Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1751: Willing to pay more

"This..., is there any immortal in the world? Who can say clearly.

Maybe there is, maybe not, everything is just hearsay.

Our strength is still too weak, and we simply cannot touch that level now.

Perhaps, when we are strong enough one day, we will be able to know this answer. "

Princess Yufeng heard Lin Fei's words, she couldn't help but was taken aback, and then sighed.

"Yes, our strength is really weak, we can't reach that level of things."

Lin Fei also sighed.

"Xuwu Relics, since they were discovered and excavated, through the mighty efforts of generations of predecessors, it has turned it into a very famous place for training.

In addition, there is a predecessor who is proficient in the formation and the law of energy mystery, and according to the characteristics of the laws of heaven and earth that exist in the virtual martial realm, a very precious life-saving teleportation charm has been researched.

This kind of life-saving teleportation symbol, in the Secret Realm of Void Martial, has the function of replacing death and teleportation.

In other words, if you carry this kind of life-saving teleportation charm on your body, in the Void Martial Secret Realm, the moment the warrior is about to be killed, the life-saving teleportation charm will automatically activate, it can take the place of death and teleport people away Secret Realm of Xuwu. "

Princess Yufeng told Lin Fei more about the Secret Realm of Xuwu.

She comes from an ancient family with a long heritage and strong strength in Zhongshengzhou, and she has much more knowledge about the secret realm of Xuwu than ordinary people.

"Life-saving teleportation!

In the world, there is such a magical baby that can die for it! "

Lin Fei couldn't help but gasped.

"In short, the Xuwu Secret Realm is a very mysterious and full of opportunities.

Sometimes it is very peaceful, sometimes extremely dangerous, entering the Secret Realm of Void Martial Arts, in many cases, it depends on personal luck and opportunity.

At the same time, whether it is a strong person or an ordinary person, they may get their own chance.

Xiao Fei, do you want to go to the Xuwu Secret Realm with me and join the battle? "

Princess Yufeng finally asked Lin Fei.

She said so much just to arouse Lin Fei's interest and let Lin Fei go with her.


I will go with you. "

Lin Fei thought a little, nodded and said.

After Princess Yufeng's commentary, Lin Fei was really interested in this virtual martial secret realm.

In particular, someone once got an incomplete celestial scripture in the Xuwu legacy, which was the most attractive to Lin Fei.

"Well, you prepare.

Departure in about two days. "

Seeing that Lin Fei finally agreed, Princess Yufeng, although on the surface very plain, she was happy in her heart.

Lin Fei was able to defeat Liu Ping, who was ranked 60th on the battle list, which meant that Lin Fei's combat power was still above her.

With such a powerful helper by her side, she was full of confidence in the experience of the Xuwu Secret Realm.

"For these two days, let's practice well.

By the way, if you need any cultivation resources, just tell me.

I can provide it to you. "

Princess Yufeng said.

Now that she has decided to go to the Xuwu Relics with Lin Fei, Princess Yufeng naturally hopes that Lin Fei can maintain her best condition and will be able to provide her with the greatest assistance.

"Oh? Training resources?"

Lin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

"Hehe, I do need cultivation resources, but I need more cultivation resources, I'm afraid Princess Yufeng can't bear it."

Lin Fei smiled.

"What cultivation resources do you need and how many do you need, let's talk about it."

Princess Yufeng looked at Lin Fei.

In fact, in her heart, she was thinking, this guy would not want to take the opportunity to speak loudly.

"Hehe, since you asked me to say it, then I will say it.

I need Dao medicines of more than six grades, no matter what kind, the quantity is best to have two thousand. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

In fact, Lin Fei really needed a Taoist medicine of rank 6 or above to cultivate the Immortal Refining Artifacts.

Lin Fei now understands that the Immortal Refining Technique Golden Body Art requires repeated sacrifices to achieve the highest level of this kind of body refining Art Art.

But some time ago, after Lin Fei collected it, now he probably has six or more Tao medicines with close to 7,000 plants.

Especially when he first arrived in the Central Saint State, he killed four masters of the Cave and Heaven Realm from the ancient Great Sect of the Central Saint State. From their space ring, they also obtained a large amount of Dao Medicine of Rank 6 or higher.

Two thousand Dao medicines with six grades or more? !

Princess Yufeng heard Lin Fei's words, her little cherry mouth could not help but opened wide, her beautiful eyes staring at Lin Fei.

The first thought in her mind was that this guy was really taking the opportunity to speak loudly.

In fact, Princess Yufeng, as the core child of the ancient aristocratic family in Zhongshengzhou, has a Taoist medicine of rank 6 or above, for her, although precious, it is not really a treasure against the sky.

What really surprised her was the number of two thousand plants.

Two thousand Tao medicines of rank 6 and above are a large amount even for those masters in the cave world.

What's more, this guy in front of him is only the strength of the elementary Mahayana realm. When he opens his mouth, he has two thousand Taoist medicines of the sixth rank or above. This is not a lion's mouth, what is it!

"Hehe, I said, the cultivation resources I need are very huge, and you may not be willing to be willing.

You want me to say.

However, I am not a lion who speaks loudly. The kind of martial arts I practice does require so many sixth-grade Dao medicines. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

Lin Fei knew her inner thoughts from the expression on Princess Yufeng's face.

"it is good.

If you really need it, I will ask the family for instructions and let the family send someone to send it to you.

This is a gift from my Xia family. "

Princess Yufeng suddenly gritted her teeth and said to Lin Fei.


Are you willing to give me so many Six-Rank Taoists? "

This time, it was Lin Fei's turn to be surprised.

Unexpectedly, this Princess Yufeng was so willing to put a lot of money on herself.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will give it to you within today."

Princess Yufeng glanced across Lin Fei's beautiful eyes, as if she had made a decision, then turned and left.

"Hehe, this woman is interesting."

Lin Fei looked at Princess Yufeng's graceful and charming back, couldn't help but chuckle.

Sure enough, after a long time.

Princess Yufeng came outside the cottage where Lin Fei was.

"Something for you."

She raised her hand and a space ring flew into the hut.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand to take it, his divine consciousness felt a little, and sure enough, there were more than 2,000 Taoist medicines of Grade 6 or higher in the space ring.

"Thank you, this is a favor I owe you.

Don't worry, this time you enter the Xuwu Legacy, no matter what method is used for the competition, I will try my best to help you win the best results, even the first place. "

Lin Fei said.


Princess Yufeng felt a little relieved after hearing Lin Fei's words, and felt that her efforts were not in vain.

After all, she had a big quarrel with her pro-elder brother today for the two thousand six-tier Tao medicines, and they both had a red face.

"Okay, perform the sacrifice of the Immortal Refining Artifact Golden Body Art."

Lin Fei murmured in the hut.

Now, the number of Dao medicines of Rank 6 and above on Lin Fei's body has reached more than nine thousand, which is enough for one sacrifice.

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