Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1503: Yan Di turned out to be a master

"Sister Lin, hello."

Lin Fei tried his best to make her smile bright, because this Lin Wan'er has a somewhat sensitive personality.

"Holy Son, your cultivation level has made rapid progress, which is surprising."

Lin Wan'er approached Lin Fei and stared at Lin Fei with an admiring look.

"Haha, Senior Sister Lin praised her.

Sister Lin, you should call me Lin Fei like you did before, so I'll get used to it. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Well, what you like to call me, I just call it."

Lin Wan'er looked at Lin Fei and nodded obediently.


Lin Fei suddenly felt that Lin Wan'er's attitude was a bit too docile to herself.

For a while, Lin Fei was a bit embarrassed and at a loss.

Especially when Lin Wan'er looked at her eyes, as gentle as she was.

She was a purely introverted girl, standing in front of her adoring idol, that kind of expression.

It is also true that among the disciples of Cangyan Holy Land, Lin Fei is definitely a comet-like figure, belonging to the most outstanding and eye-catching existence.

And Lin Wan'er, a simple girl with a new love, is most likely to fall in love with a heroic man like Lin Fei.

"Ahem..., Lin Fei, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to work on, that..., I'll leave first."

Luo Hui is naturally not a fool, and naturally he can see that the atmosphere in front of him is a bit subtle.

Especially when Lin Wan'er looked at Lin Fei's affectionate gaze, she knew what had happened at a glance.

Therefore, Luo Hui hurriedly confessed a scene, and then left like Fei.

"Sister Lin, your realm is not bad anymore, you are all at a high level in the sea of ​​suffering."

Lin Fei quickly changed the subject.

Lin Wan'er's current realm is already a high-level sea of ​​suffering realm.

A few years ago, she was only at the level of a half emperor, and this breakthrough speed was actually a bit astonishing.

"Well, yes, I have made great progress since I practiced the ancient scriptures of our Cangyan Holy Land, Daoyanjing.

Speaking of which, it is because of you that we have the opportunity to cultivate.

So, I can make such progress entirely because of you. "

Lin Wan'er said softly, her voice soft and soft, very nice.

This Lin Wan'er, young, quiet and pure, is a beautiful woman.

I saw her graceful and pretty, her figure was concave and convex, her black hair was flying, her white forehead had a kind of bright light, her brows were curved, her eyes were flexible, and her jaw was slightly pointed.

She stood quietly in front of Lin Fei, like a pure elf, her beauty was fresh, a bit otherworldly.

"Hehe, Senior Sister Lin laughed, all of this is due to Senior Sister Lin's own talent and the result of hard work."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"By the way, I am in the process of cultivating in the future, if I encounter a problem, can I come to you for advice."

Lin Wan'er asked softly suddenly, with a little expectation in her eyes.

"of course can."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

Although Lin Fei knew that this was Lin Waner's excuse to get close to herself, but she couldn't refuse.

Moreover, Lin Fei did not hate Lin Wan'er.

What's more, Lin Fei is now the saint son of Cangyan Holy Land. It was originally Lin Fei's responsibility to lead and guide the disciples in their cultivation.


I will come to you often. "

Seeing Lin Fei nodded in agreement, Lin Wan'er was very happy, and her attitude seemed a lot more natural.

"Then I will call you Junior Brother Lin Fei from now on?"

Lin Wan'er's eyes were tender and tender, and with the soft tones of the pleasant voice, Lin Fei's heart trembled.

"Yes, just call me Junior Brother Lin Fei."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Well, Junior Brother Lin Fei, you are fine.

I am very happy to know you.

I'm going to help now. In the past few days, everyone is busy cleaning up those dilapidated palaces and building new residential areas. "

Lin Wan'er said.

"Okay, Senior Sister Lin, go ahead."

Lin Fei nodded.

Lin Wan'er left happily now.

"Hehe, it seems that this little beauty is dependent on you.

From my point of view, this little beauty is also a classy beauty, why don't you find a chance to push her down directly. "

At this time, Emperor Yan also ran to join in the fun, his voice resounded in Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Emperor Yan, you must have been a hungry pervert when you were alive. It seems that you are very interested in overthrowing beautiful women."

