Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 163: One and a half points of sword intent!

On the ring!

Tang Yang to Liang Xiao!

Tang Yang was the tenth best player in the previous session, while Liang Xiao, who had just passed all the way, finally obtained the qualification to challenge the tenth best player this year. Wen   Xue Fan. ㄟ.

And the two people's cultivation levels are both at the eighth level of Qi Condensation, which can be said to be at the same level.

But among the warriors, in addition to the level of vitality cultivation, there are many other factors that determine the outcome.

For example, even if the warriors are at the same level of cultivation of vitality, some of them have weak foundations, unstable realms, low vitality quality, and scarce and weak vitality. And some warriors just have a solid foundation, a solid state, extremely high quality, and a huge amount of vitality.

At the same time, different martial artists, different martial arts talents, as well as the level of martial skills cultivated, the level of understanding of martial arts, and the richness of actual combat experience are all factors that determine the strength of a martial artist.

Therefore, for a while, the audience speculated whether Liang Xiao could succeed in the challenge or whether Tang Yang could successfully keep his tenth position in the outer door?

But what surprised the many disciples on the stage was that after the two came to the stage, they did not immediately start fighting. Tang Yang was even more eloquent. He promised Liang Xiao on the spot. It seemed that he wanted to see Liang Xiao. Bubble her!

This is possible too!

Everyone stayed.

And Liang Xiao, even more angry, directly rejected Tang Yang's suggestion.

"Since Junior Sister Liang is so uninterested, then..., let's fight!"

Liang Xiao had long been impatient with Tang Yang. He immediately slid his feet when he heard the words. He quickly stabs and stabs 7 swords in an instant, each of which is directed at Tang Yang's vital parts!

Every sword pierced out, and the vitality attached to the tip of the sword turned into a fierce sword wind. The intangible vitality was wrapped in the sword wind, and the attack range enveloped Tang Yang's whole person in an instant!

Facing Liang Xiao’s attack, Tang Yang pulled out a disdainful grin. His weapon was a heavy broadsword. At this time, the broadsword in his hand was directly in a circle, standing like a mountain, trying to fight Liang Xiao hard. !

Tang Yang's sword was powerful and vigorous and vigorous. After only hearing the clanging sound of gold and iron, he actually blocked Liang Xiao's round of attacks.

"Hehe, Sister Liang, soon you will regret it and you won’t listen to the advice of brother. Although I can’t bear to hurt you, brother, it’s not a good thing to make a fool of yourself in such a large public. Wait for you. Don't cry!"

In front of the beauty, Tang Yang still refused to give up and tried to persuade him.

Don’t know, Liang Xiao’s heart is extremely disgusting.

After a few fights just now, Liang Xiao has already discovered that Tang Yang's vigor and vigor is slightly better than himself, but his understanding of sword skills is not to be feared.

Liang Xiao came to participate in the top ten ranking challenge this time, and he was already fully prepared.

She didn't rely on her own vitality cultivation base, because she knew that the top ten masters of the previous session were all with Qi Condensing Level 8 or above.

She relies on her talent in Kendo!

In the battle just now, the opponents she encountered were not too strong for her, so she has always hidden her strength, and has not yet displayed her true strength in the sword.

Facing Tang Yang at this time, Liang Xiao knew that he could no longer retain it, because Tang Yang's vitality was stronger than himself, and he could only turn defeat into victory by relying on sword skills to make up for this deficiency.

Thinking of this, Liang Xiao no longer had any reservations. Suddenly, the sword power changed, and the temperament of the whole person also changed. There was a sharp cold light in his eyes, like two sharp sword lights.

And she and the long sword in her hand seemed to fit together at once, and the human sword seemed to merge into one.

Feeling the sudden change of Liang Xiao's momentum, Tang Yang was also shocked. With his eyes, of course, he could see that Liang Xiao's kendo cultivation seemed to be hidden above him.

No, this woman has been hiding her kendo cultivation level just now. I must immediately use the Thunder's ultimate move to defeat her with lightning speed. If I lose in her hands, I will be here in the future. What face is there in the door?

Thinking about this, I no longer have any reservations. There is no hesitation anymore. The vitality of the whole body is pouring out like a long river, spreading all over the body, and the thick broad sword is also accompanied by an amazing vitality. , And Broad Sword's vitality, also in an instant, locked Liang Xiao tightly.

Then, holding the hilt of the sword with one hand, the vitality was swallowed, a sword slashed towards Liang Xiao!

This sword, the sword wind is wrapped in mighty vitality, it is really murderous, like a thousand horses!

"Hmph! If you go down with this sword, even if your kendo cultivation is good, but if you break ten abilities with one force, my vitality quality is obviously higher than yours. Using this, you can suppress you!"

Tang Yang pulled out a smirk from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of endless jokes!

Time seems to be stagnant!

Liang Xiao, who was in the stormy sea, was tumbling and dancing by Tang Yang's sword wind, but her eyes fixed Tang Yang's sword moves!

In those beautiful eyes, neither shock nor fear!

Between the electric light and flint, the long sword in Liang Xiao's hand was raised suddenly and stabbed out!

Seems, plain, ordinary, unpretentious sword!

However, as the sword pierced out, in front of Liang Xiao, a sharp and cold sword light appeared immediately. Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, this sword light was divided into two and two into four. In the end countless Daofei's rotating sword lights!

Silky sword intent lingered in front of Liang Xiao and began to hover around her body. Her vitality was condensed to the extreme, her eyes were like swords, staring at Tang Yang.

"Brother Tang, please try my sword intent!"

Suddenly, the air around Liang Xiao's body was also cut and shattered by the sword light, and the scoffing was shattered and diffused. The scope of the body was enveloped in the artistic conception of sharp swords. Man is a sword, and sword is a man !


One and a half points!

Suddenly, the whole audience stirred.

Tang Yang's eyes also immediately showed a look of horror. The woman in front of him actually realized the sword intent for a minute and a half!

Although her vitality cultivation base is not high, but this half of the sword intent is enough to make up for it!

Lin Fei, who had been invisible in the crowd, was also moved when he saw this. Unexpectedly, this Liang Xiao also realized a half-and-a-half sword intent!

Although the sword intent she comprehended was half a point less than her own, it was also extremely rare among the Huayang School Outer Sect.

Feeling the surging sword intent of Liang Xiao on the opposite side, Tang Yang finally felt something wrong!

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