Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1757: Recognize

Finally, after a long journey, the golden warship came to a relatively calm area.

The space here is cold and dark, making people extremely depressed and chilling.

Everyone can only see the nearby scenery about a kilometer away.

No matter how far away, you can no longer see it, like a dark abyss, even if you perceive the past with divine consciousness, it is nothing but nothing.

"There is a spatial altar in front, and that altar is the passage to the Xuwu Relic."

On the battle-like deck, an elder of Qinglong Academy said to everyone.

Sure enough, after a while, a huge altar was suspended in the cold void ahead.

The altar was a bit old, long and desolate, and its surface was covered with mottled black pits.

It is floating independently in this heaven, and it is unknown how many years have passed, how many sang sangs have been witnessed, it gives people a sense of history, and it makes people feel sad.

"This altar is the entrance to the Xuwu Heritage Realm."

An elder said.

"Elder, where is the real location of the Xuwu Legacy Realm? Why do I need to use the teleportation altar to get in? Can't the warship descend directly?"

Some students were curious and asked.

"The real location of the Xuwu Legacy Realm is actually in this space, hidden in a certain void, and there are space barriers.

Even if it is a great power in the fairyland, it is more difficult to break through the barriers of space to enter it, let alone us.

Therefore, you can only enter with the help of teleportation altar. "

The elder explained with a smile.

"So that's the case."

Those students and followers suddenly felt exciting and fresh.

At the same time, I sighed one by one. It turned out that entering the four major academies not only can obtain a large amount of training resources and clever martial arts skills, but also, from now on, the world and stage faced are completely different from before.

"We are waiting for the other three academies.

Then go in together. "

Said the elder.

After a while, the ships of the other three academies came one after another.

Four warships, close to each other.

The warships of the four major academies gathered together, causing the atmosphere of this heaven to become lively.

The elders and deacons of the four colleges have been familiar with each other for a long time. At this time, they all greeted each other one after another.

The new students in the four major colleges are also people who know each other.

Because many of the new students between different colleges are from the same continent.

Therefore, new students from different colleges also greeted familiar people from the same continent.

"Miss Ren!"

Suddenly, a clear voice came to the battleship of Qinglong Academy.

Ren Shanshan quickly looked to the deck of a warship next to him. A tall and charming girl in purple clothes was looking over here in surprise.

"Azi! It's you!"

Ren Shanshan was also a pleasant surprise.

It turns out that this purple-clothed woman is Azi.

At this time, Lin Fei also saw Azi and the goblin.

Both were standing on the battleship of Xuanwu Academy, looking anxiously and nervously towards the battleship of Qinglong Academy, their eyes seemed to be looking for something.

Lin Fei immediately understood that both Zi and the goblin were looking for themselves.

"Miss Ren, what's wrong with my master, haven't you come to your Qinglong Academy to report?"

In the end, Azi did not find Lin Fei on the battleship of Qinglong Academy.

Moreover, because Lin Fei used the Dao breath technique to cover up his spirit aura, even A Zi could not perceive Lin Fei's existence for a while.

You know, Azi has a mark of divine consciousness, staying in Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, logically, within such a close distance, he should be immediately aware of it.

However, this is because that Dao breath method is very mysterious and brilliant.

"Damn, what the **** is that kid playing, why haven't you come to report for so long?

Could it be that he gave up and didn't want to enter Qinglong Academy? "

Next to A Zi, the goblin had been looking for Lin Fei's figure, but he couldn't help but say that Lin Fei was not found.

"Hehe, Azi, you two don't have to worry about it.

That guy, when it's time to appear, he will naturally appear. "

Ren Shanshan smiled slyly, said to A Zi and the goblin, and looked at Lin Fei with a smile.

Lin Fei knew in her heart that this Miss Ren had already confirmed her identity.

However, this is nothing.

In fact, Lin Fei didn't have to deliberately conceal it. Even if everyone knew his identity in the end, it would have no effect at all.

Ah Zi's mind is so sensitive, she couldn't help but move her heart when she listened to what Ren Shanshan said and the expression on her face.

Could it be?

Azi became suspicious. She knew that Lin Fei cultivated the aura of the great avenue and was very good at changing his appearance and concealing the true spirit of spirit.

"Azi, no need to look for it, I am here.

However, don't reveal my identity for now. "

Lin Fei knew that Zi had also guessed that he was here, so he directly sent the voice of divine consciousness to Zi.

"the host……!"

A Zi couldn't help being overjoyed. It turned out to be an anxious and nervous face, and immediately smiled, looking at Lin Fei's position.

However, she and Lin Fei had been together for so long, so A Zi just glanced at Lin Fei and said nothing.

At the same time, Zi naturally also secretly transmitted a voice, telling the goblin.

"Damn, kid, what do you want to play with?"

The goblin also complained to Lin Fei.

"Master, after I came to Xuanwu Academy, I heard that you have never reported to Qinglong Academy.

I thought something happened to you, I was planning to go back to the Eastern Region with the goblin to find you.

What happened? "

A Zi asked Lin Fei's voice transmission.

Therefore, Lin Fei briefly told Azi about his experience a while ago, and at the same time, he also told the goblin.

"Ren Shanshan, has Lin Fei really come to your Qinglong Academy to report?"

Suddenly, another beautiful and tactful woman's voice came over and asked Ren Shanshan.


Lin Fei saw Qingluo on the battleship of Suzaku Academy.

Qing Luo was looking at the side of the battleship of Qinglong Academy with an anxious look, apparently looking for Lin Fei.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't wait for Ren Shanshan to answer, and immediately sent Qingluo's divine consciousness transmission.

Qing Luo received Lin Fei's voice transmission, and couldn't help but shook his whole body. The anxiety on his face immediately turned into surprise.

Therefore, Lin Fei and Qingluo used the divine sense to transmit sound and talked about their own experiences during this period of time.

Ren Shanshan looked at the expressions of Lin Fei and Qing Luo, and finally, the last trace of doubt in her heart was completely dispelled.

She can completely confirm that Xiao Fei is Lin Fei!

Thinking of this, Ren Shanshan couldn't help but glanced across Lin Fei's beautiful eyes.

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