Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 2052: Attack on Juntian Realm

"Be careful, they want to summon the mainland origin within you!"

At this time, the voice of the Dark Nightmare King sounded in Wang Feng's sea of ​​knowledge.

Surprised, Wang Feng also immediately sensed that outside of Juntian Realm, there were so many guardians who were communicating with the origin of the continent he refined.

He was originally a very smart person, and all of a sudden, he probably guessed what happened.

"Don't think about it!

Come back to me! "

Wang Feng shouted sharply.

The group of mainland origin above his head, after listening to his orders, although reluctant, it still landed slowly, wanting to return to his body.

Outside of Juntian Realm, Lin Fei's divine sense clearly perceives the origin of Wang Feng's refining.

"Extraterritorial demons are the enemies of our Xianling Continent!

The origin of the Xianling Continent cannot be accompanied by the aura of the Demon Dao. I order you to immediately resist the Demon Array! "

Lin Fei sent orders to Wang Feng's mainland origin.

At the same time, the other 33 guardians also issued such orders at the same time.

Immediately outside of Juntian Boundary, the 34 Continent Origins, emitting overwhelming gray light, rolled in this heaven and penetrated into Juntian Boundary.

These gray rays are the original aura of the pure Xianling Continent.

The Najun Heaven Realm originally belonged to a part of the Xianling Continent, so naturally it would not resist these original auras.

Soon, a large number of gray awns penetrated into the Juntian Realm Continent, echoing Wang Feng's mainland origin.

Wang Feng's refining group of origins is like meeting brothers and sisters, and it has a strong sense of yearning, and he can't wait to rush out of the Juntian realm and reunite with those mainland origins.

"I am your master now.

You have to take orders from me!

Back in my body! "

Wang Feng shouted, almost all of his divine consciousness was released, wrapping the group of mainland origin, and forcibly ordered it.

"Hmph, wishful thinking!"

The Dark Nightmare King snorted coldly and waved his hand. A black and flaming scimitar appeared in his hand, slashing towards the world.

The pitch-black scimitar magnified infinitely, and immediately divided the whole world into two.

The original aura of the mainland that had penetrated into Juntian Realm was also cut into nothingness by this scimitar and disappeared.

Suddenly, outside Juntian Realm, all guardians including Lin Fei immediately felt that they had lost contact with the mainland origin that Wang Feng had refined.

"We also do it, attack the magic array!"

Really old shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, he stretched out his right hand, and the rich celestial light rose into the sky, patted the magic array ahead.

His hand was too huge, surrounded by arrays of extremely clever laws of immortality, almost crowded the heaven outside Juntian.


The really old fairy hand slapped on the magic array, generating violent impact energy, and rolled out hundreds of thousands of meters away in the star field, and a large number of stars were destroyed.


That day, Zen Zi stretched out a string of black lacquered Buddhist beads, and looked into the sky to toss them. Each of the beads turned into a huge black star, deadly, and blackened the entire universe.

Hundreds of black stars collided on the magic array in front of them at the same time.

Lin Fei discovered that Tian Chanzi's strength was only strong but not weak compared to the real old way!

At the same time, all the other magical abilities of the fairyland also shot at the same time, each displaying their most powerful stunts and attacking the magic array in front.

Although the power of these transforming fairyland powers is worse than that of the real old Tao and Tian Chanzi, the total number adds up to almost six or seven hundred transforming fairyland. At the same time, the power generated by attacking together is very terrible.

Let this heaven boil violently.

Under the full attack of everyone, immediately, the magic array covering the entire Juntian realm began to tremble constantly.

The devilish energy soared to the sky, and the endless demons phantom rushed out from the devil formation, issuing bursts of terrible roars, resisting the attacks of everyone.

"True old fellow, you can't break my magic circle!"

The Dark Nightmare King roared, and he personally presided over the magic formation and counterattacked.

Under his control, a thick black glow of demon energy shot out from the demon array and bombarded everyone.

"Let's contact Juntian Realm's mainland origin again!"

Lin Fei shouted to the other defenders.

Suddenly, groups of mainland origins sent out a message again, communicating within Juntian realm.

