Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1585: Method of hatching silkworm cocoons

However, just a few kilometers away from the bird's nest, Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved.

Then, Lin Fei directly turned back and rushed under the cliff.

On the ground below the cliff, lying horizontally were the corpses of three huge, **** ancient beasts.

Exactly, that golden fire lion, white jade cold tiger, and nine blood pythons.

"This is the corpse of an ancient beast. It contains a huge amount of energy, and it can't be wasted."

Lin Fei rushed to the bottom of the cliff, waved his hand, and collected the corpses of the three huge ancient beasts and sent them into the slave tower.

It turns out that in the process of refining the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Jue, in addition to a few necessary heavenly materials, more other heavenly materials and earthly materials can be added.

Including all kinds of rare heaven and earth treasures, herbs, medicinal herbs, all kinds of rare spar, and even the bodies of rare monsters and monsters, they can all be added and melted into a furnace to refine the flesh.

Moreover, the more rare and precious the added treasures of heaven, material and earth, the greater the effect.

Ancient beasts are very rare and rare, and they are all treasures.

Lin Fei decided to join these three ancient beasts next time he practiced the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art.

Then, Lin Fei unfolded his body and rushed out of the mountain range without looking back, far away.

Just after Lin Fei left this mountain range, not long after, two Celestial Cave Realm masters rushed in and landed on the bird's nest on the cliff.

One of them was a fifty-year-old gray-clothed old man with a very ugly face. With a flick of his sleeves, he rolled the unconscious Lu Wenjie in front of him, took out a fragrant purple Dao Dan, and stuffed it into Lu Wenjie’s mouth. in.

Then, a mighty vitality continuously transmitted into that Lu Wenjie's body to help him heal his injuries.

After a few breaths, Lu Wenjie woke up.

"Deacon Wen, Deacon Xiang!"

Lu Wenjie couldn't help being happy and ashamed when he saw the two masters of the cave world.

"As soon as we received your jade brief message, we rushed over.

It seems that we are still a step late.

Specifically, what was going on, the cocoon of Yi Shen silkworm fell into whose hands that day.

Who hurt you again? "

The old man in gray was Deacon Wen.

So Lu Wenjie recounted what happened just now in detail.

Then, Lu Wenjie thought, and a wave of divine consciousness rushed out of his sea of ​​knowledge, condensing into the appearance of a young man with a slightly cultivated body, it was Lin Fei.

"The two deacons wounded me and snatched the Tianyi God Silkworm. It was this person."

Lu Wenjie said.

"Well, in that case, this kid is not from Zhongshengzhou.

Well, when the time comes, the order will be passed on to find out the origin of this kid's identity.

Humph, we dare to use such a way to insult our disciples of the Profound Sky Sect. In the entire Saint Venerable Continent, it really has not appeared.

There was also the second **** silkworm that day, which was very useful, and we must find a way to get it.

As long as the whereabouts of that kid is found, even after leaving the realm of Fallen Immortal, our Profound Sky Sect will send out people to go to his sect to seek justice. "

Deacon Wen said with a cold snort.

"Yes, Deacon Wen, you must not let that kid go."

Lu Wenjie was overjoyed.

"Huh, humble rubbish, now, you are in big trouble."

Lu Wenjie's heart is very cheerful.


At this time, outside the mountains, a team of men and horses rushed into the mountains.

Before coming to the cliff, he landed directly on the bird's nest.

Among this team, there is a silver-clothed boy. It was the young genius of the Cleansing School who had worked with Lin Fei not long ago.

"Haha, Deacon Wen, I didn't expect that the speed of your Profound Sky Sect is quite fast.

What, the kid who snatched the Tianyi silkworm. "

A tall and thin middle-aged man said to Deacon Wen of the Xuan Sect that day.

"Where does he have the guts to stay here, he has already escaped."

Deacon Wen replied.

"Unexpectedly, in addition to our Zhongshengzhou, such terrible young people have also appeared."

The tall and thin middle-aged man of the Clean Group sighed.

"Huh, that kid behaves badly, and sooner or later he will be in big trouble."

Deacon Wen snorted coldly.

"That is, anyway, our Cleansers will definitely try our best to find his whereabouts."

Said the tall and thin man from the Cleanroom Group.

"let's go!"

The tall and thin man knew it was useless to stay here.

So, with a wave of his hand, he left the mountain range with the people of the Cleansing Faction.

"Let's go too."

Deacon Wen also took the Profound Sky Sect and left directly.

However, both sects issued an order to trace the identity of the kid who snatched the Tianyi Divine Silkworm.

Lin Fei's portrait was also sent to the jade slips of each member of the two schools in the first time.

At this time, Lin Fei was already hundreds of kilometers away.

"It should be safe."

Lin Fei muttered to himself, the power of divine consciousness sensed it back, and no one came after.

So Lin Fei landed in a hidden dense forest.

Then, Lin Fei teleported directly into the slave tower.

In the ninth secret room of the slave tower.

Lin Fei and Lu Qi were both in the secret room, as were the cocoons of the Tianyi God Silkworm.

"Hehe, I can't imagine that the legendary Tianyi silkworm was also obtained by your master."

Lu Qi looked at the white cocoon, somewhat shocked.

"I don't know how to hatch it."

Lin Fei was also very excited.

Once in the future, it really succeeds in hatching the second **** silkworm that day, maybe, you can eat all kinds of insects.

"It's easy to hatch it, but it's also difficult."

Lu Qi said.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Fei was a little baffled.

"To put it simply, as long as you provide it with some amazing energy treasures, and give it as the energy for incubation, it can hatch.

It is difficult to say, where to find treasures with amazing energy. "

Lu Qi said.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei nodded.

It is indeed simple and difficult, and the method is simple, but it is difficult to find a treasure of amazing energy.

"Well, look for this slowly.

No matter what, we must find an opportunity to let it hatch. "

Lin Fei said.

"Well, I'm going to continue to find enough Tao medicine to cultivate the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art."

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei teleported out of the slave tower.

Stretching out, ready to leave this dense forest.

At this moment, suddenly, there were loud noises in the distance, as if someone was fighting.

There are thousands of golden lights in the fierce battle, rising to the sky, extremely bright.

"Is it him?"

Lin Fei looked at the golden light rising into the sky, and couldn't help but think of someone.

Therefore, Lin Fei unfolded his body skills and headed towards the fierce battle.

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