Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2016: Stage

The 2016th chapter on stage

"I will challenge you!"

While talking, a young man rushed up and came to the ring.

This young man was holding a pair of halberds, strong and strong. When the double halberds danced, the vitality was like the Yangtze River, whizzing and rushing, shaking the whole ring, and the momentum was amazing.

The young man in the green robe glowed, and the two-color flames blazed and turned into two huge flames, fighting the young man.

In the end, the green-robed youth won again, attracting people's attention.

In this way, the green-robed youth actually won 29 games in a row, really stunned a group of people, this guy is so powerful, arousing heated discussion.

"Haha..., as I said, we will win a hundred games in a row.

Hurry up, all of you, don't linger, waste my time. "

The Lupao Youth Philosopher was proud and laughed in the ring.

"You have no chance!"

A young man in a white robe, who was cold all over, exuding bursts of overwhelming icy air, jumped up.

In the space where the white-robed youth passed, pieces of floating ice continued to condense.

In a moment, in the space of his body, there were white ice cubes floating in huge numbers, tens of thousands, clinking against each other, it was very spectacular.

The young man in the green robe started to look serious this time.

Because, from the perspective of the five elements generating gram, water is inherently capable of restraining fire.

The tactics cultivated by this white-robed youth were obviously water-based tactics.

Sure enough, in this battle, the green-robed youth was defeated, and he was almost killed and hurriedly jumped off the ring, ending his winning streak.

Next, the game continued.

Because everyone has to win a hundred games in a row before they can rest.

If you voluntarily withdraw from the ring without fail, you will lose the qualification to continue.

Therefore, there is no young man willing to withdraw from the ring by himself.

This time, the 3,000 young people who participated in the competition were all candidates for Taoist protectors, and each of them was a real genius in the fairy tomb world.

Because all the candidates for the protector are decided by the real old Taoist personally.

With the strength of the real old way of cultivation, and his vision, which one is a genius and which is not a genius, he can naturally see at a glance.

And these 3,000 young people who participated in the competition were all selected through the eyes of the real old way.

Naturally, one by one, they are all true, talented young geniuses.

There are absolutely no fakes.

Therefore, the competition was very intense.

Various geniuses continue to take the stage and fight fiercely.

And so far, the highest record in the ring is 80 consecutive victories!

However, after winning 80 games in a row, the young man seemed exhausted. In the 81st game, he was defeated by the opponent.

The game continues.

Soon after, the record was refreshed and someone won 90 games in a row!

Suddenly, the audience was in an uproar.

Although, the last 90-game winning streak young man was defeated in the 91st game.

However, he was already amazing enough to arouse everyone's admiration.

Everyone knows that if it weren't for his 90 consecutive fights, his vitality was almost exhausted, and with his combat power, it is estimated that he would continue to win.

Soon after.

The record was refreshed again.

This time, there was a young man who won 95 consecutive games!

The audience was in an uproar again and became a sensation.

The really old way also smiled slightly, seeming to appreciate it very much.


I will also play. "

Lin Fei finally decided that he was going to play.

"Go ahead.

Do your best.

However, with your strength, you can definitely get good results. "

Ximendao nodded and said.

At this time, in the ring, the winner has just been decided.

A fat young man once again defeated his opponent on stage. He has won 30 consecutive games.

His performance has already aroused everyone's attention.

Because, as everyone can see, he is not only strong in combat power, but also, in the previous battles, the wastage did not seem to be great, and he still had plenty of energy left.

call out!

At this moment, a figure appeared on the ring, facing the fat young man.

It is Lin Fei.

"It's Lin Fei!"

Suddenly, many people in the court screamed.

Especially those great powers who transformed the fairyland had already known Lin Fei a long time ago after experiencing the invasion of the Demon Hand of the Extraterritorial Lord.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Fei appeared in the ring, many people recognized it.

"Huh, kid, your fate must be death!"

In the auditorium, at a certain location, the third ancestor of the Wang family stared at Lin Fei, gritted his teeth.

He is a great power in the fairyland, but he has been deflated in Lin Fei's hands many times, and even injured twice.

He naturally hated Lin Fei.

"It turns out that you are Lin Fei.

I have heard of you. "

On the ring, the fat young man looked at Lin Fei sideways, with a disapproving smile at the corner of his mouth.


Lin Fei was slightly stunned.

"At the beginning, you were taken away by the giant hands of the evil demon outside the territory and became a prisoner of the evil demon outside the territory.

Later, you unexpectedly returned to Xianling Realm again.

Hmph, Lin Fei, you have surrendered to the evil demon outside the territory and become a spy, haven't you?

Tell me honestly! "

The tone of the fat young man suddenly became fierce, staring at Lin Fei.

"What are you, what right do you have to ask me like this."

Lin Fei also said with a cold look.

"Hmph, Lin Fei, don't quibble anymore.

Well, I will beat you down first, and then interrogate you!

Today, I must find you spy for the Xianling Realm and make it public! "

As he spoke, the fighting spirit and spirit of the obese young man continued to rise.

"Hehe, you talk a lot, but all are nonsense.

Have you heard of my prestige and think the chances of winning are not big, so I want to disturb my mind first.

Take the opportunity to beat me again.

is it. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile, thinking of this.

Because, this guy didn't start the fight directly, but instead was nagging. He kept talking, obviously just trying to disturb his mind.


The fat young man was furious and finally shot.


Countless dazzling lights burst out, bursts of powerful energy churning.

The obese young man sacrificed a secret treasure, which was an astonishing dragon scissors, surrounded by a tsunami of terrible energy.


Countless energies are evaporating, and amidst this billowing mist, bursts of the howls of beasts and giant birds from ancient times!


A section of the giant claws of the dragon, poking out directly from the clouds!

This huge claw seems to be tearing apart space! Blast everything!

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious dragon head came out!

Aow roar! The ancient coercion is overwhelming!

Lin Fei was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, there was a ray of the remnant soul of the ancient dragon in that dragon clip.

It can be said that just the strands of the remnant soul of the dragon, let the grade of this magic weapon be equivalent to an extremely immortal soldier.

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