Almost instantly, Lin Fei felt Wang Feng's mainland origin again.

"I order you, immediately reject the devil formation, and no longer be company with the devil's breath!"

Lin Fei sent the past command.

At the same time, the mainland origin above Lin Fei's head has skyrocketed in size, its gray glow is flaming, and its momentum is very strong.

"Don't be company with Demon Dao breath anymore!"

The other protectors also sent messages from the past one after another, summoning the origin of Wang Feng in Juntian Realm.

Suddenly, under this strong call, Wang Feng's origin began to shake.

Moreover, deep in its subconscious, it is very repellent to the aura of the magic way.

Before, it was simply because Wang Feng, the new owner, forcibly ordered it to accept the magic array, so that the magic array merged with the world of Juntian Realm.

Now, under the call of so many mainland origins, especially the order of Lin Fei's group of origins, its subconscious thoughts of repelling the aura of the magic way began to gradually gain the upper hand.

As a result, the entire universe of Juntian Realm began to change.

Heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, vegetation, insects and fish, all existence, including living and inanimate ones, began to produce a strong sense of rejection against the magic array.

Then, the world changed color, the wind danced, lightning flashed and thunder began to roar completely.

Under Jun Tianjie's strong rejection, the magic array began to become vain.

Because, it was originally arranged based on the heaven and earth of the Universe Realm.

"The magic array is getting weaker!"

Outside of Juntian Realm, all people felt this, and couldn't help being overjoyed.


Order this world immediately, not to reject the magic array! "

The Dark Nightmare King was shocked and angry, and roared at Wang Feng.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the pitch-black magic knife cut down again, cutting off the connection between Lin Fei and other guardians and Wang Feng's mainland origin.

"I am your master!

You must listen to my orders, and be your company with the demon way, and you must not reject it! "

Wang Feng was shocked and roared.

"Stop with this traitor for the Lord, leave him alone!"

After a while, Lin Fei made contact with Wang Feng's mainland origin within Juntian Realm again, and shouted sharply.

Because Juntian Realm was originally a part of Xianling Continent, and the origin of the continent was originally separated from the origin of Lin Fei.

It is impossible to really cut off this connection.

For a while, the group of mainland origins that Wang Feng refined was a little stunned.

Lin Fei and the other protectors desperately communicated, sending out a message, summoning Wang Feng's mainland origin.

And Wang Feng also desperately used his mind to control his origin.

The current situation is, whoever can finally control Wang Feng's mainland origin is the final winner.

This situation was finally broken after about a stick of incense.

The final result was that outside Juntian Realm, Lin Fei and other 34 guardians' orders prevailed.

Wang Feng's mainland origin, with a squeak, went through the void, and suddenly rushed out of the Juntian realm.

Then, it rushed into the top of Lin Fei's head, into that group of mainland origin.

Just merge in and become one.

In an instant, Lin Fei felt that he had become the master of the continent of Juntian Realm.

But Wang Feng was completely dumbfounded.

"Impossible, **** source, I am your master, come back to me!"

Wang Feng let out a roar of hissing heart and lungs.

"Damn magic circle, get out of here!"

Lin Fei roared, as the master of the mainland, issued an order to the world of Juntian Realm.

Suddenly, the entire Juntian Realm began to roar.

The energy between the heaven and the earth began to manifest, and rumblingly bombarded the magic formation to drive the magic formation out of Juntian realm.

"Break this magic circle!"

Zhen Cang Lao Dao, Tian Chan Zi and the others were overjoyed and attacked with all their strength.


Under the combined attack of internal and external forces, the magic array covering the entire Universe Realm finally exploded and turned into black spots in the sky, and then disappeared.

"Black Nightmare King, your death date is here!"

The real old way rushed to the Black Nightmare King in the first time.

"Hmph, the evil demon clown from outside the territory, Lord Buddha will use you today!"

At this time, Tian Chanzi was also murderous and teleported to the Black Nightmare King.

"Two seniors, hand it over to me after suppressing this evil demon!"

Lin Fei quickly shouted.

This Black Nightmare King can definitely greatly increase the strength of the demon body splitting the body and the Ten Thousand Demon Heaven-Player Evil Needle.

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