.

Immediately, Ren Shanshan also noticed the strange look in Lin Fei's eyes.

Suddenly, above her beautiful and beautiful face, the frost was dense, the willow brows were erect, and she stared at Lin Fei fiercely.

"The big thing is bad!"

Lin Fei didn't know where he was, and instantly looked away.

"How do you look?"

Ren Shanshan's voice rang coldly in Lin Fei's ears.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lin Fei was extremely embarrassed and coughed.

"Next time there is such a thing, be careful of your dog's eyes."

Ren Shanshan's icy and threatening voice came into Lin Fei's ears again.

"His sister, I almost watched it all last time, now it doesn't matter what it is."

Lin Fei couldn't help slandering.

"I'm exhausted, Master!"

With a soft cry, A Zi's figure also climbed to the ninetieth step ladder.

The situation of A Zi at this time was not much different from that of Ren Shanshan.

Fragrant sweat dripped, completely wet his clothes, as if he had just risen from the lake, breathing heavily, and panting again and again.

After climbing up, Azi simply lay down on the ground of the stone ladder, and took the most comfortable posture, with his arms open and his feet straight, forming a big letter shape.

This kind of posture, coupled with Azi's charming appearance, and the soft and charming body like a fairy, will simply make all men explode.

"Azi! Do you pay attention to your image?"

Lin Fei could see the blood boil, and shouted at Azi.

"Hehe... Master, you take a peek at me! How about, this lady is pretty."

A Zi smiled slyly at Lin Fei, and even straightened her chest slightly.

"Ahem..., take your time to rest, I will climb up first."

The two shirts were wet and curvy, and they were all beautiful big beauties staying here. Where did Lin Fei dare to stay here, and quickly stood up, ready to continue climbing.

Staying here again, Lin Fei feels that even if he is not crushed to death by the great pressure of the world here, he will be killed by two tempting beauties, causing his whole body to boil and explode.

Taking one step forward, Lin Fei suddenly felt that the pressure on his body had been reduced a lot, and he didn't need to deliberately resist it. It seemed that there was a strong and delicate balance between his body and the pressure of the world.

"Well, it seems that the insights I have just now yielded a great deal, and some fit with the general trend of the world in this space."

Lin Fei was very satisfied.

At this moment, Lin Fei seemed to follow a certain pattern in his actions.

Ninety one, ninety two, ninety three...

Lin Fei stepped up the first terrace.

"This guy, how can the speed be so fast."

Ren Shanshan looked at the top, and the figure that kept climbing up could not help but exclaimed slightly.

"Hehe, Miss Ren, in the future you will find that there are so many amazing things about my master."

Azi covered her mouth and chuckled.

Ninety-nine orders, one hundred orders!

Lin Fei finally finished climbing the last ten steps!

Lin Fei smiled with satisfaction as he stepped on the hundredth step stone ladder.

Then, Lin Fei suddenly found that all the pressure on his body had suddenly disappeared.

Above the body, it seemed that a big mountain had been put down all of a sudden, with indescribable pleasure.

Then, Lin Fei started to look at the surrounding environment and found that he was standing on a huge platform now.

"Congratulations, you now have the opportunity to instill vitality. Please sit down cross-legged, get ready, and start now."

Suddenly, in the void, a loud voice sounded.


Lin Fei discovered that in the void above his head, a huge group of light suddenly appeared, and terrifying energy fluctuations continued to overflow from it.

Lin Fei quickly sat down cross-legged.


Soon, a beam of vitality that contained majestic energy suddenly jetted down from the huge cloud of light in the void, and directly enveloped Lin Fei sitting on the platform.

The majestic and pure energy, like a tide, poured into Lin Fei's body.

Moreover, although the amount and intensity of these energies are terrifying, they will not cause any harm to the body.

A steady stream of pure energy poured into Lin Fei’s body, an indescribable sense of refreshment, rippling in Lin Fei’s body, the mighty energy, constantly turning into Lin Fei’s flesh, bones, meridians, In every cell.

It was a strange feeling. Lin Fei only felt that every cell in his body was opened, greedily and frantically swallowing the energy that poured into his body.

"I don't know, after receiving the vitality empowerment, what realm can I break through?"

Lin Fei had some expectations in his heart.

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