Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1313: One after another

Everyone on the platform, at this moment, their eyes are deliberately or unintentionally falling in front of the platform, the entrance and exit of the forbidden valley surrounded by clouds.

Soon after, the disciples who entered the Forbidden Valley to participate in Lilian this time will come out from there.

"Hehe, I don't know, this time our disciples in the Holy Land of Heavenly Quantity, how did they get.

However, I estimate that the harvest should be much greater than the opening of the Forbidden Valley last time. "

In the camp of Tianliang Holy Land, a voice came out. Slowly came out a man about thirty-five years old, full of blond hair, full of golden glow, floating in the air, like a round of scorching sun, sending out a terrifying air Coercion.

"Hehe, Brother Shao, in fact, this time, the disciples of our three holy places won't be worse off there.

Before entering the valley, the kid Lu Feng once said to me that he had already secretly contacted you, the Holy Land of Heaven and the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty. This time, the disciples of our three holy places have joined hands and prepared to adopt a tough posture. Exclusively occupy the area surrounding the Forbidden Valley, and not allow other sects to enter.

Hehe, the herbs in the inner surrounding area are the most precious.

In this way, the disciples of our three holy places will definitely be the winners of this time. "

In the camp of Taizhen Holy Land, a man in a white robe with a faint Huixia walked out, his eyes were like cold stars, with a sharp aura soaring, and he said with a faint smile.

"Haha, these guys can actually play this trick, but I like it.

To do things, you must have such courage! "

In the camp of the Holy Land in the early Yuan Dynasty, there was also a tall man with thick eyebrows and leopard eyes, a strong and terrifying physique, and he laughed wildly.

The three men in the three holy grounds were all above the floating platform. What they said was heard by the deacons or elders of other sects on the platform below.

Suddenly, everyone's complexion changed slightly, and it was unexpected that the disciples of the three holy places would actually play this trick.

All sects naturally know that in the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley, the inner surrounding area has the most herbs and the highest level.

If the Lilian disciples of the three holy places really cooperate and occupy the inner surrounding area of ​​the Forbidden Valley to gather medicine, then it is not a good thing for all other schools.

"Damn, the three holy landers are too overbearing!"

On the platform, many people of other sects are a little angry in their hearts.

However, no one said anything. After all, if it is not necessary, all the schools of the Eastern Region will try to avoid conflicts with the three holy sites.

Above the platform, the three men in the three holy places were still chatting happily, boasting about the power and cleverness of their disciples.

After about two hours.

In the entrance and exit of the Forbidden Valley, a figure suddenly appeared.

Obviously, Lilian's disciples began to come out.

Suddenly, on the platform and in the sky, the people of the three holy places all looked at the entrance and exit of the Forbidden Valley.

Soon, more than a hundred figures rushed out from the entrance and exit, and then came towards the enclave of the platform.

"It's a disciple of our Changyang Gang!"

An old man with white hair and beard was overjoyed, and he moved up to meet him.

"Our disciples of the Tianzi Sect, come out too! What, there are only more than 60 disciples left alive, alas, the casualties are heavy!"

"Damn, what the **** is going on, our Decepticon gang's disciples, almost 400 people went in, could it be that only more than 20 disciples died... Then, how can I explain to the gang leader and his elders after returning...! "

"Haha, we Xueyue Sect disciples, a total of more than 200 people went in, and only 80 people died. Haha, this casualty rate is still barely acceptable."

"Oh? This is what you got this time. It's not bad, haha, at least it's better than what I thought. After I go back, when I report to Sect Master, each of you will have a reward."


A stream of people rushed out from the entrance and exit of the forbidden valley, and the sound of smashing through the air was endless.

The elders or deacons who were in charge of picking up the disciples from various factions were all excited to welcome the return of the disciples. They were excited and looking forward to the return of the disciples. While counting the number of disciples in Chugu, they couldn’t help asking about this. The harvest of the valley trip.

Of course, there are also some elders and deacons of the school, because their disciples died so badly, the cuckoo's weeping blood ape erupted with sighs.

On the platform, there is a lot of excitement.

In the void, the three men in the three holy places also exuded some expected emotional fluctuations, staring unblinkingly at the entrance and exit of the forbidden valley, waiting for the appearance of the disciples under their own door.

"Hehe, Miss Ren finally came out safely, and I can also go back for business.


Our Luohai Commercial Bank, this time the number of people who entered the Forbidden Valley was more than 300 people. It seems that only less than 20 people died in total.

This kind of death rate surprises me too!

This is the lowest casualty rate in the history of our Luohai Commercial Bank's warriors who have entered the Forbidden Valley of Wild Medicine.

Yes, yes, hehe, Miss Ren personally leads the team, it seems to be extraordinary. "

On the platform, an old man in grey clothes suddenly flashed in his eyes and found Ren Shanshan and his party.

Soon, Ren Shanshan brought more than 300 warriors from Luohai Commercial Bank to the platform.

"Miss Ren, hehe, finally wait until you come out."

The grey-clothed old man greeted him immediately.

"Hey, it's Luo Hui and the others!"

On the platform, in a corner, an old man in black suddenly changed his expression and gazed at the entrance and exit of Forbidden Valley with joy.

This old man in black is just the third elder of Cangyan Holy Land.

Soon, Luo Hui brought more than fifty disciples from the Cangyan Holy Land and rushed back to the platform.

Lin Fei is also among them.

"Three Elders, we are back..."

Luo Hui brought all the disciples to the third elder and said excitedly.


Seeing Luo Hui and other disciples, the third elder was overjoyed for the first time, and his eyes lit up. He immediately counted the number of people, and said in a trembled, "Fifty-seven people! Fifty-five people have survived."

The three elders were completely excited.

You know, the history and practice of collecting herbs in the Wild Medicine Forbidden Valley is very cruel, with extremely high mortality.

Now, only two of these disciples in Cangyan Holy Land had died, which really made the Third Elder very pleased.

"Hehe, Luo Hui, I don't know how to gain this time..."

The third elder couldn't help asking about the harvest of this time.

"Third elders, let's leave quickly and get back to the base as soon as possible. I will tell your old man in detail and try not to stay here for too long."

Luo Hui suddenly spoke to the three elders.


The third elder looked at him for a moment, looking at Luo Hui, a little strange.

However, he knew that Luo Hui's personality was relatively stable, and he knew how to plan carefully and would not talk nonsense. There must be a reason for things.

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