Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1737: Brutal competition within the academy

Then, Princess Yufeng took four followers and left the cultivation cave. On the mountain peak, they designated small huts to live in. ()

And Princess Yufeng's living place is on the top of the mountain, a two-story exquisite wooden building.

"I have something to explain to you."

Princess Yufeng finally gathered the four followers together, which was a precept.

"In Qinglong Academy, every student has his own practice site, which is a mountain.

Within ten miles of the mountain, it is even a private domain.

Within the territory, every student will plant his own spiritual medicine field and Taoist medicine field, and will also stock some special spiritual birds and beasts. These are all resources for the students to cultivate.

However, the competition among students is fierce.

Often when a student is practicing in retreat, the spirit medicine, Taoist medicine, spirit bird, and spirit beast will be plundered by other students using various methods.

Therefore, every student needs a follower to guard his territory.

Not only our Qinglong College, it is said that the other three colleges are also in this situation.

The four colleges train students in a very cruel way. Everything is based on competition, including all kinds of competition!

Among the students, apart from not being able to kill each other, even if a student is bullied by another student, the senior level of the academy will rarely stop it.

This is how the four colleges train students.

In short, as soon as you enter the academy, you will face cruel practice and competition! "

Princess Yufeng's face was solemn, and she slowly said to the four followers.

"Also, there is one thing you have to remember.

It is necessary for students to kill each other, but the followers of the students are not included in this list.

The academy will not care about the death of a few followers. "

Princess Yufeng added.

Among the four followers, with the exception of Lin Fei, the other three, a young man, and two women, felt chills in their hearts, even their feet and legs trembled.

I thought I had entered a sacred place of cultivation that everyone envied, but now I feel that my life is not guaranteed at any time.

Only Lin Fei smiled secretly.

The Ji Donglai of the White Tiger Academy is a first-level student, not his own opponent.

Within this Azure Dragon Academy, unless the core students make a move, who else can kill himself.

Therefore, Lin Fei did not have the slightest psychological pressure.

"I still have a bit of prestige in this Blue Dragon Academy. Under normal circumstances, no other students will infringe on my private territory.

However, there are several new students who are my dead enemies and are in a competitive relationship with me.

They are either from the rival sect of my family, or they have forged enmity for various reasons.

These new students, I guess they will definitely come to trouble me.

You have to pay special attention. "

Princess Yufeng exhorted.

Then, Princess Yufeng entered the detailed information of the new students in the competition into the sea of ​​knowledge of the four followers.

"Well, two days later, it's the new student contest.

In the past two days, I am going to retreat and meditate, ready to turn over.

The security of my territory is left to the four of you. "

Princess Yufeng told her repeatedly, and then she entered the cultivation cave and retreats to practice.

"New Student Competition...

If I could rush to the Kuncang Mountains in time, I guess I am now preparing for this new student competition.

Well, it seems that I have to hurry up and find the elder who is in charge of recruiting students from the Eastern Region.

As long as he agrees, I still have the opportunity to become a formal student. "

Lin Fei walked around the mountain at will, thinking to himself.

On the mountain peaks, there are many elixir and Taoist medicines scattered everywhere.

Dao medicine below the third grade [August One Chinese Network] can be seen everywhere, one border.

And the elixir that is one big level lower than the Taoist medicine is even more terrifying, and there are mountains and plains everywhere.

Almost every few steps, you can come across all kinds of elixir at your feet.

"Damn, in this Qinglong Academy, just a new student has so many elixir, and such cultivation resources are really enviable and hateful.

One can imagine how terrifying the training resources those first-level students, even core students, will be! "

Lin Fei sighed while walking on the top of the mountain.

In addition to elixir and Taoist drugs, Lin Fei also saw a place for raising spirits and beasts, surrounded by fences. Of course, the fences were arranged with formations to prevent others from entering.

These spirit birds and spirit beasts are some very rare species. These spirit birds and spirit beasts themselves cannot be cultivated like other demon beasts, and they can't possess spiritual wisdom.

This type of spirit bird and spirit beast has a unified name, called Yuan Beast.

Although Yuan Beast can't cultivate, and cannot possess spiritual wisdom, but they are a kind of very precious heaven and earth treasure, containing the essence of heaven and earth, for the warrior, the whole body is a treasure.

Flesh, muscles and bones are all great tonic, which can be used as medicine or eaten.

Therefore, the Yuan Beast is very precious, and it is unexpected that every student in the Qinglong Academy has a Yuan Beast.

Lin Fei couldn't help but sighed again.

Up to now, Lin Fei finally understood why there are so many young people in the Holy Venerable Continent, dreaming that they can enter the four major academies to practice.

Not to mention anything else, these are just resources for cultivation. It is estimated that most of the sects or families in the Holy Venerable Continent cannot prepare for their disciples.


Suddenly, near the mountain peak, there were bursts of fighting sound, vitality roaring, and vitality vibrating.

"Presumptuous, who are you.

You dare to trespass in Princess Yufeng’s private territory! "

Then, someone shouted, Lin Fei could hear that this was the male follower of Princess Yufeng.

"Huh, what's so great, let Xiao Fei roll out that trash immediately and die!"

Below the mountain, there was another loud shout.

"Oh, are you here to find me?"

Lin Fei was taken aback.

Therefore, Lin Feizhan set off and came to the bottom of the mountain in an instant.

The three followers of Princess Yufeng, one man and two women, were all injured, with blood on the corners of their mouths, and their faces panicked.

There were seven opponents, seven men, with arrogant expressions, ridicule and nonchalant expressions.

"What happened."

Lin Fei asked the three followers of Princess Yufeng.

"It's not because of you, they all came to you.

Xiao Fei, I didn't expect that as soon as you came, you would cause trouble for Princess Yufeng. "

The male follower of Princess Yufeng, a tall and thin young man, complained to Lin Fei with a full face.

"It seems that you are the **** Xiao Fei.

Okay, now, roll over, go back with us, and apologize to Miss Shen Bingbing! "

One of the men, very arrogant, shouted to Lin Fei.

It's Shen Bingbing again!

Lin Fei couldn't help but look cold.

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