Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 160: Top Ten Master Ranking Challenge

Lin Fei concentrated on cultivating after putting the pile of primordial crystal stones into the space ring. . .

Some time ago, in Huanggu Town, there was always no time to practice, but fortunately, after several big battles, the elementary realm of vitality that he just broke through was completely stabilized and consolidated.

Lin Fei immediately entered the state of cultivation as soon as the sun's golden sutra's tactics turned.

After breaking through to the realm of vitality, the volume of the ball of light in the dantian is already the size of five or six fists gathered together, and the whole body is flowing with dazzling golden light, and countless bright rays of light are dazzling and shining. Lin Fei's entire body, muscles, bones, and meridians were all stained with a layer of golden golden light. The golden light flowed, constantly moisturizing the limbs and veins, making Lin Fei feel full of endless power.

The Golden Sutra of the Sun, the more Lin Fei cultivates, the more he feels that it’s subtle and magical. Although I don’t know which product this tactic belongs to, according to the general outline of this tactic, it can be from the basic stage alone. Has been practicing to the level of the gods.

Although Lin Fei was unheard of what level of vitality cultivation realm this **** realm belongs to, but this **** word alone is by no means simple.

Therefore, this type of solar golden scripture technique is definitely more advanced than the fifth- and sixth-rank techniques, and even, Lin Fei guessed, it may be even more advanced than those seventh-rank techniques, maybe.

However, Lin Fei also felt that after breaking through the vitality realm, the volume of the ball of light in the dantian was increasing slowly.

Think about it carefully. After all, with all the exercises, the more you cultivate to a higher level, the more difficult it will be to break through and upgrade, so this seems reasonable.

For the next two days, Lin Fei decided to spend the time cultivating the Sun Golden Sutra and the ever-changing fantasy sword.

This ever-changing phantom sword, trained to the realm of Dacheng, can produce more than a hundred sword lights at once, and now, Lin Fei's maximum ability is only able to produce about twenty sword lights. The realm of Dacheng is still far away.

Therefore, Lin Fei felt that he still had to spend more time on this set of sword skills.

Two days later, in the practice room, Lin Fei's Zihuang sword was in his hand, swinging the sword to stab, and his heart followed the sword. The sword light filled the whole practice room and the sword intent was compelling.

Lin Fei's body is like a wandering dragon, her posture is elegant and uncompromising. His whole body is as if wrapped in a cloud of sword light. Under the amount of violent violence stimulated by the sword light, his whole body is lingering like a cloud covering a mist. Uncertainty, virtual and real, hard to measure.

Suddenly, in the clouds and mist, more than 30 sword lights flashed, shooting out in all directions of the practice room, murderous intent and sharp!

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

With bursts of sound, more than 30 holes were pierced in the walls around the practice room.

Then Lin Fei's sword power recovered, and the sword light and sword energy in the practice room suddenly dissipated. Only Lin Fei stood holding the sword in the field, still closed his eyes, immersed in the memory.

Recalling the sword power and artistic conception of the sword dance just now, I was fascinated, with mud feet deep and unable to extricate himself.

And the more he comprehended, the more Lin Fei's understanding of kendo improved, and many new experiences about kendo gradually came to mind.

And the sword energy and sword intent that Lin Fei radiated from his body at this time was also more refined and pure. The whole person was a sharp sword.



Lin Fei seemed to hear a crisp sound in his soul, and a new thing was born.

There was an extra sword glow in the soul!

Lin Fei opened his eyes suddenly, and his eyes shot out like two sharp sword lights, sharp and indifferent. Suddenly, countless criss-crossing Ling Li sword air was densely intertwined in Lin Fei's body, as long as Lin Fei thought. , These countless sword qi can hit out and hurt people.

Two points of sword intent!

Now Lin Fei's ever-changing sword skills can not only strike more than 30 sword lights, but also comprehend two points of sword intent.

Lin Fei put away the Purple Emperor Sword, and the delicate sword also showed a very satisfied look.

Looking out the window of the practice room, the east is already white, and a bright sun will soon rise there.

The day of the Outer Sect Top Ten Master Ranking Challenge is finally here!


Finally, a dazzling red sun rose from the east, and the whole world bid farewell to the long night and returned to the day.

The venue for this challenge is set in the Huayang School’s largest martial arts training ground: Yuewu Square, which is considered the most spacious place in the entire Huayang School and can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Today's Yuewu Square is undoubtedly in a state of extreme expansion. In the entire square, there is a sea of ​​people, and when you look at it, the black sea of ​​people permeates to the end, even on the towering buildings around the square. Full of figures.

All kinds of noises gathered together, rushed into the sky, and then spread far away, within a hundred miles, they were enough to be heard.

Although this challenge is only the scope of the outer disciples, it has also absorbed many disciples from other levels, clerical disciples, and even most of the inner disciples gathered here.

And the outer disciples are almost all here!

For many outer disciples, although their current cultivation level is still poor and they are not eligible to participate in this challenge, they can take the opportunity to observe and evaluate some of the qualified elites in the outer sect. How powerful it is.

In the middle of Yuewu Square, the competition arena paved with hard basalt stones gives people a magnificent atmosphere and a majestic atmosphere.

There are some conspicuous special seats in front of the competition arena. Now these seats are also full of figures. These figures are extraordinary and powerful, and the majesty is revealed between the eyes. These are the high-levels of the Huayang School.

Many disciples even realized that in this challenge, even the head of the Huayang faction, Xiang Xiaotian, was sitting there, and there was no shortage of elders in the other factions.

This phenomenon suddenly spread among the many disciples, with fiery eyes staring at the figure sitting on the special seat in front of the competition arena. After all, this represents the whole Huayang. The highest level of existence.

All the disciples are secretly guessing why this challenge will actually arouse the interest of the highest-level existence in the school. The previous ten Outer Sect Challenges, although they were held quite grand, However, the head and the elders rarely attended the scene.

It seems that this time, the martial arts really attaches great importance to the top ten ranking challenge.

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