Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 184: Crack the formation

On the stone square under the cliff, after Master Yuan threw a dozen array flags, there were waves of strange fluctuations in the six stone pillars and the surrounding space. . Δ.

"Formation fluctuation!"

Everyone's expressions were full of joy, including those two monsters, looking at Master Yuan, they were full of expectations.

Lin Fei was also shocked. Originally, although there were six stone pillars on the slate square, they did not show any traces of the formation. After Master Yuan took out the dozens of formation flags and threw them out, it immediately showed After the traces of the formation, it seems that the methods of this formation mage are really amazing.

No wonder, that Master Yuan, although it is the cultivation base of the realm, but the people of the Medicine King faction need to pay a lot of money before he can be moved.

It seems that in this world, there are really capable people. Without this Master Yuan, it is estimated that the medicine king sent all the people and the two monsters, it may be hard to find the formation hidden in the six stone pillars.

However, even though everyone was relieved, the grey-clothed Master Yuan still looked solemn.

"Unexpectedly, the entrance of this Qiyun Cave Mansion turned out to be a fifth-level formation."

Five-level formation!

All people, upon hearing this, suddenly became sensational.

The fifth-level formation, what concept is that, the fifth-level formation, generally only the fifth-level formation mage can be deployed.

And most of the common array mages in the world are first-order and second-order. Third-order array mages like Master Yuan are already well-known and well-known, and they are the targets of major forces.

And Tier 4 Array Mage is already an Array Master, and only some major sects can be invited.

And the fifth-order array mage, that is high above, extremely rare, ordinary martial artists, there is no way to reach this level of array mage.

And the defensive formation of this Qiyun Cave Mansion turned out to be a fifth-level formation, which is really amazing.

"No wonder, Lao Tzu has been working on it for half a year, but there is no way these six ghosts turned out to be a five-level formation."

The heavy voice of the three-eyed blood cow sounded.

"If the defense of this hole is really a five-level formation, doesn't it mean that Master Yuan, even you can't break it?"

The elder of the Medicine King School had disappointment in his tone.

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the people woke up, yes, this Master Yuan is the third-order array mage, and with his ability, he can't break the fifth-level array.

Those two monsters, also with scarlet eyes, staring at Master Yuan. They are here, and they have been busy for half a year. Finally, they have waited for a formation mage. If they still can’t understand them, these two monsters. But I really want to run away.

"Although it is a bit difficult, as long as you cooperate with me, you should be able to crack it."

Then, Master Yuan had been observing the fluctuations in the formation that had just been revealed, and he answered the questions of the elder.

Everyone was relieved when they heard it. Although I don't know where Master Yuan's confidence came from, his expression didn't look like a big talk.

"Hehe, it seems that Master Yuan is really hidden, and he can crack the fifth-level formation."

A third-tier formation master, who can crack a fifth-level formation, is indeed impressive.

"Grand Elder, I'm overwhelmed. In fact, although this is a five-level formation, the people who set up this formation seem to have little understanding of the formation.

According to my guess, the person who arranged the formation may have obtained the formation of this five-level formation from where he drew a gourd and searched for it. However, due to his lack of knowledge of the formation, there were several mistakes. Up.

Therefore, a good five-level formation can only wield the power of a three-level formation at most, so I can barely crack it. "

Everyone suddenly felt like this.

"It seems that this Great Sage Qiyun, although he has an extraordinary cultivation base, he doesn't know anything about formations.

Otherwise, even his own cave mansion's defense formation for entering the cave was arranged wrong? "

"Then how do we crack this formation, Master Yuan."

Deacon Meng of the Medicine King faction asked that he was the most anxious person. Seeing that Master Yuan had been talking for a long time, he had not mentioned the method of cracking, so he asked.

"Well, I have to wait for me to work out a perfect cracking method first. Please wait a moment. I estimate that in one day, I can come up with a more effective method to break the formation."

Everyone heard this, although they were anxious, but also helpless, had to wait aside.

Master Yuan was turning around the six stone pillars for a while, and for a while he stretched his fingers to draw on the slate floor, seeming to be calculating something.

The two monsters were far away from the people sent by the King of Medicine and closed their eyes to rest their minds. The two elders and Deacon Meng sent by the King of Medicine also sat down cross-legged and embraced the gods.

The other disciples of the Yaowang Sect were separated on the stone square, talking in twos and threes.

In order to avoid being seen through, I found a place with few people, sat down, closed my eyes and rested my mind.

Fortunately, the medicine king sect disciple played by Lin Fei, because of his lack of alchemy and low vitality cultivation, was simply ignored in the sect, and there was no one close to him.

