Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 1792: Similar evil

"What exactly is going on?

Is this the content of Lilian? "

Lin Fei's gaze, looking not far behind him, the six or seven evil monsters chasing over with murderous aura, couldn't help frowning.

Because Lin Fei felt that the combat power of these evil monsters was terrifying.

It is simply not what these ordinary students and followers of the four major colleges can deal with.

"Master, we don't know what is going on.

Our task this time is to enter this secret realm and find the legendary treasures of the four elephants. Who knows that these monsters appeared just after they arrived. "

Azi said.

at this time.

"Saro, this guy was actually killed by these weak ants, what is going on."

The remaining six or seven evil creatures have already chased up, one by one with evil auras.

There are a total of seven, and each of them looks strange and hideous.

Shaluo was the brown giant just now, and his combat power was not weak. Now he died here, which surprised all the seven evil creatures.

"You monsters, what are your identities and what race do they belong to."

Lin Fei scanned the seven evil creatures coldly, and asked indifferently.

Although the languages ​​of the two parties are actually different.

What these evil creatures say is not human language.

However, because of Lin Fei's questioning, he used the power of divine consciousness to reach their sea of ​​knowledge.

It belongs to the dialogue at the spiritual body level, so even if the language is different, the meaning can be understood very clearly.

Moreover, as long as the power of God's consciousness is strong and language communication, there will be no obstacles at all.

A creature with strong spiritual consciousness can learn another unfamiliar language in almost a moment.


What kind of race and identity we are, can you, the tiny ant, be able to ask!

Did you kill Sharo! "

One of the evil creatures hiding in a shadow asked in a cold tone.

This evil creature always has a large shadow shrouded in it, and it is as dark as ink, making it difficult to see its true face.

"Yes, I killed this dirty thing.

Well, since you guys don't say anything, then go to death! "

Lin Fei shouted violently and stepped on the ground.

Boom boom boom...

In this area, there were hundreds of giant khaki mist dragons rushing out from below the ground, stirring the entire space to a boil.

Each dragon of mist is full of amazing energy, circling frantically, tearing, and directly tearing the void through holes.

For most of the day, Lin Fei had been under the ground and had been comprehending the Xiang Di Jue and the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat inheritance, and finally found the point of convergence between the two.

Now, the Xiangdi Jue that Lin Fei has displayed is more than a thousand times stronger than before.

Even if the **** machine came here and saw Lin Fei's display of this trick to control the Qi, it is estimated that he would be shocked and speechless.

Because this is no longer a simple Xiangdi Jue, but a combination of Xiangdi Jue and the inheritance secret technique of the Red Devil Rat clan.


Hundreds of khaki foggy dragons roared and threw at the seven evil creatures.

These fog dragons have two terrible places. First, they are very powerful. After all, they are transformed by the earth's air, which is equivalent to extracting the energy of this piece of land to attack the enemy.

Second, even if they are separated, they can be reunited.

Unless there is enough terrifying power, these misty dragons will be smashed to pieces in an instant and completely wiped out.

Otherwise, just smashing a certain part of their body will not cause any damage.


Hundreds of khaki foggy dragons and the seven evil creatures were violently killed.

In an instant, the seven evil creatures were completely suppressed.

But Lin Fei stood on the side, standing with his hands behind, he didn't need to shoot at all, and stomped on the ground from time to time, driving the khaki mist dragons to continue attacking the enemy.

Azi and the others were stunned.

Just now, the group of people was chased by these seven or eight evil creatures and fled in embarrassment, and there was not much power to fight back.

However, as soon as Lin Fei appeared, he completely reversed the situation all of a sudden.

Even, it seems that there is no need to shoot at all, but to drive other energies outside of itself to trap the enemy.

"Wow, Master, when did you become so powerful?

Is this the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat clan? "

A Zixing Gao Cailie rushed to Lin Fei's side, almost clapping and laughing.

Qing Luo's beautiful eyes also stared at Lin Fei in fascination, and in the beautiful eyes, he was very pleased.

Seeing her man so powerful, she was naturally very happy.

The rest of them also looked at Lin Fei with shocked eyes.

Everyone thought that this should be the secret technique of the Red Devil Rat family.

"Hehe, you can also say yes."

Lin Fei smiled faintly without explaining in detail.

"Damn it! This human being is so terrible that it can control the energy between heaven and earth and use it to attack the enemy."

An evil creature, tightly wrapped around a tall body by a dozen earth-yellow dragons, kept roaring in pain.

At this time, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released far away.

In the distance, from time to time a huge roar of battle came.

Obviously, in other places, there are also many of these evil creatures who are hunting down the students and followers of the four colleges.

"How many monsters are there?"

Lin Fei asked Azi.

"Master, as far as I have seen before, there are at least a few hundred heads!"

Azi said.

"Is that much?!"

Lin Fei was also a little surprised.

These evil monsters, at any one end, are enough to crush the ordinary students and followers of the four colleges.

Now, all of a sudden, there were hundreds of heads. It is conceivable that the current battle situation must be one-sided.

These evil monsters must have the absolute upper hand.

The students and followers of the four colleges must have suffered heavy casualties.

Fortunately, those students and followers should have a life-saving teleportation charm on their bodies.

Even if killed, it is not a real death.

Just when Lin Fei was a little pensive.

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart jumped suddenly.

"Hey, the aura from these evil monsters is a bit familiar. I seem to have encountered it somewhere before..."

Thinking of this, Lin Fei's gaze couldn't help shrinking, his divine consciousness released, and he felt the seven evil monsters closely.

After a breathing time.

"By the way, flying ghost monkey!"

Lin Fei finally remembered.

The surging evil auras that these seven evil monsters exude are very similar to the aura of the flying ghosts and monkeys that I had encountered before in the northern mining area of ​​the Eastern Region.

There was also the breath of the Ten Thousand Demon Zhutian Evil Needle, which gave Lin Fei almost the same feeling!

"Where did these monsters come from?"

Lin Fei was finally a little shocked.

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