Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1735: Enter Qinglong Academy


Shen Bingbing didn't expect the boy in front of him, and would actually reject her, and his tone was still cold, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

The rest of the people in the square were also stunned.

What's going on with this kid, such a beautiful woman, take the initiative to speak, let him become a follower.

Not only is not grateful, but coldly refuses!

Isn’t this kid here intending to become a follower?


What is your attitude?

I think you are here to make trouble! "

Yu Wenjie beside Shen Bingbing couldn't help being furious.

"If I want you to be my follower, will you agree?"

At this moment, another beautiful woman's voice suddenly sounded and said to Lin Fei.

This is a woman with a veil on her face and a fairy-like temperament.


When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but gasp.

Because this woman turned out to be Princess Yufeng!

Princess Yufeng's identity is so noble, she even took the initiative to speak up, soliciting this kid.

Suddenly, the people in the square, including the male students of Qinglong Academy, were all envy and hatred.

"Oh..., interesting.

Hey boy, I also deliberately let you be my follower, what do you mean. "

Suddenly, there was another woman's laughter sounded like a silver bell. This was a girl who was as beautiful as an elf.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and suddenly they gasped for a while, showing an expression of disbelief.

At this moment, all the men in the entire square were envious of Lin Fei.

Because this woman who spoke was actually Luo Qingwu!

"Stop talking nonsense, kid, follow me, I won't treat you badly."

At this time, a young man in white clothes also said suddenly.

A genius disciple of the Changchun School, Cui Tian!

Then, there were several other new students from Qinglong Academy with terrifying identities and backgrounds, all of them soliciting Lin Fei out loud.

As a result, Lin Fei seemed to have become a sought-after sweet and pastry, and those students were vying for it.

Everyone also gradually understood that it must be Lin Fei's performance just now that attracted the attention of these Qinglong Academy students.

After all, each of these students are arrogant people, and they all want to recruit some truly powerful talents and follow their own right.

Lin Fei said just now that these students are obviously satisfied.

However, facing the olive branches thrown by the students, Lin Fei did not answer.

Just when everyone guessed which student Lin Fei would choose to follow.

But Lin Fei moved in front of Ren Shanshan.

"Sister Ren, can I be your follower?"

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"How does he know my last name is Ren?"

Ren Shanshan couldn't help being taken aback.

"Really a guy with a character.

However, it is also a talent, and such talent is worth recruiting. "

At this moment, the nearby Princess Yufeng couldn't help but nod secretly.

"Sister Ren, you won't rob me.

Let him follow me.

I want to recruit some young talents for the family. "

So, she immediately sent a divine sense transmission to Ren Shanshan.

Ren Shanshan was taken aback when she received Princess Yufeng’s divine sense transmission, but she nodded quickly.

It turned out that within half a month of entering Qinglong Academy, Ren Shanshan and Princess Yufeng hit it off right away, and they had a deep friendship.

"Princess Yufeng and I are in love with sisters. If you really want to follow me, you might as well follow Princess Yufeng.

it's the same. "

Ren Shanshan said directly to Lin Fei and recommended Lin Fei to Princess Yufeng.

"Go ahead, don't hesitate, how many people look forward to becoming a follower of Princess Yufeng, you must cherish it."

Ren Shanshan continued.

Lin Fei stayed for a while.

"Boy, come over and become my follower, as long as you work hard enough.

I guarantee that you can become an official student of Qinglong Academy in the future. "

Princess Yufeng said again.

The people around are a little dumbfounded, especially those young people who want to become followers, they are extremely envious in their hearts.

Princess Yufeng, it is a great honor to solicit twice.

Originally, Lin Fei intended to secretly explain his true identity to Ren Shanshan.

However, when Lin Fei heard the last words of Princess Yufeng, his heart moved.

Lin Fei entered Qinglong Academy not just to be a follower.

It came for the identity of a formal student.

Lin Fei's plan was to get into the Blue Dragon Academy first, looking for opportunities, to meet the elder who recruited new students in the Eastern Region last time, to see if there is still a chance to become a formal student.

The plan for the second step is that if the elder does not give a chance, Lin Fei intends to eventually become a formal student with his own efforts.

Now, since Princess Yufeng promised to make herself an official student in the future, Lin Fei had to consider it.

So Lin Fei thought about it and made a decision.

"Well, since Princess Yufeng can look down on her, let's be a follower of Princess Yufeng."

Lin Fei walked up to Princess Yufeng and said.

"Ah, very good."

Princess Yufeng nodded and smiled. She has bright eyes and white teeth, her complexion is soft and ivory, with a sweet smile.

In this way, Lin Fei became a follower of Princess Yufeng.

Around, many men looked bad, staring at Lin Fei, jealous and angry, very unwilling.

Being selected by such a beautiful and beautiful beauty, I can follow them in the future, and practice together. I don't know how many young men dream.

Even the male students of the Qinglong students are all kinds of envy.

Then, in addition to Lin Fei, Princess Yufeng chose one man, two women, and three followers, all of whom were outstanding, with extraordinary temperament, enough to outsmart her peers.

And Ren Shanshan also selected two followers, both of whom were women, and one of them turned out to be the woman in pink who was hiding behind Lin Fei just now.

Ren Shanshan has taken a fancy to her integrity and will not sell her hue for profit.

At the same time, other students of Qinglong Academy have also selected many followers.

Shen Bingbing also selected four or five followers.

However, the gaze she looked at Lin Fei was always a bit cold.

After all, she was the first person to solicit Lin Fei out loud just now, but she was flatly rejected by Lin Fei, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

Finally, these students of Qinglong Academy ended today's selection of followers.

One by one returned to the Qinglong Academy.

"Let's go."

Princess Yufeng said to her four followers.

Lin Fei and three other followers followed behind her.

Ren Shanshan also took her two female followers and walked over and walked with Princess Yufeng.

Plant after plant of ancient pine, like an ancient beast after another, lay dormant, and their branches almost fell to the ground, growing on both sides of the gate of Qinglong Academy.

Each of these ancient trees is hundreds of thousands of years old, setting off the terrifying long history of Qinglong Academy.

Walking into the Qinglong Academy, looking around, there are big mountains one after another, some of them are pitch black, some are exuding red light, and some are transpiring with purple gas. They are different, but one thing is the same, and all are rich. The essence of heaven and earth.

This is the most ideal holy place for cultivation!

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh. He didn't expect that he would enter Qinglong Academy in this way.

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