Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1755: Do you two know each other

Soon, many students started speaking up against Lin Fei.

Many veteran first-level students, still relying on their status, shouted and taught Lin Fei.

Even many students turned around and left, simply ignoring what Lin Fei said.

In the minds of many students, this follower named Xiao Fei, although his combat power is terrifying, is still a follower, and he probably wouldn't dare to be true to so many students.

Lin Fei couldn't help but sneered when he saw this.

Exerting the body technique from creation, releasing physical power, rushing forward.

Those who wanted to leave directly fought one by one and threw them all back, and none of them could escape.

With Lin Fei's body speed, there is no chance that ordinary students can escape.

Soon, many students were bruised and swollen by Lin Fei, and even some students who resisted fiercely suffered minor injuries.

In the end, those students discovered that Xiao Fei's followers really dared to beat or even hurt others, so in desperation, they had to pay money one after another.

Although these students felt extremely aggrieved in their hearts, none of these students in the field was Lin Fei's opponent, and they couldn't leave without paying money.

After a while, finally, all the students left in a desperate manner.

Many students also secretly warned each other that with this Demon King named Xiao Fei here, they must not break into Princess Yufeng's cultivation mountain without authorization.

As a result, the range of Princess Yufeng's cultivation mountain was completely calm.

Lin Fei took a count, and received hundreds of compensations, which, when added up, is a considerable amount of property.

"Yes, these students will pay you."

Lin Fei packed all his belongings into one of the space rings and threw them to Princess Yufeng.

"You take it.

It should belong to you. "

Princess Yufeng smiled bitterly, and threw the space ring back to Lin Fei.

"How can this work? You are the master here.

It should belong to you. "

Lin Fei said.

"Just treat it as my reward."

Princess Yufeng didn't want to accept it. She had given Lin Fei more than two thousand six-stage Taoist medicines before, so how could she ask for a little money in this mere amount of money now?

What's more, these things were just taken by Lin Fei from those students with violence, she didn't want them at all.


Lin Fei had to nod his head.

Then, Lin Fei put all the money received just now into the three space rings.

"You three take it. Princess Yufeng rewarded it."

Lin Fei waved his hand, three space rings flew out, and landed not far away, in front of the other three followers of Princess Yufeng.

"For us?"

The three followers couldn't help but stare at Princess Yufeng.

"In that case, accept it all."

Princess Yufeng nodded.

"Thank you, Master!"

The three followers were overjoyed and quickly accepted.

Princess Yufeng looked down on these money, but it didn't mean that the three of them also looked down.

For them, this is already a large amount of training resources.

"Hehe, Sister Yufeng, with this Xiao Fei, you should have a lot of confidence in the experience of going to the Xuwu Ruins."

At this time, Ren Shanshan said to Princess Yufeng.

"Yes, Xiao Fei will go with him.

I really have a lot of confidence. "

Princess Yufeng also nodded and smiled.

The combat power of her follower is much stronger than her.

With such a master following him, what's terrible.

"Xiao Fei, in the Xuwu ruins, take care of my sister and me."

Suddenly, Ren Shanshan walked towards Lin Fei, got close to Lin Fei, with her little cherry mouth close to Lin Fei's face, blowing air like a blue, and said with a smile, especially the word Fei, biting very hard.

Suddenly, the tempting fragrant wind enveloped Lin Fei.


Naturally, Miss Ren is a good friend of Princess Yufeng. Where I can help, I will definitely help. "

Lin Fei said awkwardly.

Smelling the charming virgin fragrance on Ren Shanshan's body, Lin Fei couldn't help but remember that when he was in the Eastern Regions, in the wild medicine forbidden valley, Ren Shanshan was caught by the ecstasy, and he took off his clothes, like an octopus. The memory of that scene tossing on myself.

Then, Lin Fei couldn't help feeling stunned.

"It seems that she has completely recognized my identity."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

"Hmph, don't you dare not take care of me!"

Ren Shanshan said angrily.

"Shanshan, are you...?"

This scene made Princess Yufeng a little confused.

This is too ambiguous, a man and a woman, talking so close to the body.

Especially in Ren Shanshan's tone, there is still a little bit of anger.

This is the tone that young lovers should have.

Princess Yufeng has known Ren Shanshan for a month, and she has some understanding of Ren Shanshan's character.

With Ren Shanshan's stunning beauty, there are naturally many outstanding male students in this Qinglong Academy, and they all come to show their courtesy to Ren Shanshan if they have anything.

However, Ren Shanshan has always maintained a cold attitude towards those male students who have bad intentions, as if strangers should stay away.

Where would I be so ambiguous with a strange young man.

Suddenly, after Princess Yufeng's astonishment passed, her heart immediately raised her doubts.

"Shanshan, honestly, did you know Xiao Fei before?"

Princess Yufeng seemed to see something and interrogated Ren Shanshan.

"Hehe... Sister Yufeng, ask Xiao Fei about this.

I can't tell.

Okay, I'm going back to take a good rest.

Tomorrow is going to leave for the Xuwu relic. "

Then, Ren Shanshan stretched out her body and left instantly.

"Xiao Fei, did you know Shanshan before?"

Princess Yufeng had to ask Lin Fei suspiciously.


Princess Yufeng, just leave it alone.

Let's take a good rest first.

With the best mental state, deal with the experience of the Xuwu legacy. "

Lin Fei said.

Then, with a move, he teleported back to his hut.

Princess Yufeng was left standing alone, looking at Lin Fei's back, gritted her teeth with anger.

Based on a woman's instinct, she could feel that there must be something unusual between Xiao Fei and Ren Shanshan.

At this moment, her heart is like a curious baby with a very strong desire to explore, and she can't wait to catch the two immediately and beat them up to force them to find out the truth.

"Hmph, these two guys, something must be hidden from me!

Wait and see, I will figure it out sooner or later! "

In the end, Princess Yufeng stomped her foot and said fiercely, and then she also moved her body and returned to her small wooden building to rest.

Soon, one day passed.

On the second day, all the new students in Qinglong Academy were both nervous and excited.

Because, today, he will set off to the Xuwu Heritage Realm to conduct experience training.

This time Lilian is tantamount to a competition among new students.

Every new student secretly encourages himself. This time, he must perform well, so that he can get the attention of the academy and get key training.

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