Therefore, even though other disciples of the Medicine King faction saw that Lin Fei was closing his eyes and pretending to be like the few Profound Realm masters, no one came to ask him.

About a day later, everyone in the square heard Master Yuan’s surprise cry.

"Okay. I have figured out how to crack it."

Suddenly, the three members of the Yaowang faction, and the two monsters, all moved and came to Master Yuan's side like lightning.

"Master Yuan, you have come up with a solution."

In the question of the great elder, there was a surprise that could not be concealed.

"That's right. These six stone pillars are exactly the six gates of the formation. We will attack the six gates at the same time. In half a day, it should be fine.

Also, this formation has different powers at different times. Mid-hour and noon are the time when the world’s yin and yang are handed over, and these two hours are the weakest time of the formation’s defense power, so we Choose to start at midday or midday. It should be possible to crack this formation. "

In Master Yuan’s tone, there is a sense of confidence that he is a third-tier formation mage. If he can crack this fifth-level formation this time, and study it carefully, it will definitely help his formation.

"Huh, disappointed, you are really the so-called third-order array mage. In other words, although you are a third-order array mage, you don't know how to crack this fifth-level array at all.

Just by attacking these six stone pillars, can you crack the hole defense?

In the past six months, Brother Niu and I have repeatedly attacked these six stone pillars throughout the day. What do you mean by midday and noon? I have also attacked these two hours, but they have no effect. .

You are still talking here and talking about it, how you humans are all of this virtue. "

The Purple Flame Lion King suddenly became angry. The scarlet beast pupils stared at Master Yuan, and his eyes clearly showed disappointment.

"Hehe, the Lion King is serious, it's better to listen to me first, and then draw conclusions."

Master Yuan said confidently.

The Purple Flame Lion King snorted and stopped talking, but watched quietly what Master Yuan could say.

"These six stone pillars are connected to each other and complement each other. To break this five-level formation, there must be six people with strong vitality cultivation, and attack these six stone pillars at the same time, and the defensive power of the six stone pillars must be at the same time. weaken.

And when attacking, you must attack from six different angles.

If you attack one or a few stone pillars alone, it won't work at all.

Moreover, it is very easy to touch the counterattack power of this formation. "

Master Yuan explained.

"So, it's no wonder that when I attacked these six stone pillars several times, I was hit by a counter-shock force.

The master of human formations, it was me who said that just now. "

Seeing that Master Yuan was rightly speaking, the Purple Flame Lion King saw the possibility of breaking the formation and actually apologized.

"The Lion King's words are heavy, there is still half an hour, it is noon, I will now talk about the cracking method for everyone in detail."

Therefore, Master Yuan made specific arrangements for the cracking work.

The two elders of the Medicine King Sect, Deacon Meng, and two monsters, each of the five powerful experts in the profound realm were responsible for attacking a stone pillar. All the remaining disciples of the Medicine King Sect attacked the last one. Stone pillars.

After half an hour, noon finally arrived.

According to Master Yuan's pre-arrangement, everyone in the field started to attack at the same time, attacking the six stone pillars.

Suddenly, on the slate square, the sound of rumbling, deafening, hit the sky.

That one's vitality fluctuations continue to spread, magnificent.

The great elder of the Medicine King Sect, the scimitar in front of him, wind blades swept out from it, forming a hurricane, hitting the stone pillar in front of him.

And the pink flame held in Elder Guan’s hand turned into seven continuously rotating fire lotus flowers, attacking one of the stone pillars.

Deacon Meng controlled a huge medicine cauldron floating in the air, violently hitting the stone pillars in front of him one after another.

The purple flame lion king shot out purple water **** and violently hit a stone pillar.

A pair of huge illusory blood-colored horns appeared in front of the three-eyed blood bull. The blood-colored horns seemed to contain the artistic conception of the blood sea corpse mountain, and they continued to blast towards one of the stone pillars.

The moves of these five Profound Realm masters made the martial artists in the Qi Condensing Realm and Divine Realm amazed.

Lin Fei also mixed with the disciples of the Medicine King Sect and attacked a stone pillar together. Of course, Lin Fei only used the sixth or seventh level of Qi Condensation, so as not to expose himself.

And these six stone pillars, as they were constantly attacked, began to make a low rumbling sound, and the entire slate square was shaking constantly, as if a small earthquake had occurred.

About half a day later, the six huge stone pillars began to sway, and the rumbling sound they made became louder. Even people who didn't understand the formation knew that this formation seemed to be about to be broken.

Encouraged, the attacks of everyone in the field made it even more affordable.

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