Lin Fei replied.

"Boy, are you a man?

Could it be that you are not at all interested in overthrowing beauties?

Tell me the truth if you have a problem with your sexual orientation.

Damn, it won't be so scary.

If this is the case, isn't it dangerous for me to live in your sea of ​​knowledge? "

Emperor Yan said angrily.

"Emperor Yan, don't let the ivory come out of your mouth.

Who has a problem with sexual orientation.

Of course I also like to push beautiful women, but I have two final wives and Qingluo.

If you go everywhere to overthrow other beauties, I am afraid that in the end, you won't be able to collect the scene. "

Lin Fei curled his lips and said.

"Cut, your thinking is too backward.

In our Continent of the Sovereign, among those who dominate one side, which one is not a group of wives and concubines.

Even I, at most, have hundreds of concubines. "

Yandi said.

"Hundreds of concubines?

This is too exaggerated.

Damn, Yandi, are you bragging?

Don't think I'm a lie. "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"I need to lie to you this stupid kid!

To be honest, with my previous status and status in this Holy Venerable Continent, let alone hundreds of concubines, if I am willing, thousands of concubines are a trivial matter! "

Emperor Yan said angrily.

"No, what is your status in the Holy Venerable Continent before?

I listened to your tone. Although your realm before you was alive was only an emperor realm, it seemed to be a good mix in the Holy Venerable Continent. "

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Who told you that I used to be in the Saint Venerable Continent, and my cultivation realm belonged to the Emperor Realm?

Did I say it?

I just ran into the Yuan Wu Realm after suffering a fatal serious injury, and then I quickly fell to the Emperor Realm.

Therefore, Emperor Yan is just my title in the Yuan Wu world.

When I was still in the Holy Venerable Continent before, it was definitely not a trivial emperor realm strength. "

Yandi said.

So that's the case!

Lin Fei suddenly realized, but after thinking about it, Emperor Yan had never said what his realm strength was when he was in the Holy Venerable Continent before.

It turned out that the title of Emperor Yan was the name of those warriors in the Yuanwu world.

When Emperor Yan had just arrived in the Yuan Wu Realm before, he had spent some time in the Yuan Wu Realm.

Later, his injuries became more and more serious before he entered the Xuanming Realm and sealed himself in the third layer of the Great Emperor's Book Garden in the Xuanming Realm.

"Then you used to be in the Holy Venerable Continent, what realm of strength was it?"

Lin Fei asked curiously.

"Advanced Mahayana."

Yandi replied.


Lin Fei couldn't help taking a breath.

Unexpectedly, Emperor Yan used to be so powerful in the Saint Venerable Continent before.

The strength of the high-level Mahayana realm is already stronger than those deacons in the Holy Land.

It is estimated that it is equivalent to an ordinary elder in the Holy Land.

Lin Fei had always thought that Emperor Yan in the Saint Venerable Continent was just a small character with the strength of the Emperor Realm.

"Damn, it's been a long time, so you used to be a master."

Lin Fei felt somewhat shocked in his heart.

"Of course, you think only you are great."

Emperor Yan said triumphantly.

"By the way, Emperor Yan, tell me about your previous status and your experience in the Saint Venerable Continent."

Lin Fei asked.

"I will say, boy, when the Cangyan Holy Land is successfully rebuilt, I will tell you everything in detail.

At that time, my revenge will need you to avenge me. "

Yan Di's voice suddenly became sharp, and there was a smell of gritted teeth.

"Well, I will try my best."

Lin Fei nodded.

At the beginning, following Emperor Yan to the Sage Venerable Continent, there were two most direct purposes, one was to help Emperor Yan reshape his body, and the second was to avenge Yan Emperor.

Of course Lin Fei will not forget.

Time flies, two days' time passed in the blink of an eye.

On the third day, Lin Fei was meditating cross-legged in his own practice chamber.

"Lin Fei, the guardian formation, it has been officially restored!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei received the voice of the divine consciousness from the great elder.


Lin Fei was overjoyed and jumped up directly.

The guardian formation in Cangyan Ancient Land was finally restored!

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