Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 200: Three points of sword intent!

In a splendid house in Changping Town, Huayang Deacon Su Zhongnian is meditating in the room. . .

Su Zhongnian's vitality cultivation is about the middle level of the vitality realm, and it is the peak state of the middle level. In the recent period, Su Zhongnian has felt the opportunity to break through to the advanced realm many times.

Originally, Su Zhongnian had planned to break through to the advanced level without being able to retreat during this period of time.

However, at Su Mubai's request, Su Zhongnian promised to remove Lin Fei secretly for Su Mubai and avenge Su Mubai's revenge, and then practice in retreat.

Su Mubai appeared to be Su Zhongnian's nephew, but in fact, he was born of adultery between Su Zhongnian and his sister-in-law. Su Zhongnian regarded it as the flesh of his heart.

After receiving Su Mubai’s notice, Lin Fei left the Huayang faction and went to Changping Town. Su Zhongnian rushed to Changping Town. Who knows, came to Changping Town. All I saw was Su Mubai. The corpse that has decomposed.

Su Zhongnian knew that Lin Fei must be the one who killed Su Mubai, and the hatred in his heart for Lin Fei really poured water from all corners of the world, and it was indelible.

During this period of time, a group of trusted disciples that he had cultivated secretly in the Huayang School had all brought to Changping Town, vowing to destroy Lin Fei's body.

However, for several days, Lin Fei was like steaming in the world, without a trace in Changping Town.

Therefore, at this time, although Su Zhongnian was meditating in the room, he actually had a heart, but he never calmed down for a moment, his thoughts were chaotic, and his mind was full of Su Mubai's death and Lin Fei's whereabouts.

After meditating for a while, a disciple's knock on the door and an anxious cry suddenly sounded outside the door.

Listening to the anxious knock on the door, Su Zhongnian's heart moved, could it be that there was news about Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"Come in."

A disciple walked in.

"Deacon Su, Brother He seems to have traced Lin Fei."

"What! Have you really found the trace of Lin Fei's little thief? Good, great! Mu Bai, don't worry, I can help you avenge your grievances.

Lin Fei, you little thief, this time, I must first maimed you, and then, on you, exhaust the most tragic and cruel punishment in the world.

Let you regret it completely, for killing my Mu Bai! "

Su Zhongnian's eyes burst out fiercely.

"Quickly, summon all the people and dispatch them all to find out the whereabouts of the little thief. This time, Duan Duan can't let him run away."


To the north of Changping Town, after Lin Fei left Changping Town, he crossed hills, around the jungle, and then waded across a river. Three hours later, he came to a large dense jungle, a secluded and inaccessible clearing.

In the woods, miscellaneous trees and flowers, patches of wild flowers and weeds, glowing like green and dripping, beautiful, delicate and fragrant, purifying this environment into a poetic and picturesque situation.

The environment here is good. The most important thing is that it is very quiet and no one is disturbed. It is just suitable for the second level of my cultivation.

Lin Fei was unwilling to appreciate the scenery, and immediately set about preparing for cultivation.

First around the woods, looking for water sources everywhere.

It just so happened that not far from the woods, there was a clear stream.

Lin Fei took out the big iron bucket bought in Changping Town. This big iron bucket is about 2 meters high and hugged by three adults. It is impossible for ordinary people who have not practiced to carry it. , But Lin Fei's arms have a thousand catties of supernatural power, and he is also a high-level cultivation base. Carrying this, it is as light as a feather.

Hit a bucket of water and carried it back into the clearing of the woods.

After preparing the water, Lin Fei took the elixir and elixir that he had spent one million yuan on from the space ring and threw them into the big iron bucket full of water one by one.

Pour the 20 jin of Dali King tree sap into the big iron bucket. The sap of the Dali King tree is a medicine. As soon as it is poured in, the whole bucket of elixir, Ling Pill, immediately reacted. Drops of water sprinkled in the oil pan, and immediately sneered and made a sound, and green smoke appeared.

After a full reaction, the water in the big iron bucket turned red, bubbling with blisters, and the temperature was a bit scarier than the oil pan.

Lin Fei did not hesitate anymore, took out a part of the pill, and ate it hungrily. These pill were also part of the pill purchased by the one million yuan spar. Most of them were used for soaking. A small part of it is taken.

After eating those pills, I looked at the liquid medicine in the big iron bucket. It had turned dark red, and it was rolling constantly, braving a lot of bubbles, one by one, red bubbles, above the big iron bucket, constantly It exploded bang bang bang.

There were bursts of strange and strong medicinal scent, permeating the entire forest clearing, smelling like mellow wine.

it's time!

During the practice, Lin Fei had already explained the second level of the Naha King Calming Body Jue, and reviewed it several times.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Lin Fei knew that he could jump in and soak.

So he took off his clothes and jumped directly into the big iron bucket.

In an instant, the hot juice completely enveloped Lin Fei, with a trace of heat, like a sharp knife, piercing every cell of Lin Fei's pores, strangling it, as if to put Lin Feiling to death!

The training process of this Overlord Body Forging Jue is simply the same as suicide and self-harm. It requires great perseverance and great endurance to pain. Only those who are strong-willed, are not afraid of hardship, and can endure great pain and suffering. , It is possible to persist in the soaking process.

Cultivating the second level of Overlord Forging Body Art, not only has the value of the elixir and elixir needed, it is much more expensive than the first level. When practicing, the pain is doubled!

At this moment, in the big iron bucket, Lin Fei's hands and feet made the weird posture of practicing the second level of the Overlord Forging Body Art. His whole body was miserable and painful.

Such as falling into a pan, stepping on a mountain of swords, falling into the sea of ​​fire, suffering various ravages, and suffering various kinds of damage to the soul...

pain! pain! pain!

bitter! bitter! bitter!

Lin Fei is like the most painful punishment in the world!

However, Lin Fei's body is also being remodeled by the liquid medicine in the big iron bucket. The pores, cells, flesh and blood, muscles and bones, meridians, every foot, every inch, are constantly torn, reorganized, and torn again. Split, reorganize, and become stronger and stronger. This is undoubtedly breaking the cocoon and transforming the butterfly, and the phoenix nirvana.

Now, it depends on Lin Fei's willpower and endurance. If he can survive it, he will turn into a butterfly and become a phoenix. If he can't stand it, he will only lose his life.

At this time, in the big iron bucket, as the concoction was steamed, a trace of medicinal power was incorporated into Lin Fei's internal organs, limbs and veins... Constantly tempered and strengthened Lin Fei's physical body.

It's uncomfortable, it's so uncomfortable! If this goes on, I will definitely die alive!

Lin Fei yelled frantically, and almost wanted to jump out of the big iron bucket.

For a moment, Lin Fei almost couldn't resist it!

He screamed hysterically, hoarse, like the suffering of reincarnation, the disaster of Abi hell!

This cry made the nearby birds and beasts frightened and avoided far away.

This is really not a pain that normal people can endure!

"Ah! I can't hold it! Pain! Pain! Hundreds of thousands of sharp knives are cutting my body, viscera, meridians, and soul! Pain!"

Lin Fei's soul wailed and wailed.

At the same time, another voice said loudly. "What kind of pain is this pain? I can't bear this pain. Why talk about martial arts pursuit?

A martial artist, through cultivation, gains great abilities and great abilities, which in itself is an act of going against the sky and changing one's fate.

Only by suffering from hardship can we be a master, with a little bit of pain and setbacks, a little bit of suffering, and can't stand it. In the future, how to pursue and explore in the martial arts. Pursuing the ultimate in martial arts? "

So, I must hold back! Forbearance!


Lin Fei was about to collapse, his facial expressions were distorted in horror, and his sweat spattered like a fountain!

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly felt that in this extreme pain, the soul and spirit were extremely sensitive and sober, and the thinking level was unexpectedly less than ten times faster than usual.

And in Lin Fei’s soul, two sharp sword intents suddenly appeared, and the phantom of the sword fairy practicing the ever-changing magic cloud covering the fog around the sword suddenly appeared. The two sword intents followed the ever-changing sword. The swordsmanship of his moves, hesitating and wandering, the sword intent is vertical and horizontal, cutting the void!

It turns out that the mind of a warrior is a very fantasy state, it is the soul of the warrior. The understanding of martial arts, the understanding of the general situation of the world, the understanding that arises, and the understanding of the general laws of the world belong to the deep level of the soul. The two-point sword intent that Lin Fei had realized was usually stung in the soul.

At this moment, Lin Fei's soul was tortured with extreme pain, and the two-point sword intent that had been stinging deep in the soul was also implicated and sprayed out. Under Lin Fei's unintentional urging, it turned out to be self-conscious. Since it was practiced in Lin Fei's soul.

Moreover, because at this time, Lin Fei’s soul spirit was at the most sensitive and clearest movement speed, the perception of this sword intent suddenly became clear. There were many in the sword before. Suddenly, the questions and hurdles were cleared up, and it suddenly became clear.

Well, that was the case, Lin Fei's mind was quickly attracted by the two sword intents in the depths of his soul.

Lin Fei was devoted to the sword for an instant, his mind seemed to merge with the two sword intents, his heart followed the sword, and the pain and torture that his body had suffered was thrown away!

The hoarse cry of pain stopped abruptly!

The two-pointed sword intent in the depths of Lin Fei's soul seemed to completely cut off, shredded, and turned Lin Fei's pain into nothingness.

The big iron bucket of Chinese herbal medicine was dense and dense, with a trace of it melted into Lin Fei's body.

And Lin Fei in the iron barrel is passionate about swordsmanship, the two swords in his soul, with the sword power of the ever-changing fantasy sword, swallows forwards and backwards, and completely blends into a clear sword artistic conception, two swords The more condensed, the sharper, the more refined.

Moreover, in a very clear sword mood, Lin Fei suddenly realized that the two sword intents in his soul seemed to have begun to undergo some changes, and he wanted to make some breakthroughs.

Finally, there was a clear, soft sound.

The two sword intents fused together suddenly, and then Ju Ran separated, and three sword intents side by side appeared in the soul!

In this great pain, in Lin Fei's soul, the third sword intent was born.

Lin Fei's kendo cultivation has taken a step further, and he has realized three-point sword intent!

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