Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1671: Practice martial arts

In the practice secret room.

"Strength, the most important thing is strength.

If my strength is strong enough, do those people dare to come to me so blatantly and openly! "

Lin Fei clenched his fists and pinched his nails deeply into the flesh of his palms.

Lin Fei knew that this time, the situation should be said to be very serious.

The strength of those sects in the Central Saint State and the Four Colleges is very powerful.

A core disciple who stands up casually is a Mahayana realm.

And those ancient big sects in Zhongshengzhou, a deacon and elder who came out at random, must be masters of the cave sky.

And in the Cangyan Holy Land, there are only Elder Nie, and three elders, four of whom are masters of the Heavenly Caverns.

Moreover, Lin Fei knew that the three elders of the Cangyan Holy Land had only broken through the strength of the cave sky realm in the past two years.

Therefore, the three elders are estimated to be relatively weak in the hands of the masters of the cave sky realm.

In the entire Cangyan Holy Land, only Elder Nie was the only one who could really support the scene.

"Forget it, think about it now, it's no use, let's hurry up and practice!"

Lin Fei temporarily suppressed all the distracting thoughts in his heart.

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, four martial arts appeared at the same time.

They are the six-character mantra, the palm of the scorching sun, the nine flame monuments, and the sun burning the sky. These four martial arts.

Among them, the six-character mantra, Lin Fei got it from a young master of Western Regions.

The other three were in the ice and snow, and the beautiful woman who claimed to be the uncle of the master entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Well, let's practice the Jiuyan Tablet Formation first!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

Lin Fei faintly felt that the martial skill of the Nine Flames Tablet Array might have some mysterious relationship with the big flame stone in his Dantian.

Therefore, Lin Fei began to carefully comprehend the martial skill of the Nine Flames Tablet Array in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Simply put, this martial art, the most important thing is to use vitality to condense nine simple stone tablets to form a powerful formation to block the opponent.

More than half an hour later, Lin Fei had already used this martial art repeatedly to comprehend it several times.

Lin Fei discovered that this martial art was completely a supporting technique for the Sun's Golden Scriptures, and he should be able to quickly practice successfully.

So, began to practice.

After another hour.

Lin Fei, who had been sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes and quickly pinched his hands. At the same time, the pale golden vitality in his body, like a big river of Yangtze River, rushed out endlessly, and instantly moved the entire secret room. , Are all reflected into a golden ocean world.


Suddenly, the entire space inside the secret room shook violently, and then a tall, generous, and simple golden stone stele appeared behind Lin Fei.


Then, the indoor space vibrated constantly, and the same tall and simple stone steles appeared one after another, arranged around Lin Fei's body in an orderly manner.

Each stone tablet is engraved with mysterious and mysterious ancient symbols.

"Well, this nine flame stone formation is really powerful.

Nine stone steles can form a stele array, increasing the power of the attack by at least nine times, or even more. "

Lin Fei felt it.

However, this is a training secret room, and the power of this martial art cannot be verified.

Lin Fei thought for a while, and with a move, he came to the seventh floor of the slave tower.

The seventh floor of the slave tower is a huge square world.

The test object here is a puppet, whose strength is mainly at the level of the Divine Bridge Realm.

However, the number is very large, there are a total of five thousand puppets.

In addition, there are three puppets made of mysterious heavenly gold, all of which have the strength of the intermediate Hinayana realm.

Lin Fei is going to use these puppets to test the power of the martial art of the Jiuyan Tablet Array.

Huh hoo hoo...

Following the control of Lin Fei's mind, puppets began to appear in the surrounding squares.

In an instant, hundreds of puppets appeared around Lin Fei, including the three puppets of the intermediate Hinayana realm that were made of profound crystal sky gold.

"All come to attack me."

Lin Fei sent out a thought. Around his body, there were nine tall and simple stone steles, and they trembled at the same time, and terrible power was transmitted from them.

At this time, hundreds of puppets, the tide generally attacked Lin Fei.


The nine stone steles burst out at the same time with golden glow, and blasted out suddenly.

Puff puff……

All the puppets that were slightly rubbed by the nine stone steles were all blown up and torn apart.

In less than two breaths, hundreds of puppets with the strength of the Divine Bridge Realm were all blown up.


The great flame stone stele seems to have some reactions just now! "

Lin Fei was surprised and happy.

Just now, when the nine ancient stone steles blasted out, the great flame stone stele in the dantian faintly seemed to transmit a powerful amount of pressure instantly, making the power of the nine stone steles even more terrifying.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei drank lightly.

Suddenly, more than two thousand puppets appeared in the surrounding square, of course, including the three puppets made from mysterious heavenly gold.

Because, in this slave tower, these puppets can be resurrected at any time.

More than two thousand puppets rushed towards Lin Fei with murderous aura at the same time.


The nine ancient stone steles around Lin Fei's body blasted out at the same time.

Sure enough, Lin Fei felt more clearly this time. In his dantian, the big flame stone stele shook abruptly, and a terrible amount of pressure was transmitted instantly and exerted on the nine stone steles.

Suddenly, the power of the nine stone steles became even more terrifying.

Puff puff……

In less than three breathing times, more than two thousand puppets with the strength of the Divine Bridge realm were all blown up, including the three puppets with the strength of the intermediate Theravada realm!

"It turns out that the martial skill of the Nine Flame Stone Array can borrow the power of some great flame stone tablets.

Although only a small part of the power was borrowed, the power generated was already terrifying. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Lin Fei had no doubt that by using this martial skill by himself, he was already able to fight most Mahayana martial artists.

This is the powerful martial arts, and the benefits brought by it can make the warrior's combat power soar, and even leapfrog battle.

"Well, next, practice the Palm of the Great Scorching Sun."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

After half a day, Lin Fei finally succeeded in initial cultivation, the Palm of the Sun.

Lin Fei was still on the seventh floor of the slave tower, using those puppets to test the power of the palm of the sun.

Compared with the Jiuyan Tablet Formation, its power is not much weaker, and it is also a very powerful martial skill.

Next, Lin Fei teleported out from the slave tower and returned to the cultivation chamber on the small mountain.

"It is estimated that the people from Zhongshengzhou and the four major colleges are also coming soon.

The rest of this time will be used to unlock the next level of restriction on the Boom Sky Bow. "

In the secret room, Lin Fei muttered to himself that he did not intend to continue practicing the other two martial arts for the time being. Instead, he took out a purple big bow from the space ring, which was the Sky Boom.

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