Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 181: Three-eyed blood bull

The purple flame lion king said nothing, and his anger rose. Suddenly he raised his voice to the sky with a long roar, and his voice went straight to Xiao Han. The purple flame on his body burst out suddenly, rising more than ten meters high, and burning the sky beside him. For the most part, the sky is full of purple light, shining brightly, extremely dazzling. ΩΔ. *.

The big elder of the Medicine King suddenly yelled, "Be careful."

Before the words fell, the Purple Flame Lion King suddenly opened his huge blood mouth, and a thick beam of purple energy beam shot out, blasting through the space in front of him, and tumbling in the sky like an angry dragon. Going forward, the three of the Yaowang faction rushed away.

In the blink of an eye, the purple beam of light had reached the three of them, and the white robes of the three of them were hunted and danced behind them by the storm brought by the beam of light.

The middle-aged man sent by the Medicine King only felt that a violent might that made him out of breath came to him tightly and overwhelmed. He couldn't help but feel terrified. He couldn't think of a random blow from the Purple Flame Lion King, which was so powerful. The arrogance in the previous heart suddenly reduced by more than half.

The big elder among the Medicine King faction waved his hand, and a slender and sharp scimitar appeared in front of the three of them, and it spun around the handle of the knife sharply. With the sharp spin of the scimitar, it formed a white forest. On the bright disc, a wave of white wind rushed out, and a huge white wind shield was formed in front of the Yao Wang faction in an instant.

After a second or two, the thick purple beam of energy and the white wind shield slammed into each other. In an instant, there was a moment of stillness between the world and the earth, and then a muffled sound burst out. The purple beam of light and the white wind shield were in a stalemate in the sky. Before, with the consumption of energy, the two gradually dimmed, their size kept shrinking, and finally annihilated and turned into nothingness.

The big elder made a move, and the scimitar flew back to his side, turning into a silver light, into his body.

Lin Fei hid far behind the trees, looking at the gorgeous scene of battle in the midair on the hillside, he couldn't help but muttered: "This is the battle between the warriors of the profound realm, the battle between the warriors of the realm and the condensing air. It's really a difference of tens of thousands of miles. If one day you can set foot in the Profound Realm and possess such terrifying combat power, then it will be worthwhile to practice martial arts."

"Master, with your talent, if you want to break into the Profound Realm, I'm afraid it won't be difficult."

A Zi pursed his mouth and smiled, spreading to Lin Fei.

Ah Zi's words are heartfelt. Since this period of time, Zi has witnessed Lin Fei's terrifying breakthrough level, and has already determined that Lin Fei must be a monster.

There is another elder in the Medicine King Sect, who is also an elder in the Sect. Although his position is slightly lower than that of the Great Elder, his cultivation is the same as that of the Profound Realm. At this time, Yin and Yang said strangely: "Elder, our main The purpose is for that Qiyun Cave Mansion, it is unnecessary to spend more energy with this beast, so I bothered the great elder to restrain it, and Deacon Meng and I led the troops to break through the Qiyun Cave Mansion's door and wait for the opportunity to get the treasure.

If you continue to consume it like this, if you let other warriors learn the news and come, I'm afraid it will be troublesome. "

The elder of the Medicine King School nodded and said: "I will deal with it, and the elders will take care of our people, and go to crack the door of the Qiyun cave. I believe that there is Master Yuan who wants to crack the entrance of the Qiyun cave. Hole defense is not too difficult."

Upon hearing this, the elder Guan said to the middle-aged man next to him, Deacon Meng of the Medicine King faction: "Deacon Meng, let's hurry up."

As he said, unfolding his figure, took the lead in volleying towards the sharp peak.

Deacon Meng knew that his main task was to cooperate with Elder Guan to enter Qiyun Cave, and he was unwilling to fight against this terrifying Purple Flame Lion King.

Immediately there was a soft drink in his mouth: "Dragon carving wings."

With a soft shout, a pair of dark chestnut brown carved wings spread out into the wind behind him. The pair of carved wings are strong and powerful, and a metallic luster flashes on the surface from time to time.

The carved wings shook slightly, and the figure of Deacon Meng was already chasing the figure of Elder Guan. The brown carved wings on the back opened and closed lightly, and it turned out that they chased Elder Guan's side in an instant.

It turns out that this pair of carved wings was obtained by Deacon Meng from an ancient relic by chance. Although Deacon Meng’s cultivation was at the beginning of the Profound Realm, he could slide in the sky for a short time, but there was With this pair of carved wings, that is the real flight.

With this pair of wings, Deacon Meng's speed is almost ten times faster than the speed of an ordinary Profound Realm martial artist in the sky, and he can fly for a long time.

When Lin Fei saw this kind of baby for the first time, he couldn't help but stare at the carved wings of Deacon Meng's back with fiery eyes. If he had such a pair of wings, he could fly in the sky like a bird.

Elder Guan and Deacon Meng just got out of shape, and the rest of the group of Yaowang faction in black robes on the hillside below also immediately saw them. Because they had been ordered in advance, they also immediately spread their body skills towards the mountain. Climb.

The Purple Flame Lion King immediately realized their intentions, knowing that the humans who were embracing the mountain wanted to bypass themselves and break through the cave gate of Qiyun Cave Mansion.

In the rage, he roared wildly, and the four sturdy legs stomped vigorously, and the void under his feet trembled intensely. Although the lion king was huge, his speed was inversely proportional to his body. It was surprisingly fast. In the blink of an eye, it passed The sky fell behind Elder Guan and Deacon Meng who were rushing to the mountain.

I saw the sturdy right front leg of the Purple Flame Lion King volleyed up, and a purple ball of light appeared under the claws. The ball of light rolled bigger and bigger, and instantly rolled into a one-meter left-handed diameter. The big ball of light, there are huge purple water flames on the ball of light, and the ball of light emits violent heat and radiates to the surroundings.

Elder Guan and Deacon Meng, as Profound Realm martial artists, already possess a certain degree of divine consciousness. Divine consciousness has already sensed that the Purple Flame Lion King is chasing behind them, and immediately afterwards, they feel that waves of terrifying heat are surging behind them Coming, I couldn't help being shocked.

Upon seeing this, the elder of the Medicine King faction snorted, his body turned into a white light and shot out, and he appeared in front of the Purple Flame Lion King in an instant. The sharp machete was continuously rotating in front of him, with a wave of wind. The blade swept out of the scimitar and stood in front of him, blocking all the pressure created by the Purple Flame Lion King.

The Grand Elder stared at the Purple Flame Lion King calmly, and said lightly: "Lion King, your opponent is me."

The Purple Flame Lion King knew that the strength of this human old man was in the same position as himself, and it was really difficult for him to beat him for a while.

The huge, hideous head was raised high, and the purple mane was dancing wildly in the wind. He laughed and said, "Well, old man, if you are so eager to die, this king will fulfill you first. Don't think it's blocking me, you With the trash under his hand, you can smoothly break through the defenses of the Qiyun Cave Mansion's portal."

There is obvious sarcasm in the language.

The great elder was slightly confused when he saw the sarcasm of the Purple Flame Lion King.

When Elder Guan and Deacon Meng saw that the Great Elder Gato stopped the Purple Flame Lion King, their hearts were loose. Elder Guan waved his hand and shouted at the disciples of the Medicine King faction on the ground: "Hurry up and follow me up the mountain."

The voice ended.

Suddenly a roar came from the forest below: "You wait for human beings, Hugh is rude."

With the cry, a row of towering trees in the northeast of the forest below suddenly separated neatly on both sides, and a black spot rushed out of it.

Ao woo!

A giant bull demon with a black body and gleam appeared in front of everyone. Two copper bells with giant eyes shone with cold, and the two curved sharp horns were very long. The strange thing is that there is a second horn between the two horns on the forehead of the giant bull. With the three eyes closed all the time, the black skin of the giant cow's whole body was constantly shooting out a trace of blood-red electric light with a sizzling sound, which looked full of strange aura.

As soon as the giant bull demon appeared, the closed eye in the middle suddenly opened, and a bucket-like thick blood burst out, and the momentum was fierce, and it seemed to be a long river of blood. Wrapped in the horrible atmosphere of the sea of ​​bones and mountains, he blasted away at the Yaowang dispatched disciples who were climbing up the mountain.

Amid the screams, more than a dozen of the disciples of the Medicine King faction couldn't dodge, and were shot by the blood, and their bodies suddenly burst open, leaving no bones.

After the eye in the middle of the giant bull demon bleeds, it immediately closed, and its four hoofs slammed on the ground. The huge figure rose into the air and was blocking Elder Guan and Deacon Meng.

"Tier six three-eyed blood bull!"

The great elder of the Medicine King faction recognized the origins of the strange beast in front of him at a glance, hissed softly.

"Humph, since you recognize me, don't try to behave."

The three-eyed blood cow's cold flashing copper bell eyes dazzled with blood-red electric lights from time to time, and it turned out to be spitting.

It turned out that all Tier 6 monsters and monsters, with their spiritual wisdom already opened, are capable of speaking out.

"Hey, Man Niu, where did you go just now. Quickly stop the two people, these people are all thinking about playing Qiyun Cave."

The Purple Flame Lion King was pressing the sharply rotating ball of light on his right leg, and shouted to the three-eyed blood cow from the air.

"Hehe, I was researching how to crack the defense of the Qiyun Cave Mansion just now. I rushed over after hearing your message. Don't worry, just relying on these rubbish, you are not qualified to get involved in the treasure of Qiyun Cave. "

The three-eyed blood bull stared at the two people in front of him, and as he spoke, a huge air current came out from the bull's nose.

Looking at the three-eyed blood cow that suddenly appeared, the three members of the Medicine King faction had very ugly faces. A Purple Flame Lion King was easy to deal with.

Coupled with a sixth-order three-eyed blood bull, it is not so easy to handle. The strength of this three-eyed blood bull is only stronger than that of the Purple Flame Lion King.

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