Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1575: Kill Deacon Ning

"Master, you should go straight into the slave tower and hide.

Besides, there is no other way. You are not his opponent. "

Lu Qi said.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's gaze turned to the dark sea not far away.

"Although the old guy's strength is very powerful, he seems to be afraid of the black water, well, give it a try!"

Lin Fei suddenly thought of an idea, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, don't make unnecessary resistance anymore.

Obediently cooperate.

Hey, I can’t think of it, your Danding can withstand the sea of ​​the Xianhai Buried Sea, tusk, what a baby.

Take it. "

Deacon Ning's eyes were full of greed, and he reached out to Lin Fei with a sneer on his face.

"There is a kind of take it yourself."

Lin Fei suddenly stretched out his figure and rushed towards the dark sea.

"Boy, you don't want to die!"

Deacon Naning was startled, his figure flashed, and he chased Lin Fei.

He was really afraid that Lin Fei had a tough temper, and would rather die than surrender, and jump into the sea to commit suicide.

In an instant, Lin Fei was standing on the beach, only one meter away from the dark sea.

But Deacon Ning also chased after Lin Fei.


Deacon Ning drank coldly, preparing to attack Lin Fei.


The vitality in Lin Fei's body revolved frantically, slapped to the sea with a palm in the air.


This palm is Lin Fei's full effort, and it has a strong suction.

Suddenly, the entire surface of the sea was in riots, as if provoked, and the surging sea rolled violently.


One after another, huge waves as high as one thousand meters were rolled up in an instant, and with terrifying power, they slammed far away to the shore.

"not good!"

Deacon Naning's scared souls all rushed, roaring, instantly unfolding his body skills, and desperately fleeing back.

He was afraid that Lin Fei would be unyielding and committed suicide by jumping into the sea. Therefore, he was very close to Lin Fei and only a few meters away from the sea.

"Oh my god, what's going on, this buried Xianhai, didn't the tide just risen just now?

Why is the tide rising so fast! "

"Damn, run away."

In the distance, a warrior screamed in shock.

Lin Fei had been prepared for a long time, and at the same time he took a palm shot, he was already in the Chaos Cauldron.

Lin Fei was hiding in the Chaos Cauldron, his divine consciousness sensed the turbulent waves that were thousands of meters high outside, and his heart was throbbing with fright.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei unexpectedly slapped it out with a palm of his hand, as if it angered the sea, and unexpectedly such a terrible storm burst out.


Deacon Ning’s screams were heard from a distance. Although he escaped fast, he was too close to the sea surface. In addition, the speed of these waves was extremely alarming, and some of the sea water followed him.

Finally, half a quarter of an hour later.

Finally, the stormy waves outside disappeared, and the dark sea returned to calm.

Lin Fei carefully opened the tripod lid and flashed out.

Then, he showed his starting method and quickly moved a long distance away from the sea.

This sea of ​​burial is terrible.

It's better to stay away from it.

Then, Lin Fei stared at a gray-robed old man sitting cross-legged on the ground not far away.

It was Deacon Ning from the Red Palace.

When he was running away, he was splashed by a piece of sea water, and now most of his body has begun to smell and rot.

Moreover, the skin of his whole body has become pitch black as ink, and his breath is sluggish. Now it is the vitality in the body that is running, and he wants to heal his injuries.

"Hey, you are dead!"

Lin Fei walked over and said in a sarcastic tone, feeling very relieved.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness could perceive that Deacon Ning's breath was already at the extreme, approaching a state of dying.

Seeing Deacon Ning's tragic situation, Lin Fei was secretly surprised. The power of the sea water was really terrifying. Even Deacon Ning, a master of the cave world, would end up miserably after being contaminated.

"You..., kid, you must die!"

Deacon Naning couldn't help feeling very resentful when he saw Lin Fei approaching.

At this time, he already wanted to understand. Just now, Lin Fei rushed to the beach, where he wanted to commit suicide. He wanted to lure him over, and then draw the sea of ​​Xianhai to deal with him.

He was a magnificent master of the Celestial Sky Realm, and he couldn't think of being killed by an ant like this. At this time, Deacon Ning's hatred for Lin Fei was simply beyond words.

"Hey? You can't seem to move, hehe..."

Lin Fei smiled, a little unkind.

If this Deacon Ning could still move, he would have come over to do it on himself.

"Boy, wait, I will settle this account with you sooner or later."

Deacon Naning gritted his teeth and said.

He naturally knew how bad his state was. In his body, a terrible death breath was rapidly eroding his vitality and destroying his body.

He had taken all the elixir and elixir in his body a while ago, and now he is doing his best to fight the terrible death energy in his body.

Moreover, he was injured so badly that he could not move his body at all.

"Do you think you still have a chance to live?"

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth evoked a mocking smile.

"Huh, boy, which school are you from.

I am the deacon of the Chili Palace in Zhongshengzhou. If you dare to do something to me, not only you, but all the people who are related to you will be killed.

Believe me, the horror of our Chili Palace is beyond your imagination. "

Deacon Naning said to Lin Fei, with an extremely threatening tone in his tone.

"Oh, according to what you said, don't I let you go now and you won't be held accountable in the future.

Do you think I am a three-year-old child? "

Lin Fei sneered.

Deacon Naning was taken aback.

It is true that no matter what, he will never let this hateful ant in front of him.

"Hmph, if you give me all the things on your body, I will naturally not hold you accountable anymore."

Deacon Ning's face was uncertain and coldly hummed.

"So, you better go on the road with peace of mind."

Lin Fei shook his head, his mind moved, and Chaos Cauldron whizzed out.

Deacon Naning was shocked, and a powerful force burst out of his body, trying to resist Chaos Cauldron.


Chaos Cauldron smashed Deacon Ning's body to pieces with a violent posture.

In this state, how could he withstand the extremely heavy Chaos Cauldron.

Lin Fei walked over, exerted his strength, and picked up a piece of Broken Bronze Realm from the ground.


Lin Fei shook his head.

Before, Deacon Na Ning was far away, and with this bronze mirror, Lin Fei couldn't travel through the void by taking a photo from a distance.

Therefore, it must be a powerful magic weapon.

However, now this bronze mirror is broken every inch.

It is estimated that Deacon Naning just used it to resist the sea.

Lin Fei shook his head and threw away the broken bronze mirror.

"Boy, you actually killed Deacon Ning from Chili Palace!"

At this time, in the distance, several warriors looked over here, and their expressions were uncertain, one of the warriors said.

"He wants to kill me, can't I kill him yet.

Is it related to you? "

Lin Fei's gaze looked over coldly.

"not my business."

The warrior was stared at by Lin Fei's cold gaze, and couldn't help but startled, feeling like he was being stared at by a fierce beast.

He could see clearly the process of Lin Fei's killing Deacon Ning just now. He was a little bit cold with Lin Fei's methods, but now he dare not provoke Lin Fei.

At this time, more warriors came to the beach and looked into the sea.

"It's strange, this sea of ​​burial is so terrible, why are there still so many warriors coming to the beach?

Among them, there must be weird. "

In Lin Fei's mind, this question suddenly came to mind.

"Get someone to ask."

Lin Fei stretched out his figure and swiftly flashed away.

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