Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1617: Meet Elder Hua Again

Next, Lin Fei entered the city and visited Qingluo.

However, Qing Luo was already sealed in a giant gray cocoon.

The old priest personally guarded him at all times, protecting Qingluo for the law.

It is estimated that when Qingluo breaks through the cocoon, his strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

At the same time, Lin Fei also discovered that thousands of people from the evil shadow clan had already broken through to the emperor realm, and had entered the slave tower for training.

Among them, many have already broken through to the Divine Bridge Realm.

In general, those members of the Evil Shadow Clan have made great progress.

After learning about the situation, Lin Fei left the city.

Then, both himself and Wang Chan were teleported out of the slave tower and appeared in the **** desert outside.

"Well, next, we should try our best to find the city of immortal burial."

Lin Fei said to Wang Chan.

Wang Chan also nodded.

The city of immortal burial exists in the center of this **** desert.

However, it is estimated that it will take a lot of effort to find it, not so easy.

The two immediately set off, unfolded their starting methods, and moved forward.

After a long time, I actually met an acquaintance.

A team of people marched in the **** desert.

It was the elder Hua of the Wuchen Sect, the young master, and hundreds of disciples of the Wuchen Sect.

"Elder, it is this pair of dog men and women who killed many of our disciples of the Cleanroom Sect!"

Those disciples of the Cleanroom Group gritted their teeth when they saw Lin Fei and Wang Chan.

In the previous battle, Lin Fei beheaded many disciples of the Cleanroom Sect.

"Hehe, old guy, it seems that your injury is not light."

Lin Fei stared directly at the elder Hua.

I saw that his breath was extremely wilting, his face was pale as paper, and his body was riddled with sores, rags, and blood holes.

Moreover, one right foot disappeared, leaving only one left foot.

It is estimated that the destructive power of that camel monster is too terrible, it has wiped out most of his body's vitality, even if there is any magical medicine, it is difficult to restore the body at once.

Elder Hua volleyed, sitting cross-legged, supported by Yuan Li.

Lin Fei's sense of consciousness had long discovered that this elder Hua was seriously injured.

This is also the reason why Lin Fei didn't run away as soon as he saw this elder Hua.

The master of the cave world, although the strength is terrible.

However, Lin Fei was not afraid of a badly wounded master of the Celestial Sky Realm.

"Boy, you are fine, you didn't run away when you saw me."

Elder Hua, sitting cross-legged in the sky, was originally closing his eyes to heal his injuries. At this time, he slowly opened his eyes, staring at Lin Fei with Sen Han's gaze.

"You are alive now, at most a half and a half are left, dying, at the end of the fight, what's terrible.

What's more, I like to beat down dogs and don't want to miss this opportunity. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Just relying on you to have murderous intent on me?!

What are you, even if I only have half my life left, could you still kill me! "

Elder Hua's pupils shrank.

"I'm nothing, but in this case, I still have the confidence to kill you."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Fei's mouth.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. You are only the strength of the Hinayana realm. Elder Hua is a master of the Celestial Cavern realm, one hundred and eighty thousand miles higher than your realm, and one finger can destroy you!"

When the young master heard this, he was very angry, and scolded Lin Fei angrily.

"Boy, looking for death, dare to disrespect Elder Hua!"

The other disciples of the Cleanroom Sect also yelled at Lin Fei one by one.

"Haha...what's the use of playing tricks?"

I used to have no grudges or grudges with you, but you old fellow came to chase me.

This is what you provoke me first, you can't blame me. "

When Lin Fei said this, the Chaos Cauldron rushed out of his body, hovering above his head, continuously zooming in, like a giant mountain.

At the same time, Swallow Sky Gourd is also taken in his hands.

The sea water buried in Xianhai is currently Lin Fei's most powerful killer.

This is also the most fundamental reason why Lin Fei dared to face the master of the cave world.

Because, even if it is a master of the cave sky, if it is contaminated with the sea water of the buried fairy sea, the end will be very miserable.

"Boy, have you fetched the sea water from the buried Xianhai."

Suddenly, Elder Hua asked Lin Fei.

Because, he had already seen the blackness that Lin Fei splashed out.

In addition, he had also gone to the seashore where Xianhai was buried and observed the Xianhai buried up close. Therefore, he vaguely guessed that the black water splashed by Lin Fei was very likely to be the seawater where Xianhai was buried.

"Not bad!

It is the sea water of the buried fairy sea, used to deal with your old dog, it is probably enough. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"You are too arrogant."

Elder Hua couldn't bear it. He was a master of the Heavenly Cavern Realm, but he was spoken in such a rude tone by a junior kid.

"Hmph, after I kill you, if you can collect the secret of burying Xianhai sea water, it will be mine."

Elder Hua said with a cold snort, and at the same time, there was some greed in his eyes.

Because, as a master of the cave world, he naturally knows the terrible sea water in the buried fairy sea.

If you can collect the sea water from the buried fairy sea, it will be used to confront the enemy suddenly during the battle, and it will definitely be able to crush most of the masters of the cave world.

"You can kill me!"

Lin Fei let out a violent roar.

At this time, Lin Fei was already relatively close to the people of the Wuchen School.

In the next moment, Lin Fei's body glowed, surging with surging fire.

Then, Lin Fei's right hand suddenly grabbed out, instantly zooming infinitely.

The entire right arm squirmed and swelled rapidly, turning into a huge and terrifying arm, like a dragon across the sky, giving people a strong visual impact.


The giant arm swept out, the thunderbolt swept away, and the violent force swept away, like a real dragon's tail.

Puff puff puff...

The giant arm swept abruptly, and all of the dozens of disciples of the Cleansing Faction were caught and exploded, turning into a cloud of blood.


You actually acquired the supernatural powers through initial cultivation!

Did you get the golden body Luo Dao fruit! "

Elder Hua suddenly showed a shocked expression and stared at Lin Fei.

"Yes, I did get the Golden Body Luo Daoguo. Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you four masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm. If it weren't for you to deal with that camel monster, where would I have a chance.


Lin Fei laughed and admitted directly.

"Damn it, little beast!

We were born to death, struggling with our lives, and were seriously injured, almost lost our lives, and finally let you take advantage of it!


Little beast, **** you!

Immediately hand over the golden body Luo Daoguo! "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, Elder Hua was so angry that he roared and was directly on the verge of rampaging.

"Haha, if you have the ability, come and get it yourself."

Lin Fei sneered.


Regardless of his injury, Elder Hua forced a horrible vitality into a piece of dazzling rune, like a rushing river, hitting Lin Fei violently.

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