Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1555: Fallen World

"Let's go in and take a look."

The goblin looked into the depths of the space crack and said.

"Okay, go in and see what's going on."

Lin Fei also nodded.

"In the depths of this space crack, there is a terrifying space power. I have gone in and explored it several times.

However, all of them were disturbed by the forces of the inner space and couldn't tell the direction, so they had to retreat.

You rush in, afraid of danger. "

Ren Xiaotian said.

"It doesn't matter, the goblin's spatial talent is very powerful, and it will be fine."

Lin Fei said.

"In the legend, you goblin clan, with spatial talent, seems to be true."

Ren Xiaotian looked at the goblin in surprise.

Space power is a very partial power, and you must pay attention to whether you have talent in this area.

If there is no talent in this area, no matter how strong the realm of vitality is, one cannot cultivate space power.

The goblin released the power of space, took the lead to walk into the wide space crack, and walked deep step by step.

In the space cracks, there is a mysterious and chaotic road.

It seems that time and space are constantly dislocated and changing.

Ren Xiaotian was cautious, his whole body's vitality circulated, and his mighty vitality covered the surface of his body.

Moreover, he also took out a slightly broken miniature canoe, propped it on his palm, ready to use it at any time.

This miniature canoe is a magic weapon with very powerful defensive power. Lin Fei had seen Ren Xiaotian use it before.

As for Lin Fei and the goblin, they have entered the chaotic void many times, and they have long been familiar with the road and are not nervous at all.

"Well, the space inside is really not very powerful.

Moreover, the space wall is relatively stable. "

The goblin said while feeling the front.

Ren Xiaotian couldn't help being speechless. Before, he had broken in several times to find Ren Shanshan.

However, every time, I rushed to the middle of the road. Because of the interference of space forces, I couldn't recognize the direction at all. I felt like a headless fly, and finally had to go out.

However, the goblin and Lin Fei seemed to be walking, and they moved forward easily.

Ren Xiaotian couldn't help but secretly admired in his heart.

Just when the three of Lin Fei were walking towards the depths within the space crack.



One after another, figures came to this space crack.

"What's the matter? Just now it seemed that Ren Xiaotian of Luohai Commercial Bank and a young man, there seemed to be a monster beast, entered the space crack."

An old man said.

"Since this time, Ren Xiao seems to have entered this space crack many times.

Could it be, what did he discover in it? "

Said another middle-aged man.

"It is very possible that, generally speaking, spatial cracks have the function of self-repair.

However, this spatial crack has appeared here for more than half a year. Not only has it not disappeared, but it has opened wider and wider.

There must be weird. "

Said a wrinkled old woman leaning on a cane.

"Could it be that there are some caves, secret realms, or small spaces that are going to be born?"

An old man in black guessed.

"Yes! This possibility is the greatest."

Another gray-robed old man replied.

"I have sent someone to notify the old man Kongtian.

It is estimated that he will come soon.

At that time, let him lead the way, and we will also enter this space crack to explore, and we will know what is going on. "

Said the old woman with a cane.

"Haha, Fairy Caixia, as soon as I received your notice, I rushed over."

In the distant sky, a cyan light drove in like a breakpoint.

In less than a breathing time, an old man wearing a cyan shirt with white beard and hair but a red face came to everyone.

"Kongtian. You came well.

You are good at space power, come on, take us in and see what is going on in this space crack. "

The wrinkled old woman leaning on a cane was Fairy Caixia.

"it is good.

I also intend to go in and take a look. "

The sky in the cyan shirt replied with a smile.

So, taking the lead, walked into the space crack.

The rest of the people followed him quickly and carefully.

At this time, the goblins, Lin Fei, and Ren Xiaotian were already walking into the depths of the space crack.

"Hey, it seems to be the end.

Look, what is that! "

Suddenly, the goblin stood still and looked forward.

"There seems to be a giant gate made of bronze!

Could it be that there really is a space here. "

Lin Fei said with regret.

Not far from the front, a huge bronze door with a height of 100 meters stood quietly, and the whole body was flowing with cold metallic luster.

The bronze door was stained with rust, with a breath of sang mulberry, and I don't know how many years have passed.

"Yes, behind this huge bronze gate, there should be a small space.

Or, it's a small world. "

The goblin nodded. Among the three, his spatial power was the strongest, and his perception of the void was also the most sensitive. He seemed to feel something.

"There are two words on the bronze door!"

Ren Xiaotian said in surprise.

Sure enough, above the bronze door, there were two vigorous and powerful ancient characters engraved: Luoxian.

at this time.

Suddenly a group of people came over in the back.

The head of the person is the sky in that blue shirt.

"Look, there is a bronze door with words on it!"

Suddenly, those people behind Kongtian stared at the bronze gate one by one, very shocked.

"Luoxian, Luoxian...

Could it be the legendary Fallen Realm? ! "

Beside Kongtian, the old woman with a cane murmured a few words to herself, and suddenly showed a shocked expression.


The others almost jumped up when they heard it.

"how is this possible!

This is a coincidence. Falling Immortal Realm is just an ancient legend in the Eastern Region. How could it really exist in Falling Immortal Realm! "

An old man in black shook his head vigorously.

"Yes, it is said that Fallen Immortal Realm is the place where immortals fall.

If this is the world of falling immortals, it would be too amazing.

I can not believe it. "

The other old man in gray also shook his head.

"I've accidentally read an ancient book before.

In that ancient book, Luoxianjie was mentioned.

The ancient book said that the entrance to the world of Luoxian was a bronze gate with the ancient characters Luoxian carved on the door.

The bronze door in front of me is exactly the same as the situation mentioned in that ancient book! "

The old woman on crutches said in an excited tone.

"If this is the realm of Fallen Immortal, it would be amazing.

It is said that the world of falling immortals is the place where immortals fall.

Among them, it was extremely dangerous, and once there was a great energy in the fairyland that fell into it. "

The black-clothed old man said.

"However, in the world of falling immortals, there are also unimaginable great opportunities.

It is said that there is even a chance to become a fairy! "

Na Kongtian said.


Chance to become a fairy!

As soon as Kongtian's words came out, everyone felt their heart twitching fiercely.

In the Saint Venerable Continent, the highest realm that a warrior can reach is the fairyland.

And to become an immortal, even if it is a great power in the fairyland, it is also very eager.

Besides, it is an ordinary warrior